Sure they can and go to prison for it.
They might eventually prevail in court or they could fully serve there sentence along with all the others convicted of the unconstitutional law.
Just because you know it is and believe the law is unconstitutional doesn't mean the government does.
" There will be times when we are powerless to injustice, but we shall never stop the protest thereof"..
It is estimated that there are over 300 million law abiding guns owners in this country.. Does having a permit or license to exercise their natural God given right to protect themselves and their posterity make them so called law-abiding citizens? In my humble opinion the term law abiding citizen is a government term used to enslave many citizens, hence the 300 million gun owners.
I do not need to be titled from the G, so as to protect myself and my posterity.
What other Natural right, Constitutional right, requires a license or permit slip from the G, so as to be EXERCISED?..
Is a license or permission slip needed to exercise our first amendment, how about our 5th amendment, how about our right to privacy?
" The end of law is NOT to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom" John Locke
A right CANNOT be issued from the Government, a privilege is issued by the government at a cost, if paying for a privilege makes one a law abiding citizen, allow me to pass on said privilege, Ill keep my God given right..
Please be advised, I am not advocating breaking any laws, simply attempting to make us think about rights v privileges.. We have the right to think and there is no license or permission slip required..
My .02