NM Department of Public Safety (State Police) have proposed rules that I urge you to read. There is no reform to the onerous parts of the CCH licensing in NM (ie 2 yr requalifications, multiple handguns listed, 15 hr class room instruction). However,
(1) they want to do away with NM citizens using other states CCL that are reciprocal to NM. Also,
(2) many many controlling rules for instructors. One that stands out is
(3) one instructor per student for dynamic training. what! If these make it to the 2017 legislature, I will be fighting that legislation. These changes need to be stopped.
ok, rdcguns or should a welcome be extended to personnel from RDC Guns ?
1. Nowhere do i see from a comparison of current DPS,
LICENSE RENEWAL AND TRANSFER: and the proposed section where they want to do away anything from the citizens of NM. in fact the current DPs standard has a requirement for citizenship, 1(a), new document does not!
now maybe you are getting confused w/,
RECIPROCITY: where the new document states in
H: No reciprocity shall be afforded to a license issued by another state to a
New Mexico resident. basically stating a NM resident can not use a UT/VA/FL/ad nauseam
non-resident permit to transfer to a NM CCW! do not see a problem with that concept since those states do not have a live fire component to their firearm's courses.
2. might you be a smidge more specific on your use of the term "MANY, MANY" for controlling rules on instructors? only new criteria i find objectionable to was the DPS is planning to institute
A. All New Mexico approved instructors shall receive a minimum of eight (8) hours of training
bi-annually. (every six months...really)
B. Required training may be conducted by the department’s concealed carry program at regional locations and, where scheduling will allow, the concealed carry program will assign staff to instruct the course.
i sure wish they would articulate in the document this includes nice LE & Mounted patrol instructors. (letter(s) being drafted to Ms Romero, Chief Kassetas, as well as Cabinet Secretary Scott Weaver stating my concern!)
3. again, from a comparison from the current DPS 10.8.24,
RESPONSIBILITIES OF APPROVED INSTRUCTOR, there is currently NOcriteria regarding dynamic or lowlight live fire training mentioned whatsoever. yes, B(3) has been amended to ADD and mandate the following:
a. including no more than five students per instructor during daylight training,
b. no more than three students per instructor for lowlight training,
c. and no more than one student per instructor for dynamic training such as shooting on the move.
first, allow me to say, where and why would the good citizens of NM need this kind of 'specialized' type of training in the daily carry of their firearms?
second, sorry you are upset regarding this stipulation and want multiple 'newbie' gun owners running about firing their firearms helter sketler on a range w/o an instructor nearby?
third, if you do not see a need for the requirement...hummm is about the most i can muster.
reference 2 again...got specifics ?
for those truly interested here is an ad hoc comparison of the two documents...i did not get excited if both said the same thing in tone and tenor...