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NoVA (Northern Virginia) - OC reports


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Saw an open carrier of a glock 19 last night in a Giant in Ashburn. I had a similar setup under my coat. No one ran for the hills. They were all too busy buying all the bread within 100 miles.

You have bread within 100 miles? :p


Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
A bit over a year ago, Fairfax County opened a group home for intellectually disabled adults on my cul-de-sac. There are three women living there now, and the staff has seen spouse and me with our sidearms; nothing has ever been said.

Last weekend, we were outside when manchild (also intellectually disabled) started a conversation with a man outside that house. Of course, I went over, and learned this man is preparing for his daughter to be the fourth resident of the house. He made the comment that he noticed spouse and I were "packing" and that he approved.

Guess he figures it's a safe location.


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2007
Greene County
Too many placed to list, no issues.
Had to go to NoVA more than I want lately, here are a few places.

Dulles Airport Curbside

Loudon county:
Dick's (in the Mall)

Bob Evan's
VA Arms
Northside Restaurant (excellent service/food)


Activist Member
Jul 2, 2010
Alexandria, VA at www.NoVA-MDSelfDefense.com
Officer friendly....

My wife and I were on a walkabout going north on Duke Street and as we crossed through an intersection there was one of Alexandria's finest sitting in his marked patrol car. I raised my hand to thank him for his politeness in waiting while we crossed, thereby fully exposing the rather large S&W M&P 9 in a Serpa on my hip. He did nothing but smile and wave back as we continued on our way.

As it should be....


Dec 23, 2016
Reston, VA
Hi everyone. i'm new here and new to Virginia. I just recently moved to Reston, Va from Chicago, IL. I live in the deepwood community and I have a few questions. (sorry if this been asked, i did use the search but was unable to locate).

1. I am pretty sure that I can OC here in Reston, but where i live in Deepwood there are few trails that I use to walk my dog. I have not seen any signs restricting OC and I do not believe that is under the control of National Forests (no signs indicating so). So how to I find out I can or cannot legally OC on these trails?

2. I am still learning the area and my understanding that in Fairfax county that I am not allowed to OC in Alexandria, Falls Church, and Fairfax cities. Is there any other place in Fairfax county that I am not allowed to OC?

3. I have the application for a CC, but can anyone suggest where i should go to get my certificate to qualify for CC?


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Hi everyone. i'm new here and new to Virginia. I just recently moved to Reston, Va from Chicago, IL. I live in the deepwood community and I have a few questions. (sorry if this been asked, i did use the search but was unable to locate).

1. I am pretty sure that I can OC here in Reston, but where i live in Deepwood there are few trails that I use to walk my dog. I have not seen any signs restricting OC and I do not believe that is under the control of National Forests (no signs indicating so). So how to I find out I can or cannot legally OC on these trails?

2. I am still learning the area and my understanding that in Fairfax county that I am not allowed to OC in Alexandria, Falls Church, and Fairfax cities. Is there any other place in Fairfax county that I am not allowed to OC?

3. I have the application for a CC, but can anyone suggest where i should go to get my certificate to qualify for CC?
Welcome to the forum chidoug - lots of good people here.

Hard to answer your query as to the trails - you are not specific as to where these are located. In general, if you are not an otherwise restricted person, you may OC on all public property except state agencies (ABC stores, Library of Va., etc) Virginia has a strong preemption statute wherein municipalities may not inact ordinances controling where one may carry, OC or CC.

Even the antis have supplied some good information:

Insofar as your certification/training for a CHP - if you have been in the service, a copy of your DD214 will sufice; online training works as does a hunter's safety course from the Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries. There are plenty of instructors in your area, but if you have had training or a permit elsewhere, the primary benefit IMO is to get a jump start of VA laws.

Also see;

Item #2 is a bit confusing to some. Yes you may OC in those municipalities with only a few specific conditions as to magazine capacity if one does not have a permit/CHP.
have apermit/CHP and you are exempt from the restriction. A cite for this statute evades me - I'm still finishing up with last minute holiday details so some one else will have to provide that cite/statute. :)

Private property carry - we generally presume that such is OK absenting any sign to the contrary. Va has no state prescribed design - we see the gun in a red cicle w/slash through it occassionally.
Even if you are not welcome with your sidearm, you have broken no law yet by entering - no law = no teeth. If you are told to leave or take it outside, then if you do not do so you may be charged with trespass by law enforcement.

Be aware that in restaurants that serve alcohol, one may indulge (we don't encourage it) if you are OCing, but may not if you entered CCing.

Again, welcome to Virginia - friendly people in a friendly state.
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Dec 23, 2016
Reston, VA
thanks for the welcome and thanks for the info. I will look into the links you provided, thank you very much

and sorry about the trails. The trails that i'm talking about can be more explain at the reston.org sits: https://www.reston.org/Parks,RecreationEvents/Pathways/tabid/418/Default.aspx

I walk the turquoise trial for the most part and on their site there is no mention of any restriction, that i can see anyways.

Again thanks for you time and impute and i hope that you have a happy Merry Christmastime and holiday.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2008
Newport News, Virginia, USA
Hi everyone. i'm new here and new to Virginia. I just recently moved to Reston, Va from Chicago, IL. I live in the deepwood community and I have a few questions. (sorry if this been asked, i did use the search but was unable to locate).

1. I am pretty sure that I can OC here in Reston, but where i live in Deepwood there are few trails that I use to walk my dog. I have not seen any signs restricting OC and I do not believe that is under the control of National Forests (no signs indicating so). So how to I find out I can or cannot legally OC on these trails?

2. I am still learning the area and my understanding that in Fairfax county that I am not allowed to OC in Alexandria, Falls Church, and Fairfax cities. Is there any other place in Fairfax county that I am not allowed to OC?

3. I have the application for a CC, but can anyone suggest where i should go to get my certificate to qualify for CC?

Welcome to Virginia. For some additional information on where and what type of carry is prohibited, check out http://www.vcdl.org/CarryInfo. While there, feel free to learn about and join VCDL.

You might also check out http://friendorfoe.us/ for information about local establishments' policies on carry. It's a map-based system, so just enter your zip code.

Good luck.


Activist Member
Jul 5, 2006
Accomac, Virginia, USA

2. I am still learning the area and my understanding that in Fairfax county that I am not allowed to OC in Alexandria, Falls Church, and Fairfax cities. Is there any other place in Fairfax county that I am not allowed to OC?

The law restricting carry in the areas you mentioned plus other areas is about magazine size.
is equipped at the time of the offense with a magazine that will hold more than 20 rounds of ammunition or designed by the manufacturer to accommodate a silencer

§ 18.2-287.4. Carrying loaded firearms in public areas prohibited; penalty.

It shall be unlawful for any person to carry a loaded (a) semi-automatic center-fire rifle or pistol that expels single or multiple projectiles by action of an explosion of a combustible material and is equipped at the time of the offense with a magazine that will hold more than 20 rounds of ammunition or designed by the manufacturer to accommodate a silencer or equipped with a folding stock or (b) shotgun with a magazine that will hold more than seven rounds of the longest ammunition for which it is chambered on or about his person on any public street, road, alley, sidewalk, public right-of-way, or in any public park or any other place of whatever nature that is open to the public in the Cities of Alexandria, Chesapeake, Fairfax, Falls Church, Newport News, Norfolk, Richmond, or Virginia Beach or in the Counties of Arlington, Fairfax, Henrico, Loudoun, or Prince William.

The provisions of this section shall not apply to law-enforcement officers, licensed security guards, military personnel in the performance of their lawful duties, or any person having a valid concealed handgun permit or to any person actually engaged in lawful hunting or lawful recreational shooting activities at an established shooting range or shooting contest. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

The exemptions set forth in § 18.2-308 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to the provisions of this section.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
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Dec 23, 2016
Reston, VA
To 2a4all and Wolf_shadow, great info. and thanks for taking the time to help me out. I will most defiantly read up on what you all provided.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
My, My. Who Would've Guessed?

Certainly not me.

Here's what happened recently.

First, a little back story to assist understanding.

I had a certain job for twenty years. The last nine of which meant I was visiting a certain 7-Eleven convenience store on a regular basis.

Well, during those years, I met of number of other regular customers of that particular 7-Eleven store. A certain other regular customer is the focus of this story.

Four years ago, I changed jobs and embarked on a second career. Four years.

A few days ago, I was in that same 7-Eleven, the same one I had frequented for years; but because of the career change had been in very infrequently across the last four years.

Well, just last week I happened to be in that same 7-Eleven and met that same regular customer for the first time in three or four years.

Now, I am in no way exaggerating that it must have been at least three years, and possibly four years, since I had last met that other regular customer.

And, do you know that just last week, he remembered me as the gun guy? At least three years, perhaps four years after he and I last met. Last week, the first time we'd seen each other in three or four years, he actually asked me if I had the gun on me? Oh, he didn't use those words. He used a combination of words and gestures--the inescapable conclusion being "are you still carrying?"

Oh, my. When I first started carrying, I never dreamed that mere OC could leave such an impression as to be memorable to someone three or four years later.

It gets across, guys. People do observe. People do take note. Don't be surprised if someone asks you--three or four years later--whether you still carry the gun.


May 1, 2016
Howdy Y'all

I always have my firearm concealed everywhere I go around here, but after Feb 1st, I will no longer be able to conceal.


I will infer from that your FL permit will expire on that date. Do yourself a favor. Go ahead and spend the bucks to get the FL non-resident permit renewed.

There are a few states around that do not recognize Va but will recognize FL NonRes. Ga is one. There is litigation ongoing about that now but it may take a year or 2 to get resolved and its possible it does not resolve favorably to us.

And glad to have you here. I spent 6 years near Zephyr Hills. Not a bad place to be. Not really good but not bad either.



Dec 23, 2016
Reston, VA
Insofar as your certification/training for a CHP - if you have been in the service, a copy of your DD214 will sufice; online training works as does a hunter's safety course from the Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries. There are plenty of instructors in your area, but if you have had training or a permit elsewhere, the primary benefit IMO is to get a jump start of VA laws.

after doing a quick search for a class, these two came up. any advice which one is best or would either one of them be official in getting chp?



I do have a missouri hunter education certificate but not really sure where i have put it.


May 1, 2016
after doing a quick search for a class, these two came up. any advice which one is best or would either one of them be official in getting chp?



I do have a missouri hunter education certificate but not really sure where i have put it.

Do the cheaper one. There is dead square nuttin you will learn in that half hour or so that you do not already know. And if there is one thing you really need to know, it's do not shoot anything unless it really really needs shooting.



Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
If they say they are good for Va certs you should be fine with it. Overall, do the cheaper one. There is dead square nuttin you will learn in that half hour or so that you probably/should/do not already know.

And if there is one thing you really need to know, it's do not shoot anything unless it really really needs shooting.

With all due respect, I take issue with that.

A CHP course from a realy fine instructor will give a good synopsis and explanation of Virginia gun laws which the online course does not provide. That and there is no way of knowing what potential knowledge gaps might be filled by such a formal course.

IMHO - two of the best instructors are Philip van Cleave (VCDL pres) and Jim Reynolds (Pro Shooter). Don't think PVC instructs anywhere but locally and Jim does only corporate analysis and training now.

Also - only employ deadly force when there is no other choice/way to effectively protect yourself or loved ones from serious bodily harm or death.
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May 1, 2016
Perchance I should have added that there is almost nothing in any online course or 2-3 hour course or 2 day course or anything of the like you should not know before you start carrying. And I was primarily referring to a half hour online course. But a computer session or weekend is not (IMHO) sufficient. And more SHOULD NOT be govt required.

And once you do start and attend some class your learning/training/thinking/considering on the subject is about .003% complete. It is something you should learn about, reconsider, discuss, train on and think on for as long as you choose to carry.

Grape, your summary of employing deadly force is about the same as deciding how bad the other one needs it.

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Activist Member
Jul 2, 2010
Alexandria, VA at www.NoVA-MDSelfDefense.com
Perchance I should have added that there is almost nothing in any online course or 2-3 hour course or 2 day course or anything of the like you should not know before you start carrying. And I was primarily referring to a half hour online course. But a computer session or weekend is not (IMHO) sufficient. And more SHOULD NOT be govt required.

And once you do start and attend some class your learning/training/thinking/considering on the subject is about .003% complete. It is something you should learn about, reconsider, discuss, train on and think on for as long as you choose to carry.

Grape, your summary of employing deadly force is about the same as deciding how bad the other one needs it.


In my opinion taking a basic or introductory training course, no matter the presentation modality, is generally useful only for the purpose of fulfilling a licensing requirement. Proficiency with a firearm requires repetitive practice over a long period of time -- perhaps forever -- and knowing the law requires more than a 45-minute segment in a four-hour class. The "regulars" who come to my range several times a month are proficient shooters BECAUSE they practice often, and they have developed an understanding of the laws of the various states the most often frequent. In the mid-Atlantic area, where you can be in any of several states within an hour's drive, it is critical to understand your potential for legal jeopardy depending where you happen to be at the time.

Still, I would prefer that someone new to firearms take SOME kind of training if for no other reason than for them to understand what they DON'T know, and if they do that just to fulfill a licensing requirement, then it's up to the Instructor to impress on them how important it is to continue their education and practice.