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Ignorance of Motorcade Route is no excuse!?!? Don't pass go, Go to jail!


Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA

A guy plinking cans with a pellet gun is in jail because he didn't know Obama's motorcade was planning to pass by.

I have always heard that ignorance of the law is no excuse but now we are supposed to somehow know what route the big Zero is taking? Where do I find that information on the web so I can avoid jail in the future?

They are still holding this guy in jail too not simply admitting that he was no threat.



Regular Member
Oct 16, 2012
Is there actually a law that says you can't shoot a gun on private property if the President plans to drive down a public road at some point? If he was legally allowed to shoot the gun where he was, IMO they need to **** off.


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
Hightower described his friend as a "good guy."

A good guy would have had something with a little more punch.

CT treats BB guns like nuclear devices .... its retarded.

Ca Patriot

Regular Member
Feb 25, 2010
, ,
In 2003 I was working for a local newspaper as a photographer. George Bush was scheduled to be in our town to visit a helicopter factory and I was tasked with getting some shots of his motorcade and such.

I went on the white house website and didnt see anything listed for the route that he was going to take. I then called the white house press people and asked what route he would be taking. After a few transfers to various people I was told they would get back to me in an hour.

About 30 minutes passed and the editor at the newspaper called me on my cell and said the secret service wanted to question me about why I was asking about the presidents motorcase route.

Long story short....America is a police state.


Regular Member
Dec 14, 2009
In My Coffee
In 2003 I was working for a local newspaper as a photographer. George Bush was scheduled to be in our town to visit a helicopter factory and I was tasked with getting some shots of his motorcade and such.

I went on the white house website and didnt see anything listed for the route that he was going to take. I then called the white house press people and asked what route he would be taking. After a few transfers to various people I was told they would get back to me in an hour.

About 30 minutes passed and the editor at the newspaper called me on my cell and said the secret service wanted to question me about why I was asking about the presidents motorcase route.

Long story short....America is a police state.

I can see it now, Ca Patriot hanging out on a grassy knoll on a beautiful sunny day, waiting for Bush to arrive, to snap some photos. Hopefully you got your shots in when he finally showed.


Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
In 2003 I was working for a local newspaper as a photographer. George Bush was scheduled to be in our town to visit a helicopter factory and I was tasked with getting some shots of his motorcade and such.

I went on the white house website and didnt see anything listed for the route that he was going to take. I then called the white house press people and asked what route he would be taking. After a few transfers to various people I was told they would get back to me in an hour.

About 30 minutes passed and the editor at the newspaper called me on my cell and said the secret service wanted to question me about why I was asking about the presidents motorcase route.

Long story short....America is a police state.

A few years ago a guy I work with heard that airforce one was going to land at the local airforce base on that weekend. So he grabbed his camera and parked on public property outside the runway. About an hour before the plane arrived the Secret Service shoo-ed him away with a strong warning. He snuck back a bit later but as the SS (and I do mean SS) started approaching his car again he decided that the picture wasn't worth being detained in any way.

I remember that they tried to pass some law that anywhere within (forgot distance 500yards?) that a federal official traveled was considered a gun free zone. I don't think it passed but it shows there mentality of wanting us, their employers, unarmed.


Regular Member
Mar 6, 2013
Virginia Beach, Va.
Whether this is how it went down or not this is what they will use for justification...

"This person was holding the gun up to his face. It appeared he was holding the scope to his eye, looking in Sagan's direction ready to fire."

note to self, if you want to get a better idea what is happening down the street detach the scope from the gun before using it to see what is going on.....


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
I have a feeling there's more to the story.....

There clearly is. Based on the charges, he did not cooperate with the police. Not saying he should have, but there must have been some interaction that we have no details on as yet.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk.


OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Sagan took cover and drew his pistol, then ran toward the man, the report says.

"Only moments earlier, he heard that the presidential motorcade was approaching this area and assumed this person had nefarious intentions," according to the report.

Sagan, joined by other officers, took Stravinskas into custody without further incident.


Stravinskas told police he was visiting friends on Central Avenue, Hajdasz said. One of those friends, Brandon Hightower, backed Stravinskas.

"It really is a big mistake," Hightower said. "It was a big misunderstanding."
I guess it all comes down to who you believe, LE or the "perp." I'll take the perp, in this particular instance, criminal record and all, over the word of a single cop. Especially if it is determined that the perp was on private property and the activity is not unlawful in that jurisdiction.

I don't mind being wrong if the state can prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Stravinskas violated the law.

What is the law re "holding" a pellet rifle in that jurisdiction?


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
The rifle-looking object being fired as the presidential motorcade was nearing merely provided RAS for the officer to investigate. How the investigation resulted in an arrest, we don't know. For whatever reason, the article does not expound on what happened between the arrival of the officer on the scene and the arrest. The arrest may well have been warranted. We can't know yet.

Don't get me wrong. The man may have been acting perfectly lawfully on private property. However, the fact that someone is acting lawfully does not mean that RAS is impossible. A reasonable person can well wonder what a man with a scoped rifle is doing along the route of a presidential motorcade.

The investigatory stop should have quickly established that the rifle was a BB gun and then ended rapidly. But what happened after the officer arrived, but before he arrested the man? Knowing that will tell us if the officer behaved lawfully, or if the man reacted stupidly and illegally. Until we know that, I recommend withholding judgment.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk.


OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
The rifle-looking object being fired as the presidential motorcade was nearing merely provided RAS for the officer to investigate. How the investigation resulted in an arrest, we don't know. For whatever reason, the article does not expound on what happened between the arrival of the officer on the scene and the arrest. The arrest may well have been warranted. We can't know yet.

Don't get me wrong. The man may have been acting perfectly lawfully on private property. However, the fact that someone is acting lawfully does not mean that RAS is impossible. A reasonable person can well wonder what a man with a scoped rifle is doing along the route of a presidential motorcade.

The investigatory stop should have quickly established that the rifle was a BB gun and then ended rapidly. But what happened after the officer arrived, but before he arrested the man? Knowing that will tell us if the officer behaved lawfully, or if the man reacted stupidly and illegally. Until we know that, I recommend withholding judgment.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk.

I agree in part and disagree in part. The news story only gives enough information to paint a picture. We shall see.

But, facts are given. Motorcade approaching this area, not there yet. Threatening, nebulous charge in my view. Who was the perp threatening at the time the cop saw him? These and other facts are evident from the news story.

Breach of peace and interfering with police. One sided viewpoint that can not be substantiated with facts not derived from those who make the charge. Catch-all charges.

Once the "gun" was identified as a pellet gun a great many concerns that were held should have evaporated. I have little faith that this citizen will be treated fairly and that local LE will be 100% forthright and truthful. It is possible that the citizen could be exonerated or the charges dropped. The news story indicates otherwise.

I will always judge against the state until the state proves beyond a reasonable doubt that I erred in my judgement.


Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
In this day and age where kindegarteners are explelled or suspended for pointing a bubble gun or chewing a pop tart into a shape that resembles some cartoon gun I tend to think the LEO probably over reacted. I have heard where OC-ers were "interviewed" (meaning detained until the SS-protected person left the area) at certain rallys. In those cases the person never was taken to a jail just held away from the site of the rally until it was over. That may be unlawful too but I would prefer that to being booked and sitting in a jail cell with Bubba-I-aint-seen-a-woman-in-years-and-you-look-awful-nice-in-that-jumpsuit.

It may be that the LEO thought that he was pointing the pellet gun at him during his approach and the LEO took offense. Who knows whether it was any real crime or contempt of cop?

I don't know if there will be more data coming out but as of right now I don't understand why the incident didn't end when the LEO saw it was a pellet gun.


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
Don't get me wrong. The man may have been acting perfectly lawfully on private property. However, the fact that someone is acting lawfully does not mean that RAS is impossible. A reasonable person can well wonder what a man with a scoped rifle is doing along the route of a presidential motorcade.



In CT, a BB gun is treated worse then some long guns ...

This guy had a "rap" sheet so he is not the brightest bulb in the box, know what I mean?
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