Regular Member
Went to Wally World in Las Cruces yesterday to pick up some ammo. There was a prominent No Firearms sign on the Garden Dept. entry doors. Anyone else seen this at (any New Mexico) Walmarts recently?
I would call HQ and report it. Walmarts are supposed to follow state law from what I understand, and that restriction is not consistent with the policy. I would expect the signs to be removed.
That letter is out of date. Walmart now allows customer to open or conceal carry in accordance with state and local laws.
Source: Worked for Walmart for five years ending in 2011.
If this is the sign you've seen then Walmart is following state law. NM Admin code requires licensed liquor establishments to display four signs, this is one of them.
View attachment 8997
The sign refers to the statute regarding carrying firearms in licensed liquor establishments. So if one has a valid concealed carry license, and is carrying concealed, it's legal.
No response from Walmart Corporate, but the "No Firearms" sign I spotted at the Walton Walmart is gone.