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News Article


Regular Member
Aug 5, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
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The following is an excerpt taken from:http://www.azstarnet.com/allheadlines/149429

Arizona is known as an "open carry" state in that residents are allowed to wear guns in plain sight, but Palazzolo advises against that.
"Why put the fear into somebody when you don't have to?" Palazzolo said. "People don't appreciate it, don't understand it, and they're going to misinterpret it. What we say is, 'Yes you can, but it's a bad idea.'"


Regular Member
Jun 14, 2006
Dumfries, Virginia, USA
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The reason people "fear" it is that we have been taught too. If more people started OC'ing whenever possible, the it would not be an oddity, and no one would be running in fear.

I hope it was the writer of the article and not the teachers of the classthat incorrectly talked about the 1,000 feet rule for schools.

That does not apply to people with permits from the state that the school is located.


Site Co-Founder
May 13, 2006
Fairfax County, Virginia, USA
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Besides his bias against open carry in of all places, Arizona!, I wonder about the competency of this instructor geernally: SNIP "...four hours of discussion on state weapons laws, such as where it is illegal in the state to carry —within 1,000 feet of a school...

Where has this instructor been? Even if you never heard of the Lopez case (striking down the federal school gun ban), everybody knows that permit holders are exempt from the federal Gun Free School Zone Act.

I recommend some Arizona open carriers contact this reporter and offer to help him write a story on open carry in AZ.


imported post

Interesting ... Thanks for sharing this article. I'll send it along to my contacts at Arizona Citizens Defense League. They are very active in "re-educating." His commentthat "people don't appreciate it, don't understand it" bears some truth but many, many folks who OC in Arizona (like myself) use it as an opportunity to educate the public. Possumboy is right on the money - more people should OC and we wouldn't have this problem. One thing I have noticed is that the stigma seems to be more acute in the larger metropolitan areas than they are out here in the more rural areas where I live. It has also been identified in Arizona that a big influence is the huge number of "foreigners" moving to AZ especially from California. Thesepeoplebring their liberal anti-gun sentiments with them and it dilutes the AZ population who grew up with and are used to open carry. That's why it is even more important that we all open carry at every opportunity. The fear is that this could very easilybecome a "use it or lose it" proposition.



Regular Member
Aug 21, 2006
, ,
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Arizonatexan wrote:
Interesting ... Thanks for sharing this article. I'll send it along to my contacts at Arizona Citizens Defense League. They are very active in "re-educating." His commentthat "people don't appreciate it, don't understand it" bears some truth but many, many folks who OC in Arizona (like myself) use it as an opportunity to educate the public. Possumboy is right on the money - more people should OC and we wouldn't have this problem. One thing I have noticed is that the stigma seems to be more acute in the larger metropolitan areas than they are out here in the more rural areas where I live. It has also been identified in Arizona that a big influence is the huge number of "foreigners" moving to AZ especially from California. Thesepeoplebring their liberal anti-gun sentiments with them and it dilutes the AZ population who grew up with and are used to open carry. That's why it is even more important that we all open carry at every opportunity. The fear is that this could very easilybecome a "use it or lose it" proposition.

I agree 100% with what you have said. Along with Ca you can add the East Cost and Illinois to that list. But i'd say over 90% come from Ca. Like a cancer it destroys one part of the body then moves on to a good area to destroy that to. I've talked to people from every gun friendly state out West. They all say like I have said and say it is people from the same areas I said that are destroying their way of life.