Regular Member
Below is a link to our local paper, looks as if we (SDOC) made the front page. I really didn't like this artical because they didn't get the facts straight and of course left alot out. This was about Sioux Falls Executive Order 07-29 which says " NO Person" will be permitted to bring or possess firearms, explosives, or other weapons on city property" does not say anything about OC or CC. This Executive was birthed by Previous Sioux Falls Mayor Handson in 1995 and amended several times by Handson and Mayor Mundson over several years from 1995 to 2007. The Executive order was titled Guidelines for Security and Saftey of City Employees and was labled as a Policy. The Word POLICY instead of Ordinance is Key, this is how Mayor Handson got around SD State Preemption laws. In Fact should a citizen legaly carry his or her firearm on City Property (that could be even the side-walk in front of their house) they can be found in violation of the City's policy. So what are the penalties you ask, Well for City employees the policy states " Any Employee who Violates this order will be subject to discipline up to, and including,discharge". Says nothing about legally armed citizans. Mayor Huether Was told about how Mayor Handson used the Loop-hole to go around SD State Preemption law, told of the SD state Constitution, and the 2nd Amendment and then asked this one SIMPLE question.
Mr. Mayor are you saying that you are going to continue to support Executive Order 07-29 and DENY the right of the citizens of Sioux Falls to keep and bear arms in defence of themselves on City Property? Mayor's Answer: I will continue to support the POLICY and FOLLOW the LAW. The Mayor was then told if he was going to follow the law, he needed to repeal the Executive Order. After this the Mayor was done Talking to SDOC..... Hmmm
SDOC Sioux Falls Chapter is Dedicated to seeing this thru all the way. We will post video of this meeting as soon as it becomes avail.|FRONTPAGE
Mr. Mayor are you saying that you are going to continue to support Executive Order 07-29 and DENY the right of the citizens of Sioux Falls to keep and bear arms in defence of themselves on City Property? Mayor's Answer: I will continue to support the POLICY and FOLLOW the LAW. The Mayor was then told if he was going to follow the law, he needed to repeal the Executive Order. After this the Mayor was done Talking to SDOC..... Hmmm
SDOC Sioux Falls Chapter is Dedicated to seeing this thru all the way. We will post video of this meeting as soon as it becomes avail.|FRONTPAGE