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Kitsap County Code & Kitsap Sun


Regular Member
Jul 14, 2008
Poulsbo, Kitsap County, Washington, USA
imported post

With the picnic coming up, and the Kitsap Sun being invited, there has been another side positive to come out of this. Josh Farley, one of the Kitsap Sun reporters is taking the Kitsap County Code violation and making calls to the powers that be in the county regarding the issue, as well as the City of Bremerton to find out about their code change.

Josh wrote the article a while back out the rising number of people in the county that carry back in Oct '08, and if I remember, someone from the board was part of that article, which was well written.

He is asking that anyone that is willing to discuss the Kitsap County issue contact him. I know there have been quite a few people on this board that have been working on this more then I have, and your information may prove to be a valuable asset to getting this article written. If anyone from here, or anywhere else wants his contact info let me know. But we actually have a decent ally here.

Trigger Dr

Regular Member
Oct 3, 2007
Wa, ,
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I can and will share copies of the documents I received from the Sheriff Dept when I set up the Long Lake picnic last July13. These include notes from the prosecutors office to the Sheriff.

One that I quote "We have received clarification from our Prosecutor's Office as to our response to complaints regarding this issue in county facilities, specifically county parks."

Info from Claire Bradley for the Prosecutor's Office: "I read Jackie's memo from last September wherein she outlined her conclusion that prohibiting firearms in the county parks violates RCW 9.41.290 and .300. I've looked at the code and done some very cursory rsearch myself.

I obviously agree with Jackie--can't arrest for possessing a firearm in the county park. However, certain other Kitsap Code provision as well as state and federal laws still apply.

1. Discharge of any weapon in the Park is crime that we will prosecute.

2. Obviously, these people must comply with all concealed weapons permits and carry the weapons in a manner consistent with state law(s)."


Regular Member
May 14, 2008
Bremerton, Washington, United States
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That would be me. Since I've been in school again I haven't really followed what has been going on. Good to see Josh still pushing for valid information using journalism. Too bad more reporters don't do that.


Regular Member
Jul 14, 2008
Poulsbo, Kitsap County, Washington, USA
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Sounds good, just trying to get something made of this and maybe get the county to wake up. Does anyone know if Bremerton changed their code because someone from here wrote to them, or did they just read the AG opinion, and decide it wasn't worth it? The AGO was Oct 18th, Bremerton was Nov 19th. Which would be about the right time frame for them to actually act on reading it...