Regular Member
Now, how many dancing monkeys can I throw in here?
:monkey :banana: :monkey :banana: :monkey :banana:
I am very happy and very relieved for you Krista.
Now, how many dancing monkeys can I throw in here?
:monkey :banana: :monkey :banana: :monkey :banana:
Wish in one hand... :uhoh:DocWalker said:I wish you could sue them for all court and lawyer fees, mandatory training (from you), a public apology from the officers involved (on the local news), and enough for a new toy to use at the range.
We need more good people like your friend.Law abider said:Here in my mom's town of Prescott where my leo friend lives, he told me that the chief does not believe in the second amendment. My leo friend had to straighten him out.
I'm guessing you mean he seemed hostile? I can't imagine why. You're bringing him money.On another note the FFL holder who owns our local hardware store when I told him about my gun being sent to his store, totally changed his demeanor.
Oh, geez. You're at least the second person who's said that.MKE you have put yourself in the leadership position regarding OC etc...
Exodus 3:11 said:Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?
Originally Posted by Law abider
MKE you have put yourself in the leadership position regarding OC etc...
Originally Posted by MKEgal
Oh, geez. You're at least the second person who's said that.
Now if employers will just pay attention to that... :uhoh:Krysta Sutterfield was found not guilty on all charges in this case. These charges were not proven and have no legal effect. Krysta Sutterfield is presumed innocent.
On one or more charges, Krysta Sutterfield was found not guilty. These charges were not proven and have no legal effect. Krysta Sutterfield is presumed innocent of the not guilty charges.
Now let's see how long it takes MPD to follow the judge's order.Signed, Filed & Distributed, Order: Ordered that the City of Milwaukee Police Department return Items 1-20, on attached inventory sheets (all items).
Wish in one hand... :uhoh:
Of course, I think the Chief or Sheriff would still have to sign off on my ownership application; that could be part of the whole deal.
Just checked the online record, & it's finally updated to show "closed" & "not guilty".
Now if employers will just pay attention to that... :uhoh:
You can always start an NFA gun trust and exclude the CLEO's signature altogether!
They can ask about convictions and any pending charges (if they relate to the job).Grapeshot said:It is illegal to ask an applicant whether they have ever been arrested in Wisconsin. They may ask about convictions however.
We're way off topic from MKEgal here, but: sez who? Not the ATF's own rules, and not the ATF Form 4.ATF says that even a trust needs a CLEO signature for full auto...:cuss:
Just checked the online record, & it's finally updated to show "closed" & "not guilty".
Now if employers will just pay attention to that... :uhoh:
ETA: and the order for the return of my property is in there too.
Now let's see how long it takes MPD to follow the judge's order.
For some reason, they seem to think that an order from a judge isn't enough - they send all property returns to one of their ass. chiefs to be signed, which can take a week or two.
The prosecutor tried as hard as he could to get around the judge telling him he's not allowed to use the language of Walls, at least in jury instructions.
But he actually argued (to the jury) that since the officer standing behind me & to my left, outside my car, couldn't see the pistol carried in front of my right hip it was "concealed to ordinary observation".
I think the jury understood that "ordinary observation" does not include X-ray vision, which would be required to see through a person, even without a car seat in the way too.
Your are typing too fast, you forgot the "t" when abbreviating asst. chiefs. ... right?
Think one one refers to "assorted" the other to "assistant".
At least that is my take on it.
Not mine.