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Free CCW class at Gunstore.


Regular Member
Jul 11, 2012
Las Vegas
Their ad is misleading/wrong. They say that if you upgrade to UT/FL (@ $50 each), you can carry in 36 states. But this is wrong. You can only carry in 32. They are counting the four states that require you to be a resident of UT to recognize the UT permit.

But they have a grill and lots of cute girls running the place.

Oh, and do not pay them for FL! You can get that one for free directly from FL and use your NV qualification (or DD214 or hunting license, etc) as your FL qualification.

Thanx 4 the 411 on 702 Mac702 :)
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Regular Member
Feb 19, 2014
Henderson, NV
Reviving this old thread, but I got my CCW qualification at TGS a few weeks ago and had Bob Eaton. He appears to have eased his stance on Open Carry, never once said it was illegal outside of the North Las Vegas vehicular comments and never said it was illegal in Boulder City.

He did however say that there is no law against Open Carry, which makes it legal on technicality, and he would not give any advice on Open Carry since he was teaching a Concealed Carry class.


Regular Member
Apr 15, 2008
Las Vegas NV, ,
Reviving this old thread, but I got my CCW qualification at TGS a few weeks ago and had Bob Eaton. He appears to have eased his stance on Open Carry, never once said it was illegal outside of the North Las Vegas vehicular comments and never said it was illegal in Boulder City.

He did however say that there is no law against Open Carry, which makes it legal on technicality, and he would not give any advice on Open Carry since he was teaching a Concealed Carry class.

And he is still wrong and a idiot. Did he teach Preemption at all? My guess would be no or he would have known NLV is a non issue.


Regular Member
Dec 19, 2007
Fallon, Nevada, USA
... reciprocity, and the law revision which passed.

Just a technical correction: Nevada does NOT have reciprocity. Nevada does have system wherein Nevada will recognize/honor other states' permits IF said state has equal or more restrictive requirements than Nevada's. (Unfortunately, the law gives the Nevada Non-Profit corporation, the Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association, the final say as to what state's permits Nevada will honor.) There is a difference between reciprocity and our system.

And a question: To which "law revision which passed" do you refer?


Regular Member
Feb 15, 2014
I see that The Range702 also is advertising free NV CCW classes.

For a free class (by that I mean "let's just get this over with so we can exercise our rights") it was pretty good. No horror stories and the info was spot on. Not much on OC, but hey, it's a concealed class, but no misinformation.

But they have a grill and lots of cute girls running the place.

Oh, and do not pay them for FL! You can get that one for free directly from FL and use your NV qualification (or DD214 or hunting license, etc) as your FL qualification.

Incidentally, the grill had the best burger I've EVER had (seriously!).

Mac, thanks for letting me know about the Florida thing. Now that my father is moving to Florida (I'd never thought he'd be THAT guy) I'll need one!


Regular Member
Mar 4, 2014
Las Vegas
Oh, and do not pay them for FL! You can get that one for free directly from FL and use your NV qualification (or DD214 or hunting license, etc) as your FL qualification.

Also, I check into this myself a bit more in detail. If you do the UT permit, the only other state you add by doing a FL permit is Florida itself. Utah covers everything Florida covers except Florida itself. And if you are a UT resident, you get FL too. So it's definitely not worth doing FL unless that is a state you frequent.

Correct me if I'm wrong here. I made a spreadsheet for NV, UT, and FL based on the most recent list of states that honor out of state permits (for UT and FL) and just did a comparison of all the states each covers to get to this conclusion.
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Regular Member
May 31, 2007
, ,
Just a technical correction: Nevada does NOT have reciprocity. Nevada does have system wherein Nevada will recognize/honor other states' permits IF said state has equal or more restrictive requirements than Nevada's. (Unfortunately, the law gives the Nevada Non-Profit corporation, the Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association, the final say as to what state's permits Nevada will honor.) There is a difference between reciprocity and our system.

And a question: To which "law revision which passed" do you refer?

Larry, do you realize this original post was from September, 2010?



Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
Reviving this old thread, but I got my CCW qualification at TGS a few weeks ago and had Bob Eaton. He appears to have eased his stance on Open Carry, never once said it was illegal outside of the North Las Vegas vehicular comments and never said it was illegal in Boulder City.

He did however say that there is no law against Open Carry, which makes it legal on technicality, and he would not give any advice on Open Carry since he was teaching a Concealed Carry class.

It's just as legal in NLV as it is anywhere else, so his motives are still in question. Many of us OC in NLV.

As for not giving any advice on OC because it was a concealed carry class is a pathetic excuse. His store goes well above and beyond the state standards for their shooting portion, so obviously that is not what is holding him back from deviating from the state's minimum outline.

He loves being a part of the "pay for privilege" class of society, and the idea that someone can carry a gun as freely as a papered cop is foreign to him.

The Big Guy

Regular Member
Oct 20, 2009
Waco, TX
It's just as legal in NLV as it is anywhere else, so his motives are still in question. Many of us OC in NLV.

As for not giving any advice on OC because it was a concealed carry class is a pathetic excuse. His store goes well above and beyond the state standards for their shooting portion, so obviously that is not what is holding him back from deviating from the state's minimum outline.

He loves being a part of the "pay for privilege" class of society, and the idea that someone can carry a gun as freely as a papered cop is foreign to him.

Beyond the state standards for shooting qualification, and you have to buy their ammo to shoot it. If memory serves. Free class huh.



Regular Member
May 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Beyond the state standards for shooting qualification, and you have to buy their ammo to shoot it. If memory serves. Free class huh.


Yes they put a time limit on your shots which is not required by law, The range smells like A$$ and feet, if it is 80 degrees outside and they push the legal stuff hard to diminish your interest in carrying period.... But they do sell guns, and guns are cool.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
...Bob Eaton...did however say that there is no law against Open Carry, which makes it legal on technicality,...

And I hate how they emphasize this point. As if the "technicality" means you shouldn't be doing it.

There is no law that says he can wear suspenders to keep his pants on, either. So it is just a technicality that he can do so.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
...Bob Eaton...would not give any advice on Open Carry since he was teaching a Concealed Carry class.

Oh, and another reason why this is pure BS!

Because our laws only address possession in general, and then has several restrictions on concealing, it is extremely important for an instructor to inform his students that there are many places where it is illegal to conceal, yet is still legal to possess. You know what we call possessing while not concealing? OPEN CARRY!

What a tool...


Regular Member
May 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
They could eliminate GFZ's by correctly instructing on open carry. The cool thing is, they have g\had ti give free classes to remain relevant. Every open carrier makes the current GFZ's the Sheriffs and Chiefs, a few laws, and the high priced permission slip, just a little bit more less relevant


Regular Member
Feb 19, 2014
Henderson, NV
Oh, and another reason why this is pure BS!

Because our laws only address possession in general, and then has several restrictions on concealing, it is extremely important for an instructor to inform his students that there are many places where it is illegal to conceal, yet is still legal to possess. You know what we call possessing while not concealing? OPEN CARRY!

What a tool...
Something else came to mind yesterday while I was talking to my dad. We go bird hunting in Arizona, but since the dove and quail just haven't been coming the past few years I figured we should get ourselves some Nevada permits too. I haven't hunted in Nevada in years, but while taking this CCW class, Eaton informed us that it is now illegal to discharge firearms out in the desert. This struck me as odd, being that I would always go out into the desert and shoot up some bottles, cans, and other home made targets, prior to joining a shooting range out in Boulder City.

My question is, is Eaton even right that you can't discharge firearms out in the county, such as the middle of the ** ****** desert? I began to smell the ******** because otherwise how would hunting permits and stamps be distributed by the state? I can't find anything in the Nevada law that tells me otherwise, but I figured I'd fill you guys in.
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New member
Mar 22, 2014
las vegas
Bob Eaton is incompetent

I would like to share my experience with the Gun Stores "free" class, instructed by Bob Eaton. First and foremost I took the class 1 1/2 years ago so this could be an unfair review considering that perhaps he has changed his teaching style.

Bob made a point to tell us that it is illegal to carry in North Las Vegas and Boulder city without a cfp permit. I raised my hand and asked about Senate Bill 92 which was passed in 2007 which amended the preemption law and removed all grandfathered ordinances except for gun registration therefore making North Las Vegas law illegal. Bob rudely told me that there was no such law passed and then started talking about something else. I avoided a debate in order to not interrupt his class. Later during a break I politely went up to him. I showed him in my phone the law and he basically just ignored it and told me to sit down.

Another important thing to mention which has not been mentioned by anybody else is the following. Bob told us that Nevada does not have a stand your ground law or castle law and that you cannot fire in protection of just your property. He made a point to tell us a bizarre story of a man who lived in a two story house. Someone had broken in so the man ran up stairs to hide with his family while the criminal was going through his things downstairs. Bob said the man was not allowed to fire on the criminal and that when the criminal started going up the stairs the man fired on him. Bob then emphasized that luckily the man got a good lawyer to prove that the valuables of the home were only on the first floor and that by going up the stairs surely the criminal was going after the family. He made it a point to really push to us that we are not allowed to fire on someone for just breaking into our home and that the only reason the man in the story was exonerated is because he got a good lawyer. I then came home and looked up the NRS and found NRS 200.120 which states clearly: a homicide is justifiable in defense of habitation, property or person in defense of someone who by violence or surprise is planning on committing a felony such as burglary against you. So the facts are he was completely wrong and spreading these lies is dangerous and could cause someone to avoid defending their family.

Another interesting thing is that Bob said that unlike most firearms instructors who did not want to be held liable in court he would be happy to answer questions. However he spoke so fast and continuously that nobody was really able to ask anything. Even when people started to ask a question he would just cut them off and talk about something else.

In my opinion from what I saw a year and a half ago Bob Eaton is a very poor instructor and you should get your training somewhere else, even if it means paying.
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The Big Guy

Regular Member
Oct 20, 2009
Waco, TX
I would like to share my experience with the Gun Stores "free" class, instructed by Bob Eaton. First and foremost I took the class 1 1/2 years ago so this could be an unfair review considering that perhaps he has changed his teaching style.

Bob made a point to tell us that it is illegal to carry in North Las Vegas and Boulder city without a cfp permit. I raised my hand and asked about Senate Bill 92 which was passed in 2007 which amended the preemption law and removed all grandfathered ordinances except for gun registration therefore making North Las Vegas law illegal. Bob rudely told me that there was no such law passed and then started talking about something else. I avoided a debate in order to not interrupt his class. Later during a break I politely went up to him. I showed him in my phone the law and he basically just ignored it and told me to sit down.

Another important thing to mention which has not been mentioned by anybody else is the following. Bob told us that Nevada does not have a stand your ground law or castle law and that you cannot fire in protection of just your property. He made a point to tell us a bizarre story of a man who lived in a two story house. Someone had broken in so the man ran up stairs to hide with his family while the criminal was going through his things downstairs. Bob said the man was not allowed to fire on the criminal and that when the criminal started going up the stairs the man fired on him. Bob then emphasized that luckily the man got a good lawyer to prove that the valuables of the home were only on the first floor and that by going up the stairs surely the criminal was going after the family. He made it a point to really push to us that we are not allowed to fire on someone for just breaking into our home and that the only reason the man in the story was exonerated is because he got a good lawyer. I then came home and looked up the NRS and found NRS 200.120 which states clearly: a homicide is justifiable in defense of habitation, property or person in defense of someone who by violence or surprise is planning on committing a felony such as burglary against you. So the facts are he was completely wrong and spreading these lies is dangerous and could cause someone to avoid defending their family.

Another interesting thing is that Bob said that unlike most firearms instructors who did not want to be held liable in court he would be happy to answer questions. However he spoke so fast and continuously that nobody was really able to ask anything. Even when people started to ask a question he would just cut them off and talk about something else.

In my opinion from what I saw a year and a half ago Bob Eaton is a very poor instructor and you should get your training somewhere else, even if it means paying.

First, you always pay. Even TGS classes are not really free. You have to buy their expensive ammo for the live fire portion. I also understand that they require more rounds to be fired than is state mandated. That's more money.

If you feel you must get a permission slip, for whatever reason, go with MAC702 here in the south end. You will be treated fairly and courteously, and you will walk out of the class knowing you are prepared by having been given the straight skinny.



Regular Member
Mar 15, 2014
For a free class (by that I mean "let's just get this over with so we can exercise our rights") it was pretty good. No horror stories and the info was spot on. Not much on OC, but hey, it's a concealed class, but no misinformation.

Incidentally, the grill had the best burger I've EVER had (seriously!).

Mac, thanks for letting me know about the Florida thing. Now that my father is moving to Florida (I'd never thought he'd be THAT guy) I'll need one!
My husband is taking the ccw class at the 702 Range today and says the burger he had for lunch there was amazing. He has a few hours left and last I talked he was complaining it was long though I am sure he just wanted to get to the shooting portion already!

We went to The Gun Store once when we were out here visiting before we moved, and will never go back. The employees we talked to had the air of being better than the customers and I was really not comfortable being in the store. That was over a year ago so who knows if it has changed but I don't care to venture over there to see.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
My husband is taking the ccw class at the 702 Range today ...

Do NOT pay them extra for the FL permit application (they charge $50)! There is nothing extra that they need to provide for you to get one. Your NV certification is already good for your FL application if you need one, so make a copy of it before you give it to Metro when applying for NV.