Bush Wacker
New member
imported post
This is my first post here. I have beenenjoying this site for a couplemonths now. I belong to another forum that is obsesed with CC, and it seams to very bias on that regard, if not a bit paranoid. I livein Georgia (rural) and prefer to OC. I have not had any problems, as Iclean cut, dress well, and conduct myself in a professional manner. The biggest problem is peoplemistaking mefor a LEO. I get a lot of "How are you doing officer?"
Anyway, Why are so many peopleagainst open carry?:banghead: I find in kind of liberating! Your feedback is welcome.
This is my first post here. I have beenenjoying this site for a couplemonths now. I belong to another forum that is obsesed with CC, and it seams to very bias on that regard, if not a bit paranoid. I livein Georgia (rural) and prefer to OC. I have not had any problems, as Iclean cut, dress well, and conduct myself in a professional manner. The biggest problem is peoplemistaking mefor a LEO. I get a lot of "How are you doing officer?"
Anyway, Why are so many peopleagainst open carry?:banghead: I find in kind of liberating! Your feedback is welcome.