Just a few days ago I almost went with a glock 26, but I chose to spend an extra $50 and buy the S&W M&P9c. It's pretty much the same size, but the difference between the two is that the M&P has an ambidexrous slide & mag release, (which is a big deal for southpaws like me) and interchangeable backstraps for different-sized hands. The final thing that sealed the deal for me was the tactical rail, which is something glocks don't have. I also haven't heard about major reliability issues with that model. The glock 26 is a good gun, don't get me wrong, but I recommend spending the extra $50 on something that I've found is superior.
Also, I haven't shot the glock 26, but I have shot the larger glock 19, and find that the recoil is much lower in the S&W than the glock.
I'm sure you will be very pleased however in whichever gun you choose!