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Free CCW class at Gunstore.


Regular Member
Jul 5, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
I'm not advertising. I'm here to let ya'll know that the CCW instructor (who actually has nothing to do with The Gun Store) is STILL telling students that Open Carry is not legal, that it will get you arrested, and is refusing to acknowledge reciprocity, and the law revision which passed. He also insists that anyone caught Open Carrying will be arrested on the spot and have "tons of cops there." I mentioned the Youtube Video of OCDO members walking the strip and he said "the cops where aware." I asked why were the cops allowing illegal behavior then and he shook his head and ignored me.

I didn't want to get booted out of the class so I dropped it... Maybe you guys can have a go at him.


Regular Member
Apr 15, 2008
Las Vegas NV, ,
Name of this person please. We need to report him to the well I dont know who? Is it the chiefs assoc? Anyway we need this persons name so this can be stoppped.

I sent a note to bob irwin on FB asking why this is going on.
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Regular Member
May 19, 2008
, ,
I'm not advertising. I'm here to let ya'll know that the CCW instructor (who actually has nothing to do with The Gun Store) is STILL telling students that Open Carry is not legal, that it will get you arrested, and is refusing to acknowledge reciprocity, and the law revision which passed. He also insists that anyone caught Open Carrying will be arrested on the spot and have "tons of cops there." I mentioned the Youtube Video of OCDO members walking the strip and he said "the cops where aware." I asked why were the cops allowing illegal behavior then and he shook his head and ignored me.

I didn't want to get booted out of the class so I dropped it... Maybe you guys can have a go at him.

Usually, you get what you pay for.


Regular Member
Apr 15, 2008
Las Vegas NV, ,
Well bob replied to my email he says you were mistaken that they would never say of is illegal. I will post it when I get back to my comp.


Regular Member
Apr 8, 2010
Creech AFB. NV
I'm not advertising. I'm here to let ya'll know that the CCW instructor (who actually has nothing to do with The Gun Store) is STILL telling students that Open Carry is not legal, that it will get you arrested, and is refusing to acknowledge reciprocity, and the law revision which passed. He also insists that anyone caught Open Carrying will be arrested on the spot and have "tons of cops there." I mentioned the Youtube Video of OCDO members walking the strip and he said "the cops where aware." I asked why were the cops allowing illegal behavior then and he shook his head and ignored me.

I didn't want to get booted out of the class so I dropped it... Maybe you guys can have a go at him.
Please tell me this is a joke..
I open carry everyday, and not 1 cop has harassed me..they usually thank me. When I went through the CCW class we went line by line through EVERY law pertaining to guns. If you do that, then clearly this guy has his head seated firmly in his arse.
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Regular Member
Jan 31, 2010
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
I say again, Bob Irwin and anyone associated with The Gun Store, are ignorant and vomit nonsense. Bob Irwin straight up saying, "you are mistaken" wow I would love to have a recording of this CCW instructor so that I could post it on the morons FB page asking how am I mistaken? They would NEVER say OC is illegal!!! What blasphemy! just like he would never go on the news and say if you carry into a building with a sign youll be arrested for trespassing.

Some say free is free. I dont care what the costs, free or 230499823 dollars I will never set foot into that establishment again.

This man is pure dribble and if makes it to assembly it will be a joke. He is BUYING votes without actually saying so all under the name of gun liberty. His store or instructors have never done a single thing for free, and believe you me he is not doing this for free at all. There is no such thing as free unless your trolling through craigslist and even then its not really free now is it?


Regular Member
Apr 15, 2008
Las Vegas NV, ,
Bobs response. Also I asked him to come here and comment. My question was why are his instructors telling people OC is against the law? I pointed to this thread and quoted the OP.

Quote"Bob Irwin September 7 at 2:59pm Report
We are not saying that. Open carry is not illegal in Nevada other than where all guns are prohibited for some reason. Your reporter may be misunderstanding the statements or taking a question asked by a student out of context. I can do nothing but say I'm sorry it was not more clear. The Concealed Carry does not really directly addess open carry. Bob"


Regular Member
May 19, 2008
, ,
Well bob replied to my email he says you were mistaken that they would never say of is illegal. I will post it when I get back to my comp.

That's par for the course. Of course, he's going to defend his instructor.
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Regular Member
Jul 5, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
They only noted the make model and caliber of my weapon, not the serial.


He is still mentioning north las vegas laws regarding the carry of firearms. I mentioned the recent Statewide Pre-emption and he said "I don't know what that is." I explained that cities cannot impose laws greater that that of state law and he told me I was mistaken.


calmp9 is correct. This is a CCW class taught by a Cop. Why would he acknowledge or even discuss Open Carry? lol.
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Regular Member
May 19, 2008
, ,
They only noted the make model and caliber of my weapon, not the serial.


He is still mentioning north las vegas laws regarding the carry of firearms. I mentioned the recent Statewide Pre-emption and he said "I don't know what that is." I explained that cities cannot impose laws greater that that of state law and he told me I was mistaken.


calmp9 is correct. This is a CCW class taught by a Cop. Why would he acknowledge or even discuss Open Carry? lol.

I wish I was wrong but it appears that the instructor has his own agenda, brainwashing the public and making untrue statements about open carry.

The owner thinks that you misunderstood the instructor's statements. What part of "open carry is illegal" is so difficult to understand? Pretty clear to me!

I bet you that the owner doesn't even know what he's teaching in those classes because he trusts the police officer. All he cares about is filling the seats with potential customers. After all, he is a businessman first.


Regular Member
Feb 22, 2010
, ,
I think I may go take the class and will bring up oc and I will have my recorder on me just so I can't have a misunderstanding. Will let you guys know what happens!


Regular Member
Aug 12, 2006
, ,
Bob Eaton

I took the class from Bob Eaton 6 years ago. He told me so many lies I don't care to repeat them. He is into "opinion enforcement", not law enforcement.

To add the the excitement the range masters are psycho commandos who insist on timing the CCW range qualification, with multiple load changes, more restrictive shot placement, and someone yelling in your ear. Its a riot!

Avoid the Gun Store at all costs.

PS... Some of the things he said back then were downright dangerous. For instance he said we could carry legally at Lake Mead. Back then... NO WAY... Now... Yes.
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Regular Member
Jul 11, 2012
Las Vegas
Bob Eaton

To revive an old thread...

Nothing's changed with Bob Eaton. Still pushing an agenda preaching what he wishes was law and not what IS law. Just took the CCW class and my head was spinning from all the misinformation when it came to the laws. Just sad. But then again, sad is the entire ccw money grabbing process and so I am glad that I could do the "training" for free - So I MUST thank the Gun Store for that - VERY COOL. But it is sad that someone "ordained" by the state to give instruction to thousands of people on the gun laws is giving instruction instead on what he wishes were the gun laws.

I used to think that the LVMPD approved training was a joke. Now I am sure of it! :cuss:
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Regular Member
Dec 27, 2011
Fallon, NV
This misinformation is how we get into casual arguments with friends, that usually end with, "Well, that's what my CCW instructor said". :banghead:

A CCW instructor said it. Must be true, even if it contradicts state laws. :eek:

I remember a recent argument with some friends about OC in a bar or restaurant. The definition of "Public Place" came up, and somebody mentioned a No Firearms sign. One friend believed it should be one way because, "well that's the way they do it back in my state". The other friend believed it should be another way, because it said it in his CCW class, and he had the text book to look it up. In the end, neither one was correct. I quoted the NRS and the applicable definitions.

My lesson, be well versed in the local laws, if you don't KNOW the law don't guess and shoot from the hip. Be prepared to spend some time quoting and explaining the NRS in several ways, until they get it.
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Regular Member
Jul 11, 2012
Las Vegas
Bob Eaton

There is indeed a Bob Eaton. He works only in the classroom for TGS and said he has nothing to do with the store and range portion.

I am really glad that TGS offers for free the signature needed to pay this tax for my right, so I praise them for that. I am, however, very dissatisfied with a self-proclaimed veteran with a multitude of certifications (including a LEO) giving such mis-instruction on the laws. Yes, it is crap like this that creates such misleading perceptions. If he were standing at the top of Mount Olympus screaming this misinformation - no problem. But he has been entrusted by the state to "instruct" folks on STATE gun laws. It is a STATE permit. Yet, he consistently preached that you CANNOT carry in Boulder City and North Las Vegas because they have laws against it. When I mentioned that state trumps city his reply, "Well I guess not".

But hey, isn't he cut from the same mold that still flies the "No Weapons" flag right on the front door of every cop shop? Knowing how many lawyers there are in this town (politicians included) and "news" people that know this is illegal and who have done nothing about it, I give up. Might is right and don't ever forget that. :(
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Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
I see that The Range702 also is advertising free NV CCW classes.

Their ad is misleading/wrong. They say that if you upgrade to UT/FL (@ $50 each), you can carry in 36 states. But this is wrong. You can only carry in 32. They are counting the four states that require you to be a resident of UT to recognize the UT permit.

But they have a grill and lots of cute girls running the place.

Oh, and do not pay them for FL! You can get that one for free directly from FL and use your NV qualification (or DD214 or hunting license, etc) as your FL qualification.
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