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True that, Slayer. But I cannot remember who said this and as i remember the origin of the quote is as I remember in dispute anyhow. But somebody said that a democracy will only last until the people find that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury.
That is the problem today and the would-be tyrants of the Left absolutely encourage it. They are delighted that a growing segment of the populace runs to the Federal government every time they get a widdow boo-boo and expect Nanny Sam to kiss it and make it all better.
These people do not want to run the country, they want to rule over it. They use the false "Robin Hood" analogy of "take from the rich, give to the poor". In fact Robin of Locksley would have likely held them up at arrow-point, because he robbed the tax collectors and gave the money back to the commoners from whom it was taken.
This time of year you can count upon some idiot lib reminding everyone that Joseph and Mary were homeless and had to sleep in a barn. Of course the reason they had to sleep in a barn was because they had been called away from home by the government in order toi have taxes assessed against them. So many folks had to return to Bethlehem that all the hotels were booked solid. And oddly enough these same folks, when faced with people who worship Jesus, try to shut the worshippers up, because the truth is opposed to their plans.
Recently, amid the plant closings and foreclosures and layoffs, these august wanna-be dictators have voted themselves a big fat pay raise. This is the very height of arrogance and yet the People just shrug. They are afraid of runing out of oil, but they thimk that tax money from whence these raises come grows on a tree called "the rich".
My generation - probably yours,too - is the "Baby Boomer" generation. We have come to expect the best of everything and have raised similarly spoiled brats. A little more than two generations out of the Great Depression, and our expectations threaten to trigger something even worse. Our young people are being brainwashed in the public schools and in universities both private and public by teachers and professors who have been indoctrinated by the - there is no other word - evil creeps of the Left. We have elections coming up in 2010, and if the Left is not routed then, this country is probably screwed.
"Turning and turning in a widening gyre, the falcon cannot hear the falconer.
Things fall apart. The Center cannot hold. Cry Havoc, and let slip the Dogs of War,
The blood-red tide is loosed............
Can you tell I am a bit worried???