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Lynchburg Area - OC reports


Founder's Club Member
Jun 12, 2008
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
It's been a bit since we had a Lynchburg area OC report thread, so I figured I'd give it another go. I'll start with the weekend just past.

Friday night, ate at Milano's Italian Restaurant in the Boonsboro area (Boonsboro Rd at, not in, Kroger shopping center) and OC-ed as I've done here on most occasions since discovering this place this summer. No issues whatsoever. Headed over to Wally World on Wards Rd where the wife and I walked around to burn some calories and do a little shopping. A young black muslim man and his wife (assumed muslim due to wife's garb) stopped me and asked about my holstered handgun. We chit chatted for a minute and the Wal-Mart worker ladies nearby commented to him that carrying a gun openly was perfectly legal. We wrapped up conversation and I gave him an OC card from a pile that Skidmark had given me a while back. That was the second OC card given out that week;the first was to a young man clerk at Kohl's who already seemed to know some about Virginia's gun laws.

Saturday I OC-ed at the local Ruby Tuesday's for lunch and had no issues as has always been the case when I go in. Saturday night the wife and I had dinner and OC-ed at Logan's Roadhouse, where I OC regularly and chatted with the staff and management without issue.

Sunday: After church the wife and I went to the Blue Dahlia in Forest (on Grave's Mill Rd near Forest Rd, behind the Chevron, across the tracks and down the hill a bit towards Boonsboro for you locals) where we've been regular customers a couple times a week for about a month or so now. I OC-ed as I do other times when I'm not on my lunch break from work and had no problems at all. The restaurant is a nice diner type spotthat has ahomestyle menu, butjust recently added beer and wine to go with their new weekend dinner hours. That afternoon I OC-ed at the Campbell County dump transfer station and Lowe's on Timberlake without incident. AtLowe's I chatted about generators with a retired electrician for about 20 minutes and nary a word was said about the handgun at all. As is usually the case: No issues.

Today: The wife and I headed over to La Carretta Mexican Rest. on Ward's Ferry Rd where the both of us OC regularly. Tonight I was the only one carrying so I OC-ed without incident. The staff and management know us and greet us as regulars accordingly. :)
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Regular Member
Jun 27, 2009
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
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Today:OC to wards road walmart for 45 minutes. No issues just a few stares.

Been encouraging the wife to OC more, she is hesitant because of lack of CHP. I just keep on reminding her of the law. :D


Activist Member
Nov 22, 2009
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
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I am going to have to see one of these cards that you handed out.

I oc'd on Sunday at Krogers on Boonsboro and at Lowes in Madison Heights without issue.

Looking forward to the OC dinner on Tuesday coming up. 7pm Neighbors 15 Dec 2009.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 12, 2008
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
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I'll gladly give one to you. Maybe that work mate of yours will swing by and drop it off at your desk :)

We just got back from the Richmond OC dinner and I'm EXHAUSTED. No OC-ing tonight in Lynchburg.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 12, 2008
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
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The wife and I had dinner at the local Ruby Tuesday and I OC-ed. There were at least 3 of my co-workers there who I really only recognize, but still got no stares or comments. After dinner we walked around the Wally World next door with no issues there either. Overall a good OC night in Lynchburg. :)


Activist Member
Nov 22, 2009
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
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OCd as I walked my dog today, stopped by somebody who asked about my dog, but didn't have anything to say about the OCing.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 12, 2008
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
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Currently OCing in Logans on Wards Rd on my own with no problems. May walk down to Olive Garden after this to see a friend. Don't expect problems there either


Activist Member
Nov 22, 2009
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
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Kroger's on Boonsboro had a Gleaning campaign to collect for homeless Veterans. I went for that and OC'd.

Took the dog for a long walk while OCing.

Both time some :what:, and a pretty girl did smile at me ;).


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
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Jero1987 wrote:
A couple buddies and I OC'ed tonight at sheetz. No issues.

Police guy gave us a couple nasty looks, but hey, whatever.

Pay attention to those nasty looks. Those are the looks that suggest you may get special treatment from those officers in a traffic stop.

Also, when you drive away from a business, the cops maydecide to follow to see if they can find an excuse to stop you--burned out light, improperlane change, failure to come to a complete stop before exiting the parking lot onto the street, etc.

Iwould like to suggesta letter to the PD or sheriff making a mild complaint and letting them know you know they disagree with established rights, and are starting a paper trail in case any rights violations occur that need resolution in federal court.


Activist Member
Nov 22, 2009
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
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Citizen wrote:
Jero1987 wrote:
A couple buddies and I OC'ed tonight at sheetz. No issues.

Police guy gave us a couple nasty looks, but hey, whatever.

Pay attention to those nasty looks. Those are the looks that suggest you may get special treatment from those officers in a traffic stop.

Also, when you drive away from a business, the cops maydecide to follow to see if they can find an excuse to stop you--burned out light, improperlane change, failure to come to a complete stop before exiting the parking lot onto the street, etc.

Iwould like to suggesta letter to the PD or sheriff making a mild complaint and letting them know you know they disagree with established rights, and are starting a paper trail in case any rights violations occur that need resolution in federal court.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 12, 2008
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
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Currently OCing at the Olive Garden for dinner, but I just came from Lowes where I OCed as well. Maybe I'll go scowl back at Jero's pals at Sheetz when I'm done here. :)


Founder's Club Member
Jun 12, 2008
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
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If only I knew where that was.

Ended up OCing at Wally World getting some items to attempt to replicate the chili recipe of Skyline Chili (those Ohio based douchebags who recently decided after years of serving gun carriers, that they no longer want our business.)