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COSTCO no firearm policy.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
I've transitioned from concealed carry (still have and will maintain cw permit) to open carry as I've figured whats the use of having a deterrent if no one knows you have it in the past month or so and have had ZERO issues in Spokane so far but I went out west to visit the parents and well...

I was in the Gig Harbor Costco and had an employee ask me to "hide" my weapon for now and not bring it again as it was in violation of their no gun policy, I was frustrated at this and I'm sure he herd it in the tone of my voice as I've had no issues at the Spokane Costco's but I immediately covered it and in a joking manner said I'm glad I had a ccw so I wasn't in violation a a federal law at that point. He told me sorry as he carries also and told me customers were frightened my gun, I asked him where the sign was posted saying no firearms, I was told there is no sign and when I joined I agreed to the no firearm policy. I told him I never recalled seeing that on the application, and how can they take away my basic American rights to bear arms, I'm not sure if this is true or now (sure it is knowing my luck) but as its a "membership only" club they are able to make it a no firearms policy. I was going to stop and talk to the manager but the guy went and got their policy for me (see attachments) if its that big of a deal for them they need to make blatant on the application form.

I would like to know if they can do this as they are a private club or if they are in the wrong. I just think its funny how in Spokane no one cares and on the West side of the state people make a big deal of it. At any rate they might have lost a customer for life if they wont allow my my rights but thats just me.

Any other thoughts or opinions would be much appreciated.

Take care


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Regular Member
Dec 15, 2011
Yakima Washington
Can't read the documents you posted.

They can tell you no guns because it is private property. This is why I let my membership expire. I didn't know this at the time but I have heard of people asking for a refund of thier membership fees because it is not (or wasn't when I signed mine) stated in the agreement that firearms are not allowed on COSTCO property.

If I were you, I would get my money back and tell COSTCO you will be taking your bussiness to a company that doens't take away your constititional rights.


Regular Member
Feb 1, 2011
Lakewood, Washington, United States
I'm surprised you made it into a Costco anywhere with a gun showing. They are well known to be Anti-gun. There was a guy that got shot in a Costco a while back it was all over the news.


I should probably spend more time at SAMs Club. I think they are pro-gun being they are Walmart. It's just further away for me and I always forget about it.

I remember many years ago before I was on here, going into a costco and thinking they were pro gun since they sell gun safes. Wrong, that was just too logical.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
I just think the odd part is how one store enforces it (Gig Harbor) and the Spokane store could care less if I have it, I've been in the Spokane stores countless time and had ZERO issues but less than 5 min in the Gig Harbor store I'm creating "panic" I hate the west side of the state.




Regular Member
Jun 7, 2012
Re: Costco "No Gun Policy"

I am glad that I no longer shop with them. I let my membership expire a long time ago, and since this, I ain't about to renew it.


Opt-Out Members
Nov 22, 2006
Yakima, Washington, USA
  1. --snip--joking manner said I'm glad I had a ccw so I wasn't in violation a a federal law at that point.
  2. --snip--I asked him where the sign was posted saying no firearms, I was told there is no sign and when I joined I agreed to the no firearm policy.

Well not to hit you hard on this;

1. It is not a federal law it is state law that requires a CPL (not ccw) when not participating in an lawful outdoor activity.
2. No sign requirements except for Governmental Prohibiting Places like restricted areas of a Jail, Mental Facility, Courts...., Private entities are not included in this.

If you mainly visit the Costco in Spokane and they have no issue, carry on and keep your mouth shut :lol:
Personally I just cover it up and go shopping, being armed is more important to me then the mode of carry.


Regular Member
May 30, 2010
Bremerton, Washington
Private property = they make the rules in regard to firearms. I prefer to open carry, but if I am going somewhere it is frowned on, but not illegal, I just cover up and carry on. Folks often don't see it open carried, they definitely miss it even casual carried.

Right Wing Wacko

Campaign Veteran
Aug 11, 2007
Marysville, Washington, USA
If you mainly visit the Costco in Spokane and they have no issue, carry on and keep your mouth shut :lol:
Personally I just cover it up and go shopping, being armed is more important to me then the mode of carry.

On this matter we will have to disagree.

Costco does not beleive it's necessary for me to carry a weapon in their store, therefore I do not beleive it's necessary for me to support that policy by spending money there.


Regular Member
Oct 21, 2009
Olympia, Washington, USA
Everybody says vote with your wallet, well, my wallet is usually more powerful than my convictions... Costco provides me a source for discounted product, so I carry concealed. 99% of Malls I visit also prohibit carry, they still get my business since they provide a venue and activities that I cannot find elsewhere.

So, my wallet rules, and I cover to go into those establishments. I am not giving up my right as I still carry.

The day we fight and win, by law, to carry in Costco and malls, is the day we all lose our own rights to set rules on our own private property.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
Well not to hit you hard on this;

1. It is not a federal law it is state law that requires a CPL (not ccw) when not participating in an lawful outdoor activity.
2. No sign requirements except for Governmental Prohibiting Places like restricted areas of a Jail, Mental Facility, Courts...., Private entities are not included in this.

If you mainly visit the Costco in Spokane and they have no issue, carry on and keep your mouth shut :lol:
Personally I just cover it up and go shopping, being armed is more important to me then the mode of carry.

1. Your right, I was in a rant so my head was else where but non the less I'm glad I have my permit
2. Once again your right, but I was there was something in place where stores had to put something outside their store informing us they do want firearms inside.

As for carrying in costco while I agree with you, its the principal of it to me, heck I rarely shop there anyways.


Regular Member
Dec 14, 2009
In My Coffee
I frequent the Costco here in Seattle, and the other day they asked to look in my bag. They asked what was in it, and I stated: Camera, book, gun, magazines. The lady smiled at me, and said "Have a good day."


Regular Member
Nov 1, 2007
Deer Park, Washington, USA
We dropped our membership for a little over a year because I was told to leave the Gig Harbor Costco. But there are things they have that no one else does, not even Sam's Club (which we joined because they accept OC) so we eventually renewed our membership. I CC in there as does my better half. Concealed means concealed and what they don't know won't scare them.


Regular Member
Jan 8, 2010
in front of my computer, WI
"to ensure a pleasant shopping experience and safe workplace"
I'm betting that all the host sites of the various massacres across the country have similar policies.
(Not necessarily 'shopping', but whatever is applicable to their particular business.)
What is wrong with these people?!
Do they have to make every mistake themselves, or could they possibly learn from the mistakes other people make, so no more people die?

ETA: BTW, I saw on the news tonight that the CEO of Costco addressed the Dem's convention.
Between that & their anti-rights policy, they're turning away at least half the population.
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Regular Member
Apr 20, 2009
South Whidbey, Washington, USA
Oh joy, another costco thread.

Everybody says vote with your wallet, well, my wallet is usually more powerful than my convictions... Costco provides me a source for discounted product, so I carry concealed. 99% of Malls I visit also prohibit carry, they still get my business since they provide a venue and activities that I cannot find elsewhere.

So, my wallet rules, and I cover to go into those establishments. I am not giving up my right as I still carry.

The day we fight and win, by law, to carry in Costco and malls, is the day we all lose our own rights to set rules on our own private property.

But why support an entity that does not support you when there is alternative competition that does? That is, Sam's Club. Same jumbo-sized crap, competitive prices, and owned by Wally World so they defer to state law on such matters.

Malls are one thing (no real alternative), but with warehouse stores ​you do have a choice.


Regular Member
Jul 24, 2012
I would never support an organization that prohibits firearms within their store. Simply put. Get your refund back and go to Sams Club. They welcome firearms, as long as you comply with state regulations. I don't think that I have been into a place that has asked me to cover up my firearms.