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Medical Marihuana & CPL?

T Mack

Regular Member
May 23, 2011
Livonia, Michigan. USA
I know a couple people that have a medical marihuana license and a CPL license.
What if any kind of issues do you think that will have?
Say u shoot someone in self defense they are going to do a blood test correct? What do you guys think?
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Regular Member
Feb 18, 2008
Corunna, Michigan, USA
I have done some research on this subject and have concluded;

Damn the state law! Bottom line is they are still bound by federal law and it's illegal to possess, manufacture, distribute, grow or use marijuana by federal statutes. Some cities have said they will attempt to prosecute under federal law. Have to wait to see how that plays out.

You use the example if they shot someone; Good shoot/bad shoot will be determined by the courts but the other issue may come into play; so even if their marijuana license is legal by state law, they were in possession of a firearm while committing a felony (growing/using marijuana).

As we all say... anything can happen but do you want to be the test case in an already confusing state law vs. federal law?

I would give this some very deep thought before doing it.



Campaign Veteran
Jul 27, 2011
West Bend, WI
^ he's got a point.

State licensed facilities that disperse to the public get raided all the time. I will have to find the article I read that talked about the Federally owned/licensed facility that got raided for growing marijuana for federal funded medical research.

State law can't trump federal law. Look at the gun issues today. State of Illinois is in quite a bit of trouble because they wont allow state residents to carry weapons, and the people feel (correctly) it violates part of their rights.


Regular Member
Feb 18, 2008
Corunna, Michigan, USA
I base my post on the email I received from the MSP in question on this issue. Take it for what it's worth.


Your possession, use, and/or cultivation of marijuana, to the extent that it is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act, will not affect your right to possess a firearm under Michigan law.
Medical use of marihuana continues to be illegal under federal law; therefore, you may want to contact the ATF (www.atf.gov) or the DEA (www.dea.gov) with any questions you may have regarding violations of federal law.

Sergeant Aimee Brimacombe
Executive Division
Michigan State Police
714 S. Harrison Rd
East Lansing, MI, 48823


Michigan Moderator
Jun 20, 2008
Hudsonville , Michigan, USA
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Dec 19, 2009
Davisburg, Michigan, United States
,Unfortunately, the will of the people, and thier rights to smoke, are being blatantly violated. At this time, it is up in the air as to whether these two rights are compatible.

I dont want to hear anybody that has not had any regular personal experience with marijuana, going on about how its so unsafe to smoke while doing other tasks. Like carrying a gun for self defense for example.
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Campaign Veteran
Apr 21, 2010
Taylor, Wayne County, Michigan, USA
,Unfortunately, the will of the people, and thier rights to smoke, are being blatantly violated. At this time, it is up in the air as to whether these two rights are compatible.

I dont want to hear anybody that has not had any regular personal experience with marijuana, going on about how its so unsafe to smoke while doing other tasks. Like carrying a gun for self defense for example.

Okay "Space Cowboy" ;)


Now razzing aside, this is another example of laws that don't take the peoples will into account. If the people of a state overwhelmingly want something, and make it so by law, then the Federal government should honor that, right? Not the case; so if you do carry and smoke pot you risk your freedom.

I don't have a dog in this fight other than my mom suffered from cancer and if it would have helped her, I would have told her to do what she needed to do. The same would apply to her self defense. Coming up on the 2yr anniversary of her death - miss you mom :( I know you're in a better place now and the pain is no more.

Love - your son
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Regular Member
May 6, 2009
Belleville , michigan, ,
,Unfortunately, the will of the people, and thier rights to smoke, are being blatantly violated. At this time, it is up in the air as to whether these two rights are compatible.

I dont want to hear anybody that has not had any regular personal experience with marijuana, going on about how its so unsafe to smoke while doing other tasks. Like carrying a gun for self defense for example.

sorry to the OP, OT for a sec

Well your gonna hear from one, I am personally against people smoking marijuana and carrying a gun. I have never smoked it in my life but my experience may be better suited to it than yours considering I have not smoked it. Of course I could be wrong.. I mean you probably dont have much experience yourself with it considering you get our tax dollars sent to you versus getting a job so I am sure you cant afford it. Over the years I have been around a ton of people here and there than do smoke it as Im sure most of us have. A couple things I have noticed is that it affects people very differently. I have been around some people and worked with some who are very regular smokers and dealing with them you would never know it, it does not seem to have any effect on them. Other people I have been around that smoke it are obviously impaired while on it and they all seem to think they work better, faster and are more concentrated than everyone else... Its just to bad that everyone else around them knows they are impaired..moving slower and not nearly as concentrated as they think they are. How can you separate the people it affects more heavily than the rest?

As far as our rights being violated that is something that happens all the time unfortunately and will continue to happen until someone stands up and leads a change.... Personally after having read your posts for a while I think you for one could put the government in their place and if you did others would probably follow. If I were you I would call up the government and tell them whats up... You could start the whole thing with one phone call letting them know just how upset you are- it could go something like this " Hey government that oppresses me! I am tired of all of the crap you guys do and I am so mad I want you to stop sending me monthly checks!! From now on I do not want you to pay all of my bills and my lot rent, Im fed up!!! From now on I am gonna go out and get a job like the rest of my fellow Americans and support myself ! Im tired of you guys sending me free money you collected off the sweat of my fellow Americans!! Enough is enough!!! " <-- That would show them whats up, because I mean, you get paid by them so as far as Im concerned you work for them

It would seem like a small change but if you started it maybe others would follow
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Regular Member
May 6, 2009
Belleville , michigan, ,
Thats like saying you know what its like to be a cop because you got pulled over, and watch them on TV.

Right.... Because you cannot tell if someone is intoxicated and under the influence of anything or not acting with a right frame of mind unless you to are intoxicated and off your rocker also :eye roll:
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Regular Member
Oct 2, 2009
Eastpointe, Michigan, USA
He does have a very valid point, stainless. You rail against the .gov as you put it on a daily basis. More so than only anyone else on this forum. You are anti .gov everyday except the first of the month when you happily collect your only source of income from them. Why is that?
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Regular Member
May 6, 2009
Belleville , michigan, ,
He does have a very valid point, stainless. You rail against the .gov as you put it on a daily basis. More so than only anyone else on this forum. You are anti .gov everyday except the first of the month when you happily collect your only source of income from them. Why is that?

^----- That. You say "what we are all thinking" as I have read you post in other topics but then allow them/us to support you. If your so against them cut as many ties to them as possible IMHO