color of law
Accomplished Advocate
Lobotomies were all the rage until.......well we know the rest of that story.
Some doctors think they can control nature.......well.......
Some doctors think they can control nature.......well.......
I was born biologically male. I identify as female. Not sure why, it’s just what it is. I’m attracted to females. I don’t identify with, nor relate to gays. Wife, and I have 4 kids that are biologically ours; made kids with my wife prior to being castrated, which was described by doctors as a treatment, that would aid in resolving dysphoria, which it didn’t. Not complaining, this is my life, a blessed life, and I own it.
Kids that are dealing with the same dilemma as myself should be barred from surgical and hormonal transition. Some folks like OC want to keep their head in the sand, and act as if transsexual kids aren’t being castrated, and sterilized, having breasts removed, and injected with cross gender hormones. Think again. It is happening, in much larger numbers than most people want to believe. Parents are’t doing their transsexual kids any favors feeding into the narrative that there is something wrong with the natural state of one’s body.
Lobotomies were all the rage until.......well we know the rest of that story.
Some doctors think they can control nature.......well.......
That sounds like the operation was a success but the patient died.Well ECT is still an accepted practice and i function quite well after my Lobotomy procedure, tho the foot drag and drooling is bothersome and causes excessive wear on my shoe![]()
Lobotomies were all the rage until.......well we know the rest of that story.
Some doctors think they can control nature.......well.......
Please let’s keep things in context shall we Beretta...
First you did not wake up one day ‘feeling’ you were suffering from gender dysphoria, then the day after this ‘feeling’ manifested - you underwent surgical reassignment as your male genitalia were removed and reconfigured.
No, there are years of suffering from the mental health disorder, then psychotherapy, then beginning of reassignment medical treatment of hormonal therapy coupled with continuing psychotherapy while wearing artificial devices, e.g. padded bras, to emulate living in a mode of the new gender.
Again, this is a very time consuming endeavour -years- before surgical reassignment is even considered. At any time before the reassignment surgical is consummated, the patient can say...whoa I’ve changed my mind!
Yes, there are cases where reassignment clients ask to be a humpy dumpty and be put back together but the results are less than satisfactory to the client!
So please have the courtesy to tell the narrative appropriately in lieu of shock an awe commentary you are currently regaling.
Castrating a dog does not turn the dog into a female, the animal is now a castrated male. Surgery/drugs do not change DNA. Call it what you want, but people who have this mental condition cannot force an opinion especially one that goes against nature.
Cite please.Children are. No data points, just facts.
Liberals claiming that logic is emotion and emotion is logic...a hateful angry lot liberals are.body dysmorphic disorder - noun : pathological preoccupation with an imagined or slight physical defect of one's body to the point of causing significant stress or behavioral impairment in several areas (as work and personal relationships)
It is suffering. Not in the "I'm being waterboarded sense." It's going through male puberty, and completely disassociating from your body the more it masculinizes. I described it to someone that it's like being raped by nature. Day in, day out, it weighed on you until you almost don't even feel human.
I would have jumped on the opportunity to not feel the way I have felt from a young age, and felt all these years. But it's in my mind. Certainly have had times in my life I wanted to learn to identify as a male. If not managed it leads to suicide for a lot of transsexuals like myself.
If you don't mind me asking, was your father in your life since birth?I was born biologically male. I identify as female.
Per your highlited statement you are addressing us from the grave.
Second, what is the ‘IT’ you refer to?
Finally, your irrational and extremely biased comment regarding ‘suicide...a lot of transexuals’ have a cite?
Madam, why are you now acting as a humpty dumpty wanting to be put back together again? The reassignment psychotherapy & medical hormonal treatment efforts took years to work you through before your surgical procedures and the consents you sign prior laid out the risk(s) and so forth ~ your arms were not twisted whatsoever - - ye got what YOU as an adult asked for!
Second guessing past decision(s) is extremely counterproductive to your psyche so, pull up your knickers - get over it and move forward with your life as there is no magic purple pill or DeLorne time-machine to change your past!
If you don't mind me asking, was your father in your life since birth?
You read what you wanted to read into my posts. I stated I own my life, I'm blessed. Again, I've got a wife of 22 years, and 4 great kids.
I'm not going to hold your hand. Read.
The issue has never been an argument about the objective reality of the body. I am genetically male, that's a fact that I accept.
The medical community shouldn't support, and encourage treatment that is antithetical to objective reality.