There are a lot of people talking about how elected officials need to hear from us. That they do, but it's more than that. They need to see who we are. They need to get around their prejudice and bigotry and see us for the responsible, law abiding, and peace loving people we are. They need to get to know us, not as the gun toter, but as the father, mother, son, daughter, ect. They need to see us as reasonable people with real concerns and we are not to be cast aside.
From now until the September 28th picnic in Grand Rapids, I will be politely inviting the GR Commission, and any other public official in the area, to attend the picnic. I will be inviting them to come meet real people with real concerns.
I know it can be a struggle to address our elected officials in a respectful manner, but it is something that we must do. Me MUST address them and we must be smart about it. Especially if they are an anti. Why make their destructive position easy? I hope to see everyone at the picnic in September and in Lansing in October.
-Tom Lambert