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CC Question for OCer's


Regular Member
Apr 1, 2007
Monroe, North Carolina, USA
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I know this can be a very touchy subject, but I need to know if occasional CC is done without a permit. I know what the law says. I also know that I concur with the opinion I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. I wouldn't CC unless absolutely neccessary and am not planning on it anytime soon, though who knows the future, eh. I guess I'm looking for opinions here as I already know the legal ramifications if caught.


State Researcher
Oct 20, 2006
Ocean Shores, WA
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I know this can be a very touchy subject, but I need to know if occasional CC is done without a permit. I know what the law says. I also know that I concur with the opinion I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. I wouldn't CC unless absolutely neccessary and am not planning on it anytime soon, though who knows the future, eh. I guess I'm looking for opinions here as I already know the legal ramifications if caught.

I'm sure it is. Would I do it? No.

Absolutely necessary? Having a gun with youI can understand. Needing to have a concealedweapon with you while off of your property? Please explain.


Dutch Uncle

Campaign Veteran
May 11, 2006
Virginia, USA
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There have been cases of people who CC'd without a permit because they believed they were in immediate danger. After a self-defense situation, the police can charge you with carrying without a permit, but that can often be dealt with using an "affirmative defense" ("If I hadn't broken the law. I'd be dead or severely wounded" basically). Check this out online. I know in years past, this was used in Ohio before they finally passed their CCW law.


Regular Member
Oct 2, 2006
Richmond, Virginia, USA
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You do understand the phrase, "The judge threw the book at me" ??

Well, if you're in a self-defense position and you're illegally carrying, the judge is going to throw the book at you. If you're on probation, too young, have misdemeanors or for whatever reason can't get a permit, you're not going to get ANY sympathy from a prosecutor on an issue of "But I needed it for protection"

$10,000 on a decent lawyer or $100 or less on a permit?

packin_NC_79 wrote:
I know this can be a very touchy subject, but I need to know if occasional CC is done without a permit. I know what the law says. I also know that I concur with the opinion I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. I wouldn't CC unless absolutely neccessary and am not planning on it anytime soon, though who knows the future, eh. I guess I'm looking for opinions here as I already know the legal ramifications if caught.


Oct 29, 2006
California, USA
imported post

Ya its done, and by good people in CA, NY, Mayland, Chicago etc...

I know several people out here that do because permits are imposible to getin some counties - LA, San Fran...


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2006
4 hours south of HankT, ,
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In the ideal world, there would be no bad laws and anyone who breaks a law would be without sympathy, but that's not the case of course.

So, some people choose to carry illegally in DC or Maryland or New Jersey. If you're going to break a law to exercise a right, you have to do a risk-benefit analysis.

The benefits of carrying are that you can defend yourself with deadly force. The risk is that you can get into a lot of trouble if you get caught. And you can get caught if your car is searched, if you're involved in an accident in which others have to touch your clothes to assist you, or if your person is searched for any reason.

You must decide which is the greater probability: being a crime victim or getting caught. Also, you must consider which is the greater consequence: being unarmed when victimized, or being armed when caught.

For me, in most cases, the law scares me more than criminals, so I do not carry illegally. I try to stay out of high crime areas to reduce my probability of being a victim. I also carry a folding knife if I can so I'm not completely unarmed.

One last thing: if I am on a jury I will not convict anyone for illegal possession of a handgun. Least I can do.


State Researcher
Apr 18, 2007
, Indiana, USA
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I Live in Indiana, and I go to and from Wisconson yearly with my parents, my father always carries a 357 to an from, and we frequently go to chicago with it, he will CC there, and we will continue on our way.

I think it is a matter of personal opinion, if you feel like you may need a gun, then take it, but be prepared to accept the consequences if you get caught.

Nobody can answer your own moral questions for you.


New member
May 10, 2007
, ,
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Yes people carry concealed without a permit. I'm 60 and have had a CCW since I was 43. I've carried since I was 16. Right or wrong, it was a conscious decision I made and it never, repeat never caused me a minute of grief. I have been told by more than one LEO back in the early days of my carrying, that as long as an individual didn't give them cause, there probably would never be a reason to question them.I carried for years in Texas under the "traveler statuates" long prior to there being a CCW available. Was even stopped once for speeding, State Trooper ran the guns for theft report, gave them back and asked that I not load them prior to his leaving. He had asked me where I was headed and when I told him Houston, his response was "you'll need them" So yes, people do and will carry regardless of permits.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
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packin_NC_79 wrote:
I know this can be a very touchy subject, but I need to know if occasional CC is done without a permit. I know what the law says. I also know that I concur with the opinion I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. I wouldn't CC unless absolutely neccessary and am not planning on it anytime soon, though who knows the future, eh. I guess I'm looking for opinions here as I already know the legal ramifications if caught.

I do know at least one person who has carried concealed without a permit, in more than one state.

Do I condone it? No. But I know she knows the law and the consequences for her actions. I also know she knows the chances of being caught are slim UNLESS the weapon is needed.

Would I do it? Not if I had a choice - luckily I haven't had to make that choice. Perhaps if I were somewhere I couldn't legally CC, but had warning of a pending attack or threat. Perhaps. I don't know.

So - you asked for my opinion. Here goes. Any choice you make is yours to deal with. And no one else could or should make that choice for you - at most they should present you with the facts from which you can make your choice..


Regular Member
May 2, 2007
Columbus Area, Ohio, USA
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'Right and wrong' and freedom are higher guiding principles than human law. Much human law is based around the socialist principle that the end justifies the means. Anotherwords,society will be safer EVEN IF some individuals are trampled along the way. I do NOT subscribe to that reasoning. I believe individual freedom is more important than the safety of society as a whole. But that is responsible freedom which does not infringe on other's freedoms.

I personally follow the letter of the law regarding carrying either concealed or open. But I wouldn't judge YOU any differently if you chose not to. As long as you are not a criminal who attacks people or property, you are o.k. with me.


Regular Member
May 18, 2007
Lacey, Washington, USA
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There are many who would tell a person not to carry a concealed weapon without a license where a license is available. There are others who will tell you not to jump through the government's hoops to excercise what many will deem a right. Is it right for the state to collect money from you for the right to carry concealed (or, for that matter, to have a loaded gun in the car)? We jump through their hoops and hand them our money, getting a pat on the head for our effort.

Do I judge you for carrying without a permit? No. The law might, though, and you should be aware of that when engaging in any act of civil disobedience. Do I judge you for getting a permit? No. Just remember not to judge those who don't.

The most tempting thing about the permits in WA is the ability to sidestep the waiting period on handguns. And I'm sure some who might otherwise carry without a permit get one for that convenience alone.