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I was out and had to stop at a Wal-Mart near the "bad part of town" a few months ago, carrying openly, as I nearly always do. Due to a complaint from a "concerned" customer who saw my weapon but no badge or uniform, management sent the LEO who was working security to come talk to me. They instructed him to ask me to either conceal the weapon if I had a CHP, or to remove the weapon from the store if I didn't. As we spoke, I had my hands in front of me and above my waist, as is my normal stance. The entire exchange was pleasant, even friendly, and when he asked if I had a CHP, I responded in the affirmitive without moving my hands. I intentionally kept my hands still as I asked him if he wanted to see my CHP. Only after he said yes did I move. I then immediately made the natural movement required to remove my wallet, which I carry strong side, directly behind my weapon, and presented my CHP and ID. There was no reaction by the LEO. The point I'm making is this: Carrying both your wallet and weapon strong side can, but does not automatically present a problem if approached by law enforcement. The situation will depend on your demeanor, the tone of the encounter and and the LEO involved. A little common sense will go a long way. I still carry both strong side.