Is it or is it not correct that a convicted felon can not vote or sit on a jury unless his basic civil rights have been restored.
stuart, did you just recently apply for and get your AZ DL? if so, this card you received regarding voting is automatically sent by the state's computer or a third party entity, of was sent before the november elections reminding citizens or in preparation for the upcoming election...reminding AZ's citizens to vote!
do you truly believe AZ's computers ping'd NJ's computers to verify your past criminal history?
but i've just had an epiphany...
stuart, why after 22 your early/mid 40's, do you have a sudden craving to get a ccw in a state where it's citizens w/a state issued DL can CC without a privilege card?
Further, how are you, with an acknowledged drug conviction, going to purchase a firearm from a FFL, and truthfully answer the ATF's Form 4473, question 11c:
"Have you ever been convicted in any court of a felony, or any other crime for which the judge could have imprisoned you for more than one year,
even if you received a shorter sentence including probation?"
finally stuart, do you honestly believe an AZ attorney of record will be versed in NJ's judicial practices to answer your questions on expungement of a 22 yo drug bust conviction?
[ was only a $10 baggie eh...'found' in a vehicle 'you' were driving eh...humm why did johnny law just happen to stop said vehicle eh...and again by your own admission you've been an upstanding citizen these past 22 years eh...yepper, seems like just another happenstance in the tales from the naked city!]