Regular Member
Had a shotgun pointed at me by a state patrolman today in Washington, Missouri for OC'ing.
Had a shotgun pointed at me by a state patrolman today in Washington, Missouri for OC'ing.
Had a shotgun pointed at me by a state patrolman today in Washington, Missouri for OC'ing.
Had a shotgun pointed at me by a state patrolman today in Washington, Missouri for OC'ing.
Just read in the Missouri sub-forum that he will not be posting anymore until he contacts a lawyer. Probably the best move he could make.
Had a shotgun pointed at me by a state patrolman today in Washington, Missouri for OC'ing.
+1 for the OP in doing this, but if anybody in Missouri are interested they can request the troopers report. Although me personally after reading too many reports know not to believe what is written by an officer trying to justify his actions.
Without commenting.....No comment!
You have been raked over the coals on this, on the Missouri Forum, mainly because you were asked not do anything disruptive during the negotiations of SB680.
Although I respect what you do, this was a disappointment on many levels for me.
1st) Because of this action, Washington tried to implement a OC ban, which is within their rights, luckily it failed.
2nd) It is well known that the Rep in your juristiction is dead against OC. He has been waiting for a reason and support to kill SB680, which is why you were asked to curtail your actions until the process was complete. You chose to ingnore this, which of course is your right.
3rd) The press was all over this in Washington, which did not give OC a good light and SB680 is now about to go down in flames.
4th) I initally supported you in this discussion, because I felt that the "organization" should have informed everyone about the sensitivty of the legisilators and not single you out because they thought that you "bait" the LEO.
5th) After seeing the video, it clear it was a bait and you failed miserably. Although the LEO were wrong, and you were well within your rights, your history proceeds you for baiting. You just did it at the least opportune time.
How about EVERYONE on OCDO requesting a copy of the report, or FOIA the radio traffic for this event...
Just think, if every time an LEO harassed a lawful OCer--anywhere in the country--and within a few days they received THOUSANDS of FOIA requests--it might start making these LEAs think twice before letting their officers get away with this sort of thuggery.
Not only would these request cause them all sorts of expenses, but it would let them know that there were THOUSANDS of people all over teh country who were watching them, and concerned with ensuring that LEOs operate within the bounds of the law.
We need to stop acting like we are guaranteed a "win" on this issue, and start using some SERIOUSLY aggressive bureaucratic and administrative tactics--using the "system" against itself. Perhaps the occasional avalanche of paperwork might be a bit of a deterrent to these scoff-law LEAs...