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Carrying a sword?

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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Originally Posted by wimwag

If you duct tape it to your hand, you don't need to draw. If you drive naked and duct tape a sword to your hand, nobody will try to carjack you. Ever.
Ha. Probably wont even need the sword!
Need bleach for eyes.


Regular Member
Jul 28, 2008
Susanville, California, USA
I hate to break it to you, but the way Iowa has its weapons law written, open or concealed carry of any weapon of any kind inside city limits anywhere in the state is illegal. You are committing an aggravated misdemeanor at all times while carrying a weapon, regardless if you have a permit or not. LEOs can literally do anything they want to you until you prove to them that you have a permit, which is an affirmative defense. It means that while you are still legally breaking the law, they cannot charge you with a crime. Carrying weapons in Iowa is kinda at your own risk. Its literally guilty until proven innocent. Its blatantly unconstitutional, but has not been challenged in court as of yet.

Yes not only that, but these " laws" are really antichrist laws, which means we have also lost ,or are losing
our first Amendment rights to.
The Lord Jesus Christ told us to arm up.
in Luck 22:36 so it is a God given duty to be armed.
However all these laws being passed over the years to disarm Americans it truely evil.
Congress can't pass laws,against your Religious rights to exercise what you believe.
Yet they are doing that very thing.
Sad to see America fall, like so many other countries.
We must fight for all our rights.


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2008
Iowa, USA
Yes not only that, but these " laws" are really antichrist laws, which means we have also lost ,or are losing
our first Amendment rights to.
The Lord Jesus Christ told us to arm up.
in Luck 22:36 so it is a God given duty to be armed.
However all these laws being passed over the years to disarm Americans it truely evil.
Congress can't pass laws,against your Religious rights to exercise what you believe.
Yet they are doing that very thing.
Sad to see America fall, like so many other countries.
We must fight for all our rights.
Interesting. While I am not a religious person, I would love to see that point argued in court.


Regular Member
Mar 26, 2008
Linn County, Iowa
Interesting. While I am not a religious person, I would love to see that point argued in court.
Ya, there are several verses that refer to carrying weapons, and there are several that refer to turning the other cheek, etc. Unfortunately we don't really know exactly what they mean. So much historical and cultural context doesn't get explained in a few lines of text (or has been completely lost). But it would be an interesting case.

He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. It is written: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors’; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment.”
The disciples said, “See, Lord, here are two swords.”
“That is enough,” he replied.
Luke 22:36-38

Why did Jesus tell them to buy a sword? And what should we make of His reply, "That is enough" when they produce two swords? Did He mean, "that is enough talk" or "those are enough swords"?

papa bear

Regular Member
Jul 25, 2010
mayberry, nc
at first i didn't care about this subject

but then i got to thinking, doesn't the 2nd A, include swords? doesn't it say "Arms"? I would think that would cover swords


Jul 11, 2008
Yuma, Arizona, USA
It is clear that the second amendment covers swords

at first i didn't care about this subject

but then i got to thinking, doesn't the 2nd A, include swords? doesn't it say "Arms"? I would think that would cover swords

Clearly the second amendment covers swords. They were in common use at the time of ratification, and were even directly mentioned in the debate up to ratification.

The first step is to have carry outside the home declared to be protected by the second amendment. We have split circuits on this now. Once you have that step, then pushing the different kinds of weapons that you can carry becomes worthwhile. When Peruta is finalized in California, it would be a good place to push it.

You can carry knives there now, openly and legally, but if you carry them for self defense, they are considered illegal...

If Peruta establishes that carry outside the home is constitutional, then carry of a sword as a self defense implement would almost certainly be constitutional - they are directly mentioned in the ratification debates. Hard for the state to say that it is legal to carry a machete, as a tool, openly, but you cannot carry a self defense weapon, like a sword, openly.
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Regular Member
Jan 19, 2015
Kind of off topic, but I did live in iowa once, and considering the burden of proof is on the state/court/plaintiff to prove guilt, including FINANCIAL burden ( I believe this is somewhere in the constitution/bill of rights or a court case involving them) how is charging court costs when you've proven your innocence constitutional?

I have NEVER understood that, and have even considered countersuing for extortion.
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Regular Member
Jul 28, 2008
Susanville, California, USA
I just got of the phone with the Le Mars sheriffs department and they said that any blade that exceeds the length of 5in is classified as a "dangerous weapon" in Iowa. As long as you have a Weapons carry permit you can carry a sword on your person or in your vehicle. You can also carry a sword in side city limits unless there is an ordinance that says otherwise.

Jesus Christ said to carry a sword, so you can Luke 22:36.
1 ST-A "Congress shell make NO LAW against the free exersize of religion".
Bill of Rights !


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
Jesus Christ said to carry a sword, so you can Luke 22:36.
1 ST-A "Congress shell make NO LAW against the free exersize of religion".
Bill of Rights !

Last post was over a year ago, the thread was dead. Why are you now posting a rebuttal? What the hell does religion have to do with carrying a sword?
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
well robin47, your timeliness is extraordinary, as the thread started in 14 and the last active post was 18 months ago.

further, the OP, not a victim, resolved their own information blockage way way back in post 10

and who cares as you are enjoying the ride in the nice LE's vehicle, ranting about what a deity says...



May 1, 2016
Grapeshot, how did you know a Yorkie is the King of Dogs and rules from my living room?

Nightmare, if I cover you completely in cussing and swearing at you, would you drown yourself?



Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
The 1st amendment said's "Freedom to exercise your religion.
Jesus said if you don't have a sword sell your coat and buy one.
That's a Christian duty to be armed, your "Permission" is directly for Jesus Christ
in the Bible in Luke 22:36
So being that Officers are being paid to support and defend the Constitution they swore and oath to upholdS
and are being paid by your tax dollars, they would be committing a fraud and that's a felony to
take your tax money, under false pretenses, might point that out to these numb sculls !
Also the swore was the best weapon at that time today its the handgun !

robin47 not sure what game you believe you are playing but you posted the exact same post in #48 on 11/19/14 and a similar one in # 54 in 9/23/16 and called out by WW for the act.

now you are reposting the same crap today...

MODERATOR...might consider closing this silly 3 year olde thread since some feel the need to repost their same BS.
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Active member
Aug 4, 2007
Cumming, Georgia, USA
03-25-2015, 05:46 PM Ezek
09-23-2016, 11:03 AM Robin47
1 year, 5 months, 28 days

10-04-2016, 12:02 AM davidmcbeth
09-03-2017, 07:42 PM Robin47
11 months, 19 days

Dang... I've heard of slow internet before but that's just ridiculous!!
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