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Criminals Target OC'ers

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Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
I don't understand why he keeps making this analogy of criminals targeting OCers somehow being like soldiers choosing their targets.
Rusty Young Man* said:
Several instances brought up on these threads where the criminal simply runs away; again, they do not benefit from extended hiests/attacks since it increases the likelihood of their arrest as it gives LEOs time to arrive, and in the case of a firefight with armed citizens or armed LEOs (collectively termed "armed resistance"), also increases the chances of injury or death. VIOLENT CRIMINALS ARE PREDATORS OF OPPORTUNITY, NOT SOLDIERS (though I will concede that some exceptions do occur sparingly).
So please stop giving so much undue credit to those who prey on the small, the weak, the injured, and the elderly.

g21sfpistol said:
CC helps the general populace more than OC would. id rather it benefit other people as well.
I can't wait to hear the rationale behind that statement, please enlighten us. PLEASE!
I think it would be a safe bet that he'll never respond. I answered one of his tangents, and heard nothing but crickets afterwards:

g21sfpistol* said:
this is a tad off this guys topic, but a lot will go from OC to CC if they know they will be in large crowds. let me ask this. if you are OCing knowing it wont be crowded, what if you are out later then expected and it becomes crowded? ive had that happen going on shooping sprees with the wife. granted in CCing. but what if you get caught in that situation? and why switch? why not keep it consistant?

Rusty Young Man* said:
This I can answer from experience. I've OCed at such highly-crowded Tucson events as the "All Souls Procession" (only the procession and closing festival, I'm afraid, since I was tied up in other things during the other events that weekend) and three of the four days of the nationally renown folk festival "Tucson, Meet Yourself" (some digging will reveal that although the modern title omits the comma, it was there originally and is more "grammatically correct", but I digress).

I carried both day and night times, in VERY crowded areas at both of these events. Situational Awareness, a hip holster with a forward cant, and a physical reserve of calories helped me know where my 1911 was at all times without the need to look at it.

Information about these events, including their LARGE attendance and crowded nature, can be found on a Wikipedia page dedicated towards highlighting some of the quirks which make Tucson worth defending from statists (in my opinion, at least): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tucson,_Arizona
I've yet to hear whether he considers this a valid response.:rolleyes:

SNIP... how many of the OCers CC in winter?
I always OC, unless I'm in the pouring rain and I don't feel like getting my unwaxed belt and holster wet. Of course, my belt and holster have been hot waxed for some weeks now...

The above quotes with an asterisk were from post 27 of the closed thread http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?120837-closed-threads&p=2044019#post2044019)
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Regular Member
Mar 6, 2011
If even ONE criminal sees it and thinks twice then it stands and is valid. While I say people are sheep and criminals are just dumb sheep, even they on occasion do notice stuff.

why does it seem like OCers are self-absorbed? CC helps the general populace more than OC would. id rather it benefit other people as well. do you want to guess who has a gun or know who has a gun? its no different then fighting the taliban. they blended in great. and the worst part was not knowing who was who. but hey, they were ease to pick out carrying aks and rpgs ;)

So then, did you OC or CC your weapon while deployed? Did you carry a pistol? Why did you carry the way that you did while deployed? Why do the INS hide their weapons?

Since you're wanting to use the sandbox for your example, lets start with these questions to get a better understanding of things.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Why hasn't this troll been banned already? :mad:

OCDO Forum Rules are not designed to squelch dissenting opinions, even ones that have little to no basis in fact.

User/members have the option to formally Ignore such posters if they so choose and/or unsubscribe to a thread.

Those that put forth the anti dialog provide a look inside the other side and offer the opportunity to hone our rebuttal skills - while giving the fence sitters solid material from which to make decisions on which way to lean.

The antis provide the manure from which our fields are enriched.

Appreciate your thoughts though. :)


Regular Member
Feb 3, 2013
Las Vegas
Why hasn't this troll been banned already? :mad:

He is a source of unending amusement that benefits all! :shocker:

Or he may be vying to be spokesperson for CC only zealots. :uhoh:

Somewhere out there, a mall is missing its Gecko45!:eek:

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
Then you know something that I don't know = what his beliefs are. So far he has done little but look very much like a provocateur w/o anything other than playing the same loop - that CC is better and faster that OC.

That's his belief that he has a seemingly religiously zealot like adherence too. He has no facts or logic to back it up, no matter what logic is pointed out to contrast his belief.


Regular Member
Feb 23, 2014
Richmond, VA
He is a source of unending amusement that benefits all! :shocker:

Or he may be vying to be spokesperson for CC only zealots. :uhoh:

Somewhere out there, a mall is missing its Gecko45!:eek:

Oh no...you just had to bring up Gecko, didn't you? :uhoh:

MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana
I'm so excited about my new sig line
Quote Originally Posted by g21sfpistol
ill draw just as fast or faster than someone with a OC holster..
This is very funny.

He leaves his gun behind because it's now a murder weapon. He unloads it, because why leave a loaded gun behind you?
We have a winner. The shooter was the weapons master for the production company. If you slow down the vid you can see three shell casings ejected but no shell is ejected when he racks the slide to clear it. Habit I would guess.

He is a source of unending amusement that benefits all! :shocker:

You crack me up, eh?

Not one of us will change the posters mind. I believe that the best fight is the one that does not occur. I open Carry for many reasons, self defense being paramount. One reason is to even the playing field.....it is a warning. I truly believe a bad guy will and may already have avoided me and moved on. If that individual went home and "came to jesus" over it, or if he just moved on to the next victim, the result is the same. The bad guy moved on.

There are many reasons to have a concealed permit, but I cannot see many reasons to conceal.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
There are many reasons to have a concealed permit, but I cannot see many reasons to conceal.

There may be many reasons to have a concealed permit, but not many reasons to conceal. (plagerized)

Words to be etched in stone and held up for all of the multitudes to see.
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Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
This is very funny.

We have a winner. The shooter was the weapons master for the production company. If you slow down the vid you can see three shell casings ejected but no shell is ejected when he racks the slide to clear it. Habit I would guess.

You crack me up, eh?

Not one of us will change the posters mind. I believe that the best fight is the one that does not occur. I open Carry for many reasons, self defense being paramount. One reason is to even the playing field.....it is a warning. I truly believe a bad guy will and may already have avoided me and moved on. If that individual went home and "came to jesus" over it, or if he just moved on to the next victim, the result is the same. The bad guy moved on.

There are many reasons to have a concealed permit, but I cannot see many reasons to conceal.
Aww, but you must be the hero, use the element of surprise to ambush the vermin of society, ya know like George Zimmerman did, look how he was rewarded for being a hero.
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Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
SNIP...Those that put forth the anti dialog provide a look inside the other side and offer the opportunity to hone our rebuttal skills - while giving the fence sitters solid material from which to make decisions on which way to lean.

The antis provide the manure from which our fields are enriched.SNIP...

Exactly why the antis (not necessarily trolls; squares and rectangles:lol:) bring something of value to this forum, even if it only serves to cultivate :)p) our skills in debate and FACT/LAW-citing.

OT: still waiting for a reply to my post (#89 on this thread).
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Regular Member
Dec 10, 2013
The only ones who have every targeted me for OC were cops, idiots, and people saying thank you for OC.

Agreed. 99% of my negative encounters are CCers who feel the need to tell me that they are carrying concealed and how much better they think it is. I usually listen to them gurgle with a creepy stare before I tell them I'm concealing too. Most people simply assume that because you are openly carrying a firearm on your hip that you only have one. Makes them mad. These are the same people who cry hot tears of anger when you do something unexpected. Like carry 2 guns. Or walk home from your hunting spot.

Sent from my Nokia Lumina using Tapatalk and glitchy Windows 8


Regular Member
Dec 10, 2013
Gee, kind of sounds like the way some people who carry concealed rely upon their sacred "element of surprise"....

The element of surprise is that feeling your attacker gets when he scores your cash, car keys, identity...and your gun ...as he loots your corpse.

Sent from my Nokia Lumina using Tapatalk and glitchy Windows 8


Regular Member
Dec 10, 2013
you can use idpa for your example and ill use the sandbox for mine. dont put words in my mouth by saying i think this is a combat zone. its no where near it. idpa is nothing like a SD situation. "been there got the t-shirt" realized how stupid it was and never went back. funny how you have this nice freedom speech followed up by "if we disagree with you we are kicking you off" im pretty sure the public can see whats on here so is it really that private? but sure they can kick me off. whatever. "what, are we in germany in 1938?"

yes i deployed. did you ever leave the wire? i got one bullet hole, shrapnel in my leg, and a limp to prove what i did.

And you're not the only one. **** and stop whining about your service. You signed the papers, your choice, consequences of that decision are yours to bear. Try defending your statement that CC is better. If you can.

Sent from my Nokia Lumina using Tapatalk and glitchy Windows 8


Apr 21, 2013
you know why i don't answer these responses? because they are idiotic, and they force me to repeat myself. no one brings any real responses to the table. if this is how you argue for your OC right, then i see why the OC movement isn't getting to far. a child can make the same arguments that are being made here. any rational person would see that.


Regular Member
Dec 10, 2013
you know why i don't answer these responses? because they are idiotic, and they force me to repeat myself. no one brings any real responses to the table. if this is how you argue for your OC right, then i see why the OC movement isn't getting to far. a child can make the same arguments that are being made here. any rational person would see that.

Bull. All I've seen is you dodging questions and going off on straw man rants.

Sent from my Nokia Lumina using Tapatalk and glitchy Windows 8


Regular Member
Mar 6, 2011
you know why i don't answer these responses? because they are idiotic, and they force me to repeat myself. no one brings any real responses to the table. if this is how you argue for your OC right, then i see why the OC movement isn't getting to far. a child can make the same arguments that are being made here. any rational person would see that.

But you've never said how/what you carried in the sandbox, why you carried that way, and why did the INS hide their weapons. Though I guess its easier to dodge the question than risk being called out.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
But you've never said how/what you carried in the sandbox, why you carried that way, and why did the INS hide their weapons. Though I guess its easier to dodge the question than risk being called out.

I can almost sympathize with him on getting hurt. I remember when I got shot Wednesday, 13 May 1981, in St. Peter's Square at Vatican City.
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