Oh, no! The ever-RINO, unlicensed-open-carry-legislation-killing, anti-Second-Amendment Joe Straus has announced his "retirement" from the Texas Legislature because, shoot-far, gosh-golly, it's just too durn hard to fix the broken stuff in Texas. Never mind the fact that RINOs like Straus are prime and easy targets for fed-up Texans who seem to have finally recognized the threat that libtards from Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio pose.
Enjoy your retirement, Joe. Guessing that you'll feel a lot more comfortable in California, Seattle, or New York, all of which align much more with your dumbocrat beliefs.
Enjoy your retirement, Joe. Guessing that you'll feel a lot more comfortable in California, Seattle, or New York, all of which align much more with your dumbocrat beliefs.