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EVENT - Oct. 29 - Pro HB203 Rally and Testimony


Regular Member
Dec 29, 2009
Logan, OH
Here is the Facebook event page:

Come on up/down/over to Columbus on October 29th for the Proponent Testimony hearing for HB203.

Before that starts, we'll be having a Pro-HB203 rally at the Statehouse.

Thanks to the efforts of forum member BB62, we can now be armed while on the Statehouse grounds, not just the sidewalk!

Actually, the Executive Director of the management board (CSRAB) has known for a couple years that this rule was invalid. The folks that attended the "Guns Across America" walk in January could have been walking on the grounds then.

BB62 was willing to face arrest when he decided to pursue the issue in person last week.

Let's ALL be willing to stand up in front of our representatives and tell them we want this bill to pass.

I hope to see you there!


Regular Member
Jun 20, 2010
, Ohio, USA
Here is an update

Things have accelerated quite a bit since this thread was posted,
There will be a total of EIGHT gun bills having hearings that day, in three different committees, and the rally will now be taking place between hearings, probably during lunch and the early afternoon
Here is the face book page for the rally, I expect more changes to be made to it once Carolyn get's back in town from the Summit County rally:

And I am quoting my post from OFCC in it's entirety for those who wish the latest information:

Chuck said:
October 29 is going to be a busy day indeed at the Statehouse

The hearing for HB 203, Proponent testimony, will begin at 10:00 am in Room 115,
Second item on the agenda
House Policy and Legislative Oversight Committee

We are expecting many changes to this bill that will address many concerns that have been mentioned
Previous threads on HB 203: http://ohioccwforums.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=75981

The hearing for HB 234, Proponent testimony, which will allow noise suppressors for hunting, will begin at 10:00 am in Room 116
It is the ONLY item on the agenda
House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee

Previous threads on HB 234: http://ohioccwforums.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=74447

The hearing for HB 99, Proponent testimony, will being at 3:00 pm in Room 121.
It is the second item on the agenda, and the first of six gun bills, FOUR of which are ANTI
House State and Local Government Committee

HB 99 will outlaw firearm registration and establishing a database for registration, and the enforcement of the same, and will outlaw law enforcement from seizing lawfully owned firearms except in narrow circumstances, such as evidence collecting and/or officer safety during an encounter.

These are pro-freedom bills we can testify in favor of on Tuesday.
Immediately after HB 99 hearing, the State and Local Government Committee will hold hearings on the rest of the bills listed here: http://ohioccwforums.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=76619
HB 99 is the only one in this committee we can testify on this time around, as the other bill allowing proponent testimony is an anti bill, and the others are for sponsor testimony only.

Hope to see you there!


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
I will Tweet the rally again. I just don't have a meet-up time.

Oh, and I am off that day. Let me know if there is anything I can do besides showing up armed, loud, and obnoxious.
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Regular Member
Jun 20, 2010
, Ohio, USA

Dude, read the post
Two hearings start at 10:00 am and one starts at 3:00 pm
We'll rally on the sidewalk in between

If you want to meet for breakfast or something contact one of the groups at one of the links
I think some folks are doing that

Are you going to offer testimony?
I would think you'd especially like HB 99, which makes it a felony for an officer, Fed, state, or local, to seize a lawfully owned firearm except under certain, narrowly defined circumstances.

I think you have my number,
If you don't and want it, send me a PM
In any event, see you down there,,,,


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
"Dude," I did read the post. What time is the rally? What time will folks be meeting up? Is there a precise location at the grounds?

If not, I can just move on.

I don't go hunting this information from other groups on other sites. I tweet what is posted here and what is messaged to me.


Regular Member
Jun 20, 2010
, Ohio, USA
Nope, and nope
There is no "precise location", nor is there a precise time
Rooms 115 and 116 are right across the hall from each other and I bet that if you are anywhere in that vicinity between 9:30 and noon you can hook up with other gun people and make it to the sidewalk when folk are rallying.

If you think the rally time is more important than being there for the hearings, maybe you ought to re-examine your priories,,,,


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
We still need a meeting place and time. If anyone is willing to provide one, I will tweet it.

If Chuck is going to be pissy rather than helpful, can someone else post a meeting time and place, from which we can go to the hearings or continue to rally, as an individual choice?

Brian D.

Regular Member
Jul 27, 2007
Cincy area, Ohio, USA
Chuck, eye95: C'mon guys, we're all on the same side here...right? Heckuva thing to be arguing about ain't it?

In previous instances when the "main event" was Statehouse testimony, I don't think we necessarily had a meet-up-ahead-of-time-spot other than out on the sidewalk. And to the best of my recollection this is the first time there were multiple hearings on different bills we were interested in, all on the same day's docket. Not surprising given the...leisurely...pace going on inside that building most of the time.

For what it's worth I recall meeting up on the sidewalk on the west side of the grounds, with some other attendees in the past, but that was just happenstance from where we'd parked nearby at meters.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
Chuck, eye95: C'mon guys, we're all on the same side here...right? Heckuva thing to be arguing about ain't it?

In previous instances when the "main event" was Statehouse testimony, I don't think we necessarily had a meet-up-ahead-of-time-spot other than out on the sidewalk...

...Before that starts, we'll be having a Pro-HB203 rally at the Statehouse...

The purpose of the eye95 Twitter feed is to publicize rallies at which we carry. We have no objection to posting hearings and other events (many of which prohibit carry), but it is the rallies we are striving to advertise.

One individual at the rally today commented several times that he thought we were meeting in the morning. So asking for the time we were meeting for the rally clearly mentioned in the OP is not unreasonable. Snark in reply to that request is unreasonable, impolite, and, frankly, pissy.

I don't appreciate being called "dude." My name is eye95, or just eye. I don't like being told to read the post, especially when the one making that demand clearly is ignoring the fact that the OP mentions a pre-hearing rally. That is what I was trying to get the time for.

So, if the request for one piece of information gets a pissy reply, I don't have a problem calling the replier out. I hope he looks at the whole thread and rethinks how he reacted.

Unfortunately, the tweets for the rally had ???? for a time.

Moving on.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk.



Regular Member
Jun 20, 2010
, Ohio, USA
Give us an after-action report, please!

We came out the South side of the Statehouse when the committee broke about 12:35 and stood around a few minutes deciding who would go to the cars and get everybody's guns and who would wait right there.
Once everybody was armed, we had some fun getting cars to honk. Angel and Maria were a couple outstanding young ladies in their bright pink breast cancer tee shirts, and they certainly got their fair share of attention.
After a bit, we decided to head up to High Street and hit the Subway for lunch. The fellow in front of me in line asked me about OC and what was happening at the Statehouse, and thanked us for what we were doing.
We went back out to the Statehouse and ate our sandwiches on the sidewalk and waved our signs.
Walked up to Broad and High, stopping on the way to take a group picture in front of the Christopher Columbus statue
About 2:15 or so, everybody disarmed and a few folks took the guns back to the cars while the rest went back inside.

There were no antis to interact with, no interesting debates to be had.
There was one lady who works a few blocks away who came down to join us for her lunch hour.
She said she knew about the hearings and figured that someone would be on the sidewalk at lunch, so she just came down looking for us. I see her often down there, but have never gotten her name

There was "one individual" who joined us as we were going into Subway. This "one individual" never greeted anybody, nor introduced himself to anyone, but kept saying "I thought we were meeting in the morning",
After about ten times, one of the girls told him "We did meet in the morning"
This "one individual" got mad and left after the guy in the wheelchair told him that twitter is no more secure than face book.

That's my report from the sidewalk,
What happened inside the statehouse was much more productive,,,,


Regular Member
Jun 20, 2010
, Ohio, USA
Chuck, eye95: C'mon guys, we're all on the same side here...right? Heckuva thing to be arguing about ain't it?

WHAT IS THERE to argue about?

The guy complains because we went to some rally we heard about on face book and no one came here and told him about it.
So we made it a point to come here and announce this one, just for him.
So he wouldn't feel left out,
When newer information became available, I copied it here as well as every other place the original event was posted.

Somehow, that makes me morally deficient

I'll tell you what, Brian, it ain't worth it.
I advocate activism on four different sites besides this one, but this one is the only one where I repeatedly have to defend my character.
What's more, literally everyone I know on this board I know somewhere else too.
Why would I want to come here and be slighted when you guys already know about it from other sites anyway?

You certainly didn't need OCDO to hear about this rally, did you?

I doubt I'll be seeing much of this place anymore
Too much aggravation with no return,,,,,,


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
The one individual who kept saying he thought we were meeting in the morning WAS the person in the wheelchair.

Get your facts straight, Chuck, and quit behaving like an ass.

Oh, and speaking of asses, don't let the door hit you in yours.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk.
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Regular Member
Jun 20, 2010
, Ohio, USA
The one individual who kept saying he thought we were meeting in the morning WAS the person in the wheelchair.<O>

Dude, he was in the hearing all morning. I met him coming in and he parked his chair right next to me and Carolyn in the committee room. (I lost my seat when I went across the hall to testify for the suppressor bill.) When the committee broke for lunch, he and I talked of how he was going out the handicapped entrance while I was going out the nearest exit and how we would meet on the street. In fact, he was the only person who testified for HB 203 before lunch. He was part of our crowd and is a personal friend of mine. He certainly wasn't lost, and I probably can get him to come here and back me up if need be.

What is your point?
Just what is it that you are trying to prove?
That I'm some sort of scumbag?
That you are the nastiest guy on the site and in charge of running off scumbags?
That poor old Josiah and his dog were left outside without a clue where to meet us?
What will I get if he comes on here himself and tells you that he wasn't lost or confused?
Will you back off then?


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
My point is simply that you are behaving like an ass.

I am only relating the fact about the person who said, several times, that he thought we were meeting in the morning. *I* said no such thing.

Maybe you were not listening carefully when I relayed those several comments to you on the way to Subway, and maybe you mistakenly thought *I* was making those comments.

Either way, in this thread, you are behaving like an ass.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk.
