Speaking of the nra.
Wisconsin Right to Carry: The Time Is Now
Friday, April 08, 2011
As recently reported, the NRA is actively working to ensure the effort to finally adopt a meaningful Right to Carry law in the Badger State is successful. NRA-ILA along with WI FORCE, the NRA’s State Association, are actively recruiting legislative supporters and assisting in the final development of the bills.
Leading up to the legislative action, it is essential that NRA members contact their legislators and continue to educate their fellow citizens regarding the importance of Right to Carry and the facts associated with it. To assist in this cause, the NRA will send you timely alerts to provide you with information on our efforts as well as things you can do to help ensure passage of this vital legislation.
Since March 12, 2002, when Senate Democratic leaders ended legislative session two days early in a ploy to deny Wisconsin citizens a Senate floor vote on the Personal Protection Act, the FBI reports that there have been 125,000 violent crimes committed in the state. This is a number that represents a population larger than that of Green Bay. The FBI defines “violent crimes” as murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault. There were 10,000 forcible rapes alone reported in this time and certainly more that went unreported. Since 2002, the legislature twice passed the Personal Protection Act only to see it vetoed by anti-gun Governor Jim Doyle. These victims were left defenseless because Wisconsin is one of only two states that still denies their citizens the most effective means of self-defense – the ability to carry a concealed firearm.
It is time that Wisconsinites are finally provided the opportunity to defend themselves from violent criminals by giving them the choice to carry a concealed firearm for self-defense. The NRA and our members across the state are dedicated to correcting this miscarriage of justice that has left law-abiding residents of Wisconsin defenseless.
Contact your state Representative and state Senator today and respectfully ask that they support a strong concealed weapons bill that allows you to protect yourself and your family. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
It’s your personal safety and freedom that is at stake!!! Act today!!