Regular Member
Thank You John And Mike!
These are VERY important for EVERY member to read every once in awhile. Please take the time to read over the rules that John and Mike have set for their site (this site, the site THEY OWN). This site is considered PRIVATE PROPERTY, and this property is John and Mike's, and I just think that it is important for every member to remind themselves of this every once in awhile.
If you are a new member it is imperative that you read these rules.
It is important that WE as members RESPECT John and Mike's wishes as they provide this service for us. They helped to start this movement, if not for them it would be MUCH more difficult for us all to have these conversations. They have provided a service for us. They sacrifice their time for us, and for their believes as well as ours. The best way to show our respect is to police our selves!
These are VERY important for EVERY member to read every once in awhile. Please take the time to read over the rules that John and Mike have set for their site (this site, the site THEY OWN). This site is considered PRIVATE PROPERTY, and this property is John and Mike's, and I just think that it is important for every member to remind themselves of this every once in awhile.
If you are a new member it is imperative that you read these rules.
It is important that WE as members RESPECT John and Mike's wishes as they provide this service for us. They helped to start this movement, if not for them it would be MUCH more difficult for us all to have these conversations. They have provided a service for us. They sacrifice their time for us, and for their believes as well as ours. The best way to show our respect is to police our selves!
The law is always in a state of flux and even lawyers and judges get it wrong from time to time. All advice posted on this forum should be considered nothing more than hearsay. Even if a poster identifies themselves as an attorney, law enforcement official or expert in a given field, there is no way to verify that fact or that they are correct. Therefore, any and all advice you glean from this forum should be independently verified! NOTHING CONTAINED HEREIN SHOULD BE CONSIDERED LEGAL ADVICE!
If you do not agree with any of these Rules then please do not use this site, because BY USING THIS SITE YOU WILL BE DEEMED TO HAVE IRREVOCABLY AGREED TO THESE RULES. Please note that these Rules may be revised and reissued without notice at any time. You should review the current Rules regularly, since your continued use of the site will be deemed as irrevocable acceptance of any revisions.
- (1) YOU OWN YOUR WORDS ONCE THEY ARE POSTED: While we will attempt to help those who have a legitimate need to remove postings they have made in haste or error, our time and ability to do so is not unlimited and there is no guarantee that such a request will be granted. Therefore, post only those comments that you have considered and are willing to take full responsibility for!
- (2) RIGHT TO EDIT AND DELETE POSTS: We reserve the right to edit or remove posts for any reason, at any time, at our sole discretion.
- (3) PRIVACY: We respect the privacy of our members and will NEVER sell or make available our member's email or other contact information to third-parties.
- (4) RIGHT TO CONTACT: We reserve the right to contact our members via email about gun rights related initiatives. While we do offer a provision to opt-out of these mailings, we make no guarantees that such an opt-out will always be available.
- (5) CITE TO AUTHORITY: If you state a rule of law, it is incumbent upon you to try to cite, as best you can, to authority. Citing to authority, using links when available,is what makes OCDO so successful. An authority is a published source of law that can back your claim up - statute, ordinance, court case, newspaper article covering a legal issue, etc.
- (6) NO PERSONAL ATTACKS: While you may disagree strongly with another poster based upon their opinion, we will NOT tolerate any personal attacks or general bashing of groups of people based upon race, religion, sex, or choice of occupation (e.g., being a law enforcement officer). NOTE THAT THIS RULE APPLIES TO PMs AS WELL AS FORUM POSTS!!!
- (7) NO SPAMMING: Links to spam/membership sites not related directly to firearms are NOT allowed under any circumstances! It is also considered spamming to post the same thread (even valid ones) to multiple forums.
- (8) KEEP IT ON-TOPIC: All gun rights discussions not directly related to open carry should take place in the "General Discussions" forum and topics that are not related to gun rights at all should take place in "The Lounge". Please police your own posts before posting them and help keep OCDO strong and focused.
- (9) HATE IS NOT WELCOME HERE: Any posts attacking others based upon race, religions, national origin, sexual orientation, or anything other than opposition to gun rights is NOT WELCOME HERE! We reserve the right to impose immediate bans for such behavior.
- (10) WE DO NOT ALLOW "FOR SALE" OR RAFFLE ADS: We use Google Ads to help cover the expenses of the forum and their rules specifically disallow the sale of firearms, ammo and accessories (including the raffle of such). The good news is that one of our newest sponsors, OutdoorsTrader.com offers just such a service.
- (11) RESPECT COPYRIGHT HOLDERS: We often share news stories with one another. Please remember that these stories are copyrighted material and only post a fair-use excerpt along with a link where the rest of the story may be read.
- (12) NO BASHING OF OTHER GUN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS: Regardless of how convinced you are that another gun rights organization is not doing their job, this is not the place to air those concerns unless they are specifically related to an anti-open carry position taken by that organization. All other rants against other gun rights groups will be deleted or the thread locked.
- (13) MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS ARE NOT ALLOWED: Signing up multiple accounts (or alts) is a tactic employed by spammers and trolls and not legitimate members. Doing so will result in the banning of all accounts involved.
- (14) LONG GUN CARRY IS OFF-TOPIC: This web site is focused on the right to openly carry properly holstered handguns in daily American life. We do NOT promote the carry of long guns. Long guns are great! OCDO co-founders John & Mike and most of the members of this forum own at least one long gun - but due to urban area issues of muzzle control, lack of trigger guard coverage, and the fact that the long gun carry issue distracts from our main mission to promote the open carry of handguns in daily life, we will leave long gun carry activism in the capable hands of the future founders of web sites about long gun carry.
- (15) WE ADVOCATE FOR THE 'LAW-ABIDING' ONLY: Posts advocating illegal acts of any kind are NOT welcome here. Even if you feel that a law is unconstitutional we do not break it, we repeal it or defeat it in the courts.
- (16) NO FALSE ATTRIBUTIONS: Editing quoted posts by another member to make it appear as if they said something other than what they intended will NOT be tolerated!