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Hopefully temporary problem at Food Lion


Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
I was just shopping at Food Lion in Yorktown, the one in the same shopping center as the Autozone protest a week or so ago. The manager asked if I was almost done with my shopping to which I answered, "No I just got here.". He then asked me to place my firearm in my car and not bring it in the store. We then got into about a half hour conversation of all the topics and issues with OC/CC, Autozone, Sandy Hook, etc. He was personable but under the impression that the Food Lion policy was to allow local management to make the call on such issues.

He did back pedal a bit by saying that he would contact corporate to discuss the issue. I gave him my phone number and email address to have him contact me. I told him that I have shopped there for 22 years and never had a problem before so I would be happy to take my business for the next 22 years to Farm Fresh or Kroger. I went to their website and submitted a question about their corporate policy. I mentioned VCDL/OpenCarry websites/communications and that while private property can ban weapons we can choose to not give them our business.

Right after we shook hands and went our separate ways, about 10 feet from where we were standing (and the manager still was standing) an ex-Marine came up to me and asked what I was carrying. (FNP-45) He and I then got into another 10 minute conversation on how we want good guys carrying guns. He specifically re-stated the phrase, "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun!". I was laughing inside because the manager was hearing all this and disproving his case that his customers might not want armed people around them.

Hopefully we can clear this up quickly. The manager said that he had only seen two other people OC-ing there a young man and his wife (DJEEPER???) but I have seen a few more. It is just ironic that the Autozone protest happened a week ago and now Food Lion is an issue. I told the manager that I was at that protest and he attested that yes people from the protest came in and explained what was going on and were polite. So with all that he still is taking an anti position?

<for Peter's benefit> The manager said that even he was a CHP holder.... ;-) I went into the arguments for OC over CC and that he didn't have much to fear from a properly holstered handgun. The name Plaxico Burress came up too.
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Regular Member
Jul 1, 2008
Newport News, Virginia, USA
His position seems a bit strange, considering that a known (fake bearded) armed robber operates in his shopping center, and that the individual who stopped his most recent attempt has received such strong community support.

Perhaps this manager is carrying his concealed handgun in spite of Food Lion policy, and hopes to successfully apprehend the aforementioned robber himself, and doesn't want any competition from armed LACs like yourself? Maybe he's looking for a better job?

peter nap

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 16, 2007
<for peter's benefit> the manager said that even he was a chp holder.... ;-) i went into the arguments for oc over cc and that he didn't have much to fear from a properly holstered handgun. The name plaxico burress came up too.

thank you!


Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
His position seems a bit strange, considering that a known (fake bearded) armed robber operates in his shopping center, and that the individual who stopped his most recent attempt has received such strong community support.

Perhaps this manager is carrying his concealed handgun in spite of Food Lion policy, and hopes to successfully apprehend the aforementioned robber himself, and doesn't want any competition from armed LACs like yourself? Maybe he's looking for a better job?

He mentioned that he grew up here but just moved back about a year ago. So I am hoping that he just hasn't reacclimated to Virginia culture yet and will change his mind. The best way would be for Corporate to slam him down but if they allow local management to make the call our only hope is to convince him to change his mind.

Luckily there are two food chains close by that haven't banned OC (yet) so I can shop at Farm Fresh and Kroger. The Food Lion is simply the closest one to my house.

I went through this with Quaker Steak and Lube to no avail. I would hate to see more and more businesses go anti!!!!


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
This is unusual for a Food Lion, I would imagine the manager is stepping outside of Food Lion policy. Food Lion changes store managers like I change socks, don't be surprised if you see a new face there.


Regular Member
Sep 12, 2007
Newport News, Virginia, USA
This is unusual for a Food Lion, I would imagine the manager is stepping outside of Food Lion policy. Food Lion changes store managers like I change socks, don't be surprised if you see a new face there.

You should show him the unfriendly list and tell him that what he is doing could put Food Lion on the unfriendly list. We would of course mention his name as the reason when the corporate offices are contacted.


Regular Member
Nov 2, 2011
rural religious usa
His position seems a bit strange, considering that a known (fake bearded) armed robber operates in his shopping center, and that the individual who stopped his most recent attempt has received such strong community support. snip...

does the faux beard itch much? :uhoh:



Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
I bet Food Lion wishes that some legally armed citizen had a gun now! http://www.timesdispatch.com/news/l...cle_79715c1b-82e1-536b-9f80-c7356ca4907e.html

I find it sadly ironic that if the management is neutral/anti that they usually see robberies as reasons to ban weapons. There is a cognitive dissonance that somehow robbers will obey a new gun ban policy even if they wouldn't obey laws against robbery! They somehow thing an invisible force field is created by a new antigun-policy that will repel further robberies. I ran into this kind of thinking at Quaker Steak & Lube in Newport News.

BTW: I still haven't heard anything back from either Food Lion corporate nor the local manager.
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Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
I open carry at my local Food Lion on New Market Rd. in the east end all the time without issue.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

Yes I have OC-ed without issue at the three Food Lions near my house for the last 5 years.

In many cases I got thank you's from other customers, and interest from cashier's with none being negative. I think that this is just a new manager (lucky me) and am hoping that corporate will straighten him out or that he can be convinced that banning firearms isn't the best method to achieve safety. I still haven't heard anything and since it happened right before Christmas it may take a week or two to hear back anything.

papa bear

Regular Member
Jul 25, 2010
mayberry, nc
i have worked at Food Lion for several years. if he was a manager he probably forgot about you 10 minutes after you left. i would absolutely contact them again and find out for sure. make sure you talk to the store manager.


Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
Food Lion issue SOLVED!

I got a call from the manager today and he had contacted corporate and was told that properly hosltered firearms were not a problem and welcome to shop at Food Lion.

He did go off on a tangent saying that if he saw someone carrying a rifle or shotgun into the store he might take exception but all in all a good conversation and the problem is solved.

I talked to him a few minutes and was thinking about asking him to go to the range to bolster up his support if he was interested but he said that he already visits the Marksman and has some family property out in Wakefield that they shoot on.

I told him that I would be happy to come back to Food Lion since I have been spending all my money at Kroger and Farm Fresh the last week or so. He did make a point to say that he hoped that I wasn't offended (probably a recommendation from corporate) and that he learned alot from our conversations and researching the issue. I don't know if that means he got schooled by corporate or not but a win is a win anyway you look at it.

I chalk this up to a new & young manager and thankfully the "anti" (logic/2A) behavior was nipped in the bud. Have a happy new year everyone!

peter nap

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 16, 2007
I got a call from the manager today and he had contacted corporate and was told that properly hosltered firearms were not a problem and welcome to shop at Food Lion.

He did go off on a tangent saying that if he saw someone carrying a rifle or shotgun into the store he might take exception but all in all a good conversation and the problem is solved.

I talked to him a few minutes and was thinking about asking him to go to the range to bolster up his support if he was interested but he said that he already visits the Marksman and has some family property out in Wakefield that they shoot on.

I told him that I would be happy to come back to Food Lion since I have been spending all my money at Kroger and Farm Fresh the last week or so. He did make a point to say that he hoped that I wasn't offended (probably a recommendation from corporate) and that he learned alot from our conversations and researching the issue. I don't know if that means he got schooled by corporate or not but a win is a win anyway you look at it.

I chalk this up to a new & young manager and thankfully the "anti" (logic/2A) behavior was nipped in the bud. Have a happy new year everyone!

Well done!