Don't worry yourself. You could never burst my bubble. I will however proceed to burst yours.
As a preliminary matter, since you self-appointed yourself as the referee in this matter, the least you could do is be fair and impartial. You had a lot to say about post #17. But before there was a post #17 there was a post #16. Why no running commentary on that post?
Second, before I made my assertion, CoL made his ridiculous assertion about police filing charges. Why did you not ask him to cite you one instance where that has happened? It certainly did not happen in Black, which was the specific case being discussed.
Third, and most importantly, I don't give you cites for a variety of reasons.
(1) I am not trying to convince you of anything. You have my assertion. You are free to believe what you want to believe. And I really don't give a shit what you believe. It doesn't change a thing for me.
(2) I don't respect you enough to give you cite. You have already shown yourself to be both unfair and partial (see my preliminary statement).
(3) You have ,shown yourself to be a man without conviction. I asked you flat out where you stood and you did not have the cojones to take a stand on either side.
(4) You have shown yourself to be a hysterical person. You let personality stand in the way of enlightenment. Me.... if Hitler can teach me something, then I am willing to learn. That is the difference between you and me.
(5) I am not going to waste my time looking to prove something I already know is true. If you want to waste your time looking for a situation I don't believe exists then have at it
(6) And finally, the reason I don't believe there is a police agency out there charging people is because, while I don't know what 12K police agencies do, I was a lawyer for the NYPD ( the largest police dept. In the country). Additional, over the course of over 30 yrs I have interacted with about 100 different police agencies from NY to Miami, and the FBI to the ATF. And do you know what they all have in common that is dispositive on this issue? Of course not. Because you have ZERO experience regarding this.
Alas cock, tis a shame you fail to even begin to observe the basic tenets of this forum's foundation since it's inception:
a. The law is always in a state of flux and even lawyers and judges get it wrong from time to time.
All advice posted on this forum should be considered nothing more than hearsay. Even
if a poster identifies themselves as an attorney, law enforcement official or expert in a given field, there is no way to verify that fact or that they are correct.
b. If you do not agree with any of these Rules
(5) CITE TO AUTHORITY: If you state a rule of law, it is incumbent upon you to try to cite, as best you can, to authority. Citing to authority, using links when available, is what makes OCDO so successful.
An authority is a published source of law that can back your claim up - statute, ordinance, court case, newspaper article covering a legal issue, etc.
(6) NO PERSONAL ATTACKS: While you may disagree strongly with another poster based upon their opinion,
we will NOT tolerate any personal attacks...[such as directed towards myself hysterical, w/o conviction, no respect, unfair/and partial, ad nauseam]
that stated, let's look at your recent commentary>
(4) > ah the use of "godwin's law [created by an attorney btw] aka Reductio ad Hitlerum" and use of that derailing tactic historically loses the argument!
(5) > "I already know is true..." please see forum rules mentioned above a. & b. above
a. you explicated demeaned a member's integrity and hurled insults at myself during your commentary(ies) alluding all encompassing knowledge on the subject,
yet now you state..."i don't know what the 12.5K LE agencies do..." then only now espouse you were only associated with NYPD ~ really?
b. further, your leap towards the opinion of me with your statement, " have ZERO experience..." is a little like calling the kettle black isn't it since it wasn't until this last post you articulated the LE agency and your background.!
Finally, you have acknowledged a complete lack of insight on this country's 12.5 LE agencies' policy regarding the thread's subject matter...which leads me to presume you also lack absolutely any insight into the policies of this country's highest peace officer agencies as well ~ the 3.5 county Sheriffs policy(ies)!!
so to recap mate, you jumped in with both feet, insulting members as you went, all the while knowing you lack sufficient subject matter bandwidth & background to intelligently discuss the issue at all; oh right, threw in and used Godwin's Law to bolster your perceived standing...then state your background is strictly from an NYPD standing...sound bout right?