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Foolish man, possibly Brady center agent, will make capitol "gun free"


Regular Member
Feb 5, 2007
Marion County, FL

Rightful behavior? Sure. We live in a statist society. Under normal circumstances, no one would exercise their right to carry this weapon in this way in that place at that time. So why scare the sheeple half to death for no reason? He could have taken the holstered handgun and made it educational for the sheeple. Instead, carry will be banned in the "people's house". What a shame.


Regular Member
Oct 6, 2008
, ,
They tried to pass a proposal to ban carry in the Roundhouse this last session. It went nowhere.

Any proposals will have to wait until next year when the next session begins. The guy who brought the last proposal is no longer with us, so it will have to be someone else.


Regular Member
Feb 5, 2007
Marion County, FL
They tried to pass a proposal to ban carry in the Roundhouse this last session. It went nowhere.

Any proposals will have to wait until next year when the next session begins. The guy who brought the last proposal is no longer with us, so it will have to be someone else.

Hopefully they'll forget about it by then. Or if not, make it a long gun ban only and get rid of some other prohibited places/rights restrictions in return.


Campaign Veteran
Aug 1, 2009
Indiana, USA
Did I miss the sheeple being scared half to death? Did it happen really really fast? Are you sure you posted the right video?

I saw several examples of civil discussion with a lawfully armed resident, but again, must have missed whatever it is you consider to be foolish behavior. :confused:


Regular Member
Feb 3, 2012
Rockingham, NC
I generally don't care for the 'I'm gonna strap on my AR15 and educate folks about the second amendment' videos, but I have to say, out of all the ones I've seen, this has to be about the most civil one yet. Not sure why you're getting worked up over it. I think those officers were extremely professional, and well versed in the law, hence no intimidation, asking for papers, or belittling the guy like I see in so many other videos.

Would I strap on an AR and walk around like that? No, but in don't like drawing a lot of unwanted attention to myself.


Regular Member
Feb 5, 2007
Marion County, FL
Marketing counts for something. This was not an artful marketing display. Your average Amerikan runs on emotion. The man cannot claim he was carrying for self defense in this situation. It was an in your face political statement and neutral people will be sympathetic to the anti's. Unless communities implement portions of the Swiss model here, urban long gun open carry will always be unsettling. Not so with a handgun.


Campaign Veteran
Aug 1, 2009
Indiana, USA
He need not sell you on his "marketing" strategy, nor does he need to justify lawfully carrying any firearm(s) he chooses as solely for the purpose of self defense.

I believe that your fearful hand-wringing and any further attempts to disparage this peacefuly armed citizen's educational activity are misplaced here.

I support the rights of others to engage in many activities and by various methods regardless of my own personal preferences or the opinions of others.

Defend Liberty, not popularity.


Regular Member
Feb 3, 2012
Rockingham, NC
The folks who go out with their rifle, handgun, camera and copies of state law and US Constitution, thinking they're actually going to educate others or change public opinion of guns are, in my opinion, no different than the bible-thumping, sign-holding groups you see on a street corner yelling "REPENT!" and "Jesus Saves!" at all the folks that walk or drive by. Are they doing anything illegal? Nope. Is it their right to do what they do? Yep. Are they being effective in changing minds or converting personal beliefs? Highly doubtful. Folks that already believe, aren't going to believe more, but probably won't be pushed the other way either. People who don't believe, or share the same views, probably aren't gonna be compelled to start believing, just because someone held a sign and bible on a street corner, any more than folks who don't feel comfortable with or even like guns will change their view because they saw some rifle-toting equivalent to the bible thumpers walking down the road with an AR15 and a copy of the constitution. I would even venture to say it may actually have the opposite effect. Folks on the fence may look at sign-toting bible thumpers as nut case extremists, and associate all Christians with them, or they may look at an AR15 toting, constitution-waving individual as some nut job, and assume all gun carriers are equally nutty. Heck, many within the gun community itself feel these AR15 toters are crazy.

That's just how I view things. I support both group's right to look nutty, but I don't feel either group has any real positive impact on changing public opinion.


Regular Member
Jan 19, 2011
briar patch, NM
i am so confused why the op from FL posted the video so that individuals from IN, NC, and saviant could chime in?

you'll forgive me i have to get ready for the government shut down!!
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Campaign Veteran
Aug 1, 2009
Indiana, USA
Ok, but there is a hard way and an easier way. I support the neo nazi's right to hold up signs in public, but they don't make the best free speech poster-children.

Free speech doesn't need your approval or poster children for that matter; it is a right to be defended - especially so when the message or the bearer is unpopular.

It's the same with the right to keep and bear arms.


Activist Member
Dec 9, 2010
Ashland, KY
Ok, but there is a hard way and an easier way. I support the neo nazi's right to hold up signs in public, but they don't make the best free speech poster-children.

The great thing about our rights are that we don't need poster-children for them. They are RIGHTS. It doesn't matter what people think or what they believe, a right is a right is a right, and regardless of what certain people might feel, they will always be rights.