Places Off-Limits Even With A Permit/License
a public or private elementary, middle, or secondary school building and its improved grounds, whether leased or owned by the school;
a child care center licensed under chapter 245A during the period children are present and participating in a child care program;
the area within a school bus when that bus is being used by a school to transport one or more elementary, middle, or secondary school students to and from school-related activities, including curricular, co-curricular, non curricular, extracurricular, and supplementary activities; and
that portion of a building or facility under the temporary, exclusive control of a public or private school, a school district, or an association of such entities where conspicuous signs are prominently
posted at each entrance that give actual notice to persons of the school-related use.
Private establishments - if posted or if personally requested to leave by the operator because that establishment bans guns on premises.
Places of employment, public or private, if employer restricts the carry or possession of firearms by its employees.
A public post secondary institution ... may establish policies that restrict the carry or possession of firearms by its students while on the institution's property. ... an employer or a post secondary institution may not prohibit the lawful carry or possession of firearms in a parking facility or parking area
State correctional facilities or state hospitals and grounds (MN Statute 243.55)
Any jail, lockup or correctional facility (MN Statute 641.165)
Courthouse complexes, unless the sheriff is notified (MN Statute 609.66)
Offices and courtrooms of the Minnesota Supreme Court and Court of Appeals any state building
within the Capitol Area described in chapter 15B, other than the National Guard Armory.unless the
commissioner of public safety is notified (MN Statute 609.66)
Any state building in the Capitol Area of St. Paul described in MN Statute Chapter 15B unless the commissioner of public safety is notified (MN Statute 609.66)
In federal court facilities or other federal facilities (Title 18 U.S.C.§ 930)
Thing to remember is that Minnesota does NOT recognize the Wiscosnsin License. You will need either one of the states that Minnesota honors, or a Minnesota Permit. OC or CC one needs a permit.