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Man handcuffed for open carry


Regular Member
Oct 5, 2006
, ,
No one wants to hear the truth

No Vermonter sould be stopped and frisked for merely open carrying. The key word is VERMONTER. Ask anyone who lives here what is coming here from Springfield Mass and the Bronx, they are not Vermonters b/c they have a VT ID card (none can get DL's - their Ho's drive em around). I don't think they should be merely searched, they should be driven to the Mass border with a warning - keep walking south!

Sorry to dissapoint you but the 2nd amendment does not apply to felons (ESPECIALLY the type that are coming from Mass) - nor do voting rights. You lost ALL your rights when you sold dope to someones kid and now they are in the morgue.

You commenters from out of state do NOT HAVE A CLUE what Vermont is all about. I was born here (Poultney) - maple syrup, sleigh rides at Christmas. Now we have THIS ruining our state? If I saw a MASS/NY gangbanger approaching me OC he would have a bead on him for sure! LUCKILY for them none do b/c they are sacred shitless of the locals outside the city of Rutland.

It's not a race thing - plenty of Eminem/Vanilla Ice wanna be's coming here too! This state is becoing a real sh%#hole and plenty of people on Open Carry to support their "rights". Not sure what your agenda is, but mine IS to see LAW ABIDING persons rights protected, not those of violent felons who would kill you for looking at them the wrong way. The police KNOW the difference - it's called profiling. If it walks like a duck! Back to the original story, the man who was stopped never should have been. He does not "fit the description".



Regular Member
Oct 5, 2006
, ,
What, exactly, is a "gang banger type", and is being one of whatever that is, RAS for a stop and frisk?

Martha Stewart did not carjack the blind guy and his girlfriend - neither did Snoop Dogg - don't be an ass.

You all were quick to condemn Travon Martin, a punk for sure, but no gang banger. We have Crips, Bloods and MS coming here to sell drugs to VERMONT kids and ALL should be relieved of the guns and their freedom.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
No Vermonter sould be stopped and frisked for merely open carrying. The key word is VERMONTER. Ask anyone who lives here what is coming here from Springfield Mass and the Bronx, they are not Vermonters b/c they have a VT ID card (none can get DL's - their Ho's drive em around). I don't think they should be merely searched, they should be driven to the Mass border with a warning - keep walking south!

Sorry to dissapoint you but the 2nd amendment does not apply to felons (ESPECIALLY the type that are coming from Mass) - nor do voting rights. You lost ALL your rights when you sold dope to someones kid and now they are in the morgue.

You commenters from out of state do NOT HAVE A CLUE what Vermont is all about. I was born here (Poultney) - maple syrup, sleigh rides at Christmas. Now we have THIS ruining our state? If I saw a MASS/NY gangbanger approaching me OC he would have a bead on him for sure! LUCKILY for them none do b/c they are sacred shitless of the locals outside the city of Rutland.

It's not a race thing - plenty of Eminem/Vanilla Ice wanna be's coming here too! This state is becoing a real sh%#hole and plenty of people on Open Carry to support their "rights". Not sure what your agenda is, but mine IS to see LAW ABIDING persons rights protected, not those of violent felons who would kill you for looking at them the wrong way. The police KNOW the difference - it's called profiling. If it walks like a duck! Back to the original story, the man who was stopped never should have been. He does not "fit the description".

We all know or should know that racial profiling is illegal.

Other forms of profiling are ineffective: long hair, tats, worn out clothing, custom vehicles, where they live. People are best judged by what they do, not there appearance.

Yes the BGs have civil rights too, regularly upheld by the courts. That is as it should be.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Martha Stewart did not carjack the blind guy and his girlfriend - neither did Snoop Dogg - don't be an ass.

You all were quick to condemn Travon Martin, a punk for sure, but no gang banger. We have Crips, Bloods and MS coming here to sell drugs to VERMONT kids and ALL should be relieved of the guns and their freedom.
Though situation to be sure. It is unfortunate that Vermont is now experiencing what many states have been experiencing for many years now.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
No Vermonter sould be stopped and frisked for merely open carrying. The key word is VERMONTER.

I wasn't aware that the constitution and common law civil rights only applied to Vermonters.

Martha Stewart did not carjack the blind guy and his girlfriend - neither did Snoop Dogg - don't be an ass.

You still haven't explained what a "gang banger type" is, how they can be identified, or how they forfeit their rights by not being Vermonters.

You all were quick to condemn Travon Martin, a punk for sure, but no gang banger.

Be careful where you swing that broad brush; I think you just got some on yourself.

We have Crips, Bloods and MS coming here to sell drugs to VERMONT kids and ALL should be relieved of the guns and their freedom.

That's funny, we have VERMONT kids coming to New Hampshire selling drugs, but we don't stop and frisk them all when they cross the river.


Regular Member
Feb 5, 2007
Marion County, FL
Ah yes, the tension that has no solution. Respect rights today and the filth starts breeding and voting in Democrat filth. ( Demonrats at the state level are much worse than republicans).

The only solution is to take away the vote from the proles or end tax funded education and have clearly written constitutions that leave no wiggle room.


Jun 20, 2008
Pleasant Grove, Utah, USA
Martha Stewart did not carjack the blind guy and his girlfriend - neither did Snoop Dogg - don't be an ass.

You all were quick to condemn Travon Martin, a punk for sure, but no gang banger. We have Crips, Bloods and MS coming here to sell drugs to VERMONT kids and ALL should be relieved of the guns and their freedom.

Would this be done with or without due process and Constitutional Protections?

Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
I realize it has been a few days, but I only just saw this and have a problem with some of the things you've posted on this thread. These are my biggest gripes:

No Vermonter sould be stopped and frisked for merely open carrying. The key word is VERMONTER. Ask anyone who lives here what is coming here from Springfield Mass and the Bronx, they are not Vermonters b/c they have a VT ID card (none can get DL's - their Ho's drive em around). I don't think they should be merely searched, they should be driven to the Mass border with a warning - keep walking south!

If I understand you correctly, you would have non-Vermont residents have no recognized Right or Privilege to carry? At the same time, you would suddenly make Vermont residents have only a recognized Privilege to carry? Because when a "right" is reserved only for a select group of individuals, that "right" becomes a privilege.

Sorry to dissapoint you but the 2nd amendment does not apply to felons (ESPECIALLY the type that are coming from Mass) - nor do voting rights. You lost ALL your rights when you sold dope to someones kid and now they are in the morgue.

So you think an otherwise Law-Abiding individual who mistakenly brings a sidearm into a state that does not recognize the RKBA should be punished in the same manner as a repeat murder/rapist? If they are too dangerous to own and carry firearms for self defense because "they'll just use them to kill innocent people" (quote added for satirical effect), aren't they too dangerous to be out amongst society? Logic dictates that a person who is a danger to innocents when armed is also a danger even when unarmed, seeing as intent is a necessary precursor to senseless violence (ability and opportunity being the other two).
If the danger is there, why let the danger back into society? Isn't the entire premise of their release the idea that their "debt to society" has been repaid? Why, then, would they not have unfettered use of their faculties and full exercise of their Rights if the "debt" has been paid with a portion of their lifespan?

You commenters from out of state do NOT HAVE A CLUE what Vermont is all about. I was born here (Poultney) - maple syrup, sleigh rides at Christmas. Now we have THIS ruining our state? If I saw a MASS/NY gangbanger approaching me OC he would have a bead on him for sure! LUCKILY for them none do b/c they are sacred shitless of the locals outside the city of Rutland.

I may not know what Vermont "is all about," but by your post I believe it is reasonable to infer you do not know what individual Rights like the RKBA are "about". Rights like that are not reserved only for Vermont locals, that I can assure you as an Arizona resident.;)
As to your insinuation that a gangbanger would OC: please recall that criminals do not wish to be associated with the firearms they may have ditched after committing a crime. A holster (usually firearm-specific) is quite counterproductive to that effect. I will not comment on what may be bloodlust on your part.

It's not a race thing - plenty of Eminem/Vanilla Ice wanna be's coming here too! This state is becoing a real sh%#hole and plenty of people on Open Carry to support their "rights". Not sure what your agenda is, but mine IS to see LAW ABIDING persons rights protected, not those of violent felons who would kill you for looking at them the wrong way. The police KNOW the difference - it's called profiling. If it walks like a duck! Back to the original story, the man who was stopped never should have been. He does not "fit the description".


Nobody advocated for arming the violent criminals, convicted or taxpayer-funded, who would seek to hurt the innocent. The only point that was brought up was the fact that not all convicted felons are equal; some are violent predators while others were targeted by savvier predators who used the guise of "public safety" as their weapon of choice.
Last edited:


Regular Member
Aug 18, 2013
this the same VT that has plagued the US with Senators Leaky Leahy and commie Bernie Sanders? Think you folks up there do not have a Constitution. Under the GB defn hope you got your share of fresh illegals too - to feel effects of what your Pols have helped facilitate in TX for 30 years.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Jul 5, 2006
Ah yes, the tension that has no solution. Respect rights today and the filth starts breeding and voting in Democrat filth.

I have never seen this expressed so well nor so succinctly. I shall "borrow" this in the future and apologize in advance for not giving proper attribution when I do.

I only wish there were some solution.

As my Libertarian friends assert, "You can maybe have a welfare state, or you can have open borders. You can't have both for very long."



Regular Member
Jul 29, 2007
Greene County
What, exactly, is a "gang banger type", and is being one of whatever that is, RAS for a stop and frisk?


While, I agree with the sentiment, that is not the truth.

Both are convicted felons.
