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Currently when I go on school property (with my CHP) I must remain in the car and the gun must remain concealed. If I want to exit the vehicle I technically need to unload and secure the gun before entering school property, then reload once I leave. Not having to worry about unloading/reloading every time I need to get out of the car would be a huge help.
So does that mean that I can go on school property with my loaded gun in a secured container and get out of the car (leaving it in the secured container)? Or does this new exemption only apply if you remain in the vehicle?VA-ALERT: IMPORTANT: New Virginia gun laws
Philip Van Cleave
VCDL's meeting schedule: http://www.vcdl.org/meetings.html
Abbreviations used in VA-ALERT: http://www.vcdl.org/help/abbr.html
You will probably want to keep this email, as it describes the new Virginia gun laws GOING INTO EFFECT ON JULY 1. There are some items here that you most likely are unaware of, so I highly recommend that you READ THIS ALERT IN ITS ENTIRETY.
Areas affected by the new laws:
For those who do not have a CHP, starting July 1 they can have a loaded handgun with them concealed in their motor vehicle or vessel as long as the handgun is secured in a container (such as a zipped bag, closed gun case, closed briefcase, etc.) or in a compartment (glovebox, console, etc.).
NOTE: Remember that if you don't have a CHP, you generally can't carry a handgun in such a closed container OUTSIDE of your motor vehicle or vessel.
The new vehicle carry law, above, has an additional benefit for BOTH CHP holders and non-CHP holders. Under the law effective July 1, a loaded handgun can be kept in a secured container or a secured compartment in a motor vehicle while on K-12 school property.
The new vehicle carry law (18.2-308 B 10) is in the list of general exemptions from the concealed weapon law. Police officers and Commonwealth Attorneys, for example, are listed in 18.2-308 B. The key is that in the third paragraph of the K-12 school weapons law (18.2-308.1) it says that anyone exempted from the concealed weapon law is also exempted from the ban on guns on K-12 school property.
Thus, as long as your loaded handgun is in a secured compartment or a secured container BEFORE you pull onto school property and REMAINS SECURED in that compartment or container UNTIL AFTER you pull off the property, you are legal.
In case those of you with CHPs are wondering why you can't carry outside of your vehicle on K-12 school property, that's because the CHP wording (18.2-308 D) is NOT in the list of exemptions to the concealed weapon law (18.2-308 B and 18.2-308 C). Instead, you can think of your CHP as a "get out of jail free" card. You are not actually exempted from the concealed carry law, but you have an affirmative defense against any prosecution.
I think we should be working to exempt CHP holders from the concealed weapon law.
Currently when I go on school property (with my CHP) I must remain in the car and the gun must remain concealed. If I want to exit the vehicle I technically need to unload and secure the gun before entering school property, then reload once I leave. Not having to worry about unloading/reloading every time I need to get out of the car would be a huge help.