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JS story on Concealed Carry


Regular Member
Jan 28, 2010
West Allis, WI, , USA
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Thought I should share this story from Journal Sentinal that I just stumbled on.


Two prominent law enforcement officials are ready to back Wisconsinites' ability to carry concealed handguns with a permit if the law includes tough gun regulations that have been hard to obtain.
We have long been opposed to concealed carry for Wisconsin. But an argument, being made by Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn and District Attorney John Chisholm, makes sense to us. The state should have this law if it is truly part of a larger package that includes closing the gun show loophole, making it a felony to act as a straw buyer and also a felony to carry a concealed handgun without a permit.
Law enforcement officials feel that their hands are tied. While it's illegal to carry a concealed weapon in Wisconsin, the penalties for doing so are among the weakest in the country.
Last week, Flynn told the Editorial Board that his frustration mounts after his department arrests someone carrying a gun, but the person is punished with a relative slap on the wrist.
We all should be willing to live with concealed carry if it is part of comprehensive firearm reform and if prosecutors are given the ability to severely punish those illegally carrying guns.
In other words, the trade-off is worthy if also included are tools that, as Flynn describes it, make it just as dangerous for folks to carry illegal guns as they think it is to go without them.
In Wisconsin, it is illegal for a felon to be in possession of a firearm. But for a non-felon, the offense is most often a misdemeanor.
It's clear: Something drastic needs to change in the state to make people rethink carrying handguns. In certain areas of the city, gunshots can ring out at anytime because of a perception that, on the streets, carrying a gun is simply a matter of necessity.
Of course, such a new law won't make all bad guys rethink guns. And if concealed-carry legislation is crafted, it should be done with reasonable access for law enforcement to the database so they can know who's carrying; to the public so it can gauge whether the law is resulting in more death or injury; should mandate adequate firearms training for permit holders; and retain private property owners' abilities to restrict guns from their premises (particularly bars).
And getting caught with a concealed gun but without a permit should carry significant penalties.
While crime in Milwaukee has decreased for an eighth consecutive quarter, the number of illegal guns out there should concern everyone. This should be as evident to the pro-gun folks as to the anti-gun folks.
Wisconsin is one of two states without concealed-carry laws. And, no, we don't believe that more people carrying concealed guns will suddenly make all criminals afraid and that crime will go away.
We know that those traditionally opposed to concealed carry fear that such a law will result in Wild West shootouts. There is little evidence that this is a widespread problem in those states with concealed carry.
The issue of concealed carry could crop up in the governor's race. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, vying for the Democratic nomination, has been particularly outspoken on the topic. We'd urge him to take another look. To us, the trade-off is worth it.
But let's be clear: Without these other tougher parts, there should be no give on concealed carry.


Regular Member
Aug 19, 2009
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hey hey hey hey........very bad wording

In Wisconsin, it is illegal for a felon to be in possession of a firearm. But for a non-felon, the offense is most often a misdemeanor
so what just possessing a firearm is illegal??? they need to watch their wording.

perhaps now would be a good time for some of you legal talking folks to approach the media and do some talking.


May 1, 2009
Chilton, Wisconsin, USA
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They are only in support of CCW now because they know that when the SCOTUS decision comes down in March all of their petty laws will more than likely become unconstitutional once and for all.
They just want to try and get something passed before that can happen. Anything passed before the SCOTUS decision will not be in our best interest that is for sure.


Regular Member
May 7, 2009
Southsider der hey
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I agree, the current regime wants to put into the books a law for CC now so it would be harder to change or correct once we go red. Any concessions should be fought hard. I don't trust Doyle, Flynn or any oftheir cronies.

Given the fact that we are not going to have a free society as planned by our founding fathers with the constitution due to the closed minded fear mongers. We will need to accept the lesser of evils. It would be better to wait until Doyle is out of office, and once Wisconsin is red, (I seriously doubt if the Dem's will win the Governors office) and have a more fair CC law in place.


Regular Member
Aug 19, 2009
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gotcha thanks. sometimes reading this forum is worse than trying to read a shorthand text message. LOL


May 1, 2009
Chilton, Wisconsin, USA
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bigdaddy1 wrote:
I agree, the current regime wants to put into the books a law for CC now so it would be harder to change or correct once we go red. Any concessions should be fought hard. I don't trust Doyle, Flynn or any oftheir cronies.

Given the fact that we are not going to have a free society as planned by our founding fathers with the constitution due to the closed minded fear mongers. We will need to accept the lesser of evils. It would be better to wait until Doyle is out of office, and once Wisconsin is red, (I seriously doubt if the Dem's will win the Governors office) and have a more fair CC law in place.
Actually, once the SCOTUS decision is made we won't have to wait. The laws that are in the books now will become unconstitutional by the decision and will have to be removed. From there, there will be no law prohibiting CCW or vehicle carry and hopefully the current lawsuit in place for the GFSZ law will be successful eliminating the GFSZ as well. Victory will be ours! But! Don't ease up we will still have to fight to keep what we have won at that point and our biggest tool will be elections.

I am very confident in the Attorney that is working on the GFSZ lawsuit. Everyone should get behind this and throw as much support there as possible.


Regular Member
Jan 23, 2010
Verona, WI
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J.Gleason wrote:
They are only in support of CCW now because they know that when the SCOTUS decision comes down in March all of their petty laws will more than likely become unconstitutional once and for all.
They just want to try and get something passed before that can happen. Anything passed before the SCOTUS decision will not be in our best interest that is for sure.
I agree with your sentiments wholeheartedly. Can't wait to see all the crooked politicians and pansies squirm when SCOTUS comes down on the side of McDonald. Oral arguments are scheduled for March 2nd. Do you really think the WI state legislature will be able to pass some sort of BS bill to allow CCW before the decision?

Old Grump

Regular Member
Jan 22, 2010
Blue River, Wisconsin, USA
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Flynn is only siding with CCW because he can couple that with a data base of gun owners and he is advocating that CCW now a misdemeanor be changed to a felony. Both are unacceptable. The back ground checks he wants to mandate are sure to be used indiscriminately to deny law abiding citizens of their right to carry and if denied they are now in his data base. Any guess as to whether or not he would use that denial as a basis for confiscation and prosecution. Don't trust that man.


Regular Member
Jul 16, 2009
West Coast of Wisconsin
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Please understand that Flynn is full of himself here. Full of something anyway. You fill in the blanks. Making Concealed carry a felony does nothing to make the cops job easier. This is a compromise in which the gun owner loses again.

I would prefer Vermont Carry.


These gun banners will use any and all means to limit, restrict, ban our use of firearms. Including the ludicrous ban on silencers and any other accessories. Serial numbers on cases, Good Grief. Don't fall for their, flawed, in the face of scientific and anecdotal evidence, illogical logic.


Dec 13, 2009
La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA
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J.Gleason wrote
I am very confident in the Attorney that is working on the GFSZ lawsuit. Everyone should get behind this and throw as much support there as possible.
Please everybody get behind this worthy effort and donate what time and money you have at your disposal.


Founder's Club Member
Dec 13, 2007
Wisconsin, USA
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Just so everybody is clear here:

They want concealed to be a felony. Meaning, if you open carry, without THEIR permit, and you coat accidentally covers the firearm, you become a felon and cannot posses another firearm ever (banned forever).

You open carry for hunting, never thought about a permit, cause you only carry for hunting. Your coat accidentally covers your side arm, and FELONY!

There shouldn't be a single gun owner in the state who would support such a severe penalty.


Regular Member
Jun 2, 2006
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ,
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The statement that the punishment for CCW is "a slap on the wrist" is nonsense. If a violator is only charge with a local ordinance violation of CCW the fine can be hundreds of dollars. A state charge of CCW is a class A misdemeanor, punishable by 9 months imprisonment AND a $10,000 fine. That is NOT a slap on the wrist. I sure wouldn't want my ass sitting in jail for almost a year and be 10K poorer when I got out.

Civilians have some options for carry in Wisconsin. Open carry is legal with only a few restrictions, and concealed carry is legal (per the Hamden ruling) in/on ones home, property, or place of business. Yes, total CCW ability for civilians would be great. But not at the price the newspaper is requiring. I implore everyone not to ally with them. It's a trick. Live with the forms of carry we have for now and lets expand it when there aren't heavy trade offs. Both the state & U.S. constitutions are on our side. There is no need to make deals with the devil.

I don't trust the Milwaukee Urinal-Spitnal Editorial Board any further than I could throw them. As soon as CCW passes and includes their draconian regulations, they'll attack legal concealed carry and try to get it repealed, but the other regulations kept. This reminds me of the scorpion and the frog fable. It's in their nature to try to erode our 2nd Amendment rights.


Regular Member
Aug 19, 2009
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yeah i know i know. but i had already typed out the question before i opened the search button, and then decided to just leave it.

thanks either way.