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Quoted from Phil Van Cleave in the VA-ALERT about the Bloomber Gun Giveaway II
Well todays letters to the editor featured someone all upset over the "quote."
Defense League Remark Insulted Tech Families Editor, Times-Dispatch: Regarding the article, "Defense League Gives Away Two Guns": I read with shocked disgust the quote from Defense League President Philip Van Cleave, speaking before the Virginia Citizens Defense League meeting regarding the Virginia Tech shooting, "At some point, they'll get over their pain." Apparently neither Van Cleave nor anyone associated with printing this article realized how callous, insensitive, and ignorant this remark truly is. Anyone who has ever lost a loved one can attest that the pain never truly goes away. It becomes more dull with time, but it is always present.
The violence and horror of the manner of death of the Tech victims will always be an open wound for the families left behind. To make light of their pain is a travesty. At the very least, Van Cleave should be required to take a sensitivity training class -- at the most, he should have to make a public, as well as private, apology to every family member he maligned.
Regardless of what side one supports on the controversial gun-control issue, the truth remains: Automatic weapons serve one purpose only -- they are weapons of war and mass destruction, and have no place in ordinary society. To celebrate the ownership and possession of an instrument that has only one function -- to kill as rapidly as possible -- is a measure of the depth to which our society has digressed. What sad creatures we humans are.
Elaine Arendall
Now I would assume that Phil contacted the RTD after the article was printed because of the misquotation. If that is true and the paper printed the LTE anyway I will be extremely upset. If they knew that it was a misquote, the only reason to publish that LTE would be to continue to conjure up a bad image for VCDL.
The Richmond Times dispatch should be the one to issue an oficial apology.
Quoted from Phil Van Cleave in the VA-ALERT about the Bloomber Gun Giveaway II
And with all the interviews I did there was one major misquote. Not sure where we crossed wires, but the Richmond Times-Dispatch has the following quote attributed to me:
Defense League President Philip Van Cleave of Chesterfield County said before the meeting that he feels sorry for the Tech families but added, *** "At some point, they'll get over their pain." ***
I used a standard quote for that question with all the reporters. The correct quote was reported pretty much like this in all the other media: "Philip Van Cleave, the league's president, said he is sympathetic to the families, but maintained that some of the deaths might have been prevented if somebody had been armed."
Well todays letters to the editor featured someone all upset over the "quote."
Defense League Remark Insulted Tech Families Editor, Times-Dispatch: Regarding the article, "Defense League Gives Away Two Guns": I read with shocked disgust the quote from Defense League President Philip Van Cleave, speaking before the Virginia Citizens Defense League meeting regarding the Virginia Tech shooting, "At some point, they'll get over their pain." Apparently neither Van Cleave nor anyone associated with printing this article realized how callous, insensitive, and ignorant this remark truly is. Anyone who has ever lost a loved one can attest that the pain never truly goes away. It becomes more dull with time, but it is always present.
The violence and horror of the manner of death of the Tech victims will always be an open wound for the families left behind. To make light of their pain is a travesty. At the very least, Van Cleave should be required to take a sensitivity training class -- at the most, he should have to make a public, as well as private, apology to every family member he maligned.
Regardless of what side one supports on the controversial gun-control issue, the truth remains: Automatic weapons serve one purpose only -- they are weapons of war and mass destruction, and have no place in ordinary society. To celebrate the ownership and possession of an instrument that has only one function -- to kill as rapidly as possible -- is a measure of the depth to which our society has digressed. What sad creatures we humans are.
Elaine Arendall
Now I would assume that Phil contacted the RTD after the article was printed because of the misquotation. If that is true and the paper printed the LTE anyway I will be extremely upset. If they knew that it was a misquote, the only reason to publish that LTE would be to continue to conjure up a bad image for VCDL.
The Richmond Times dispatch should be the one to issue an oficial apology.