I know, feeding a troll....
I guess some folks can't defend themselves without 30 rnd mags. How did they do it before ARs came on the scene?
For one, the carry of pistols, daggers, and swords was more common at one point in history. The practice of dueling was more common earlier in our history. As for self-defense, the right of self defense is a natural, creator, inalienable, and/or 'god' given right. It does not depend on any laws of man to exist. When the state of the art weapon was a club everyone could use a club, when it was spear, everyone could use a spear, knife, axe, sword, musket, machine gun, etc.
Except for the points of history when tyrants ruled every citizen/free person, could own the state of the art weapons of the time frame for the defense of self, friends, family and kingdom/country/community. How people did so with out our currently modern weapons was because they had the modern weapons of the day, age, and location. Even the Asians learned how to turn farm implements into some of the most well known weapons today, such as nunchucks, sai, and kamas.
Many cultures turned a walking staff and axes into weapons.
The draw back to these was that most of the time you had to be strong and well practiced in using them.
The modern firearm leveled the playing field for defense. A 30+ round magazine allows even a cripple to hold off an angry group of armed maleficence people.
I notice that you have avoided answering the question. Did you not understand the question? I will restate it for you: Were folks incapable of defending themselves before magazine fed rifles were readily available?
Some folks were effectively unable to do just that.