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OC in Nevada


Regular Member
Nov 6, 2010
Nellis AFB, Nevada
Re: Where did you carry today and how did it go?

Today on my bi-weekly trip to Murray's inside meadows mall and doing some shopping for my sons birthday, i was done shopping and sitting in the chair security came into the shop and told the owner Chris that I must leave as I can not have my gun with me he asked if I can finish my haircut the replied no that i must leave now this was my first time experiencing this.

Also went to Toy's R Us next to Meadows no problems there then off to CiCi's on Cheyenne no problems there also.

Any suggestions on how i should've handled that situation?

How interesting. We've carried our firearms on us a couple times there and have had zero issues.

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Regular Member
Apr 15, 2008
Las Vegas NV, ,
Today on my bi-weekly trip to Murray's inside meadows mall and doing some shopping for my sons birthday, i was done shopping and sitting in the chair security came into the shop and told the owner Chris that I must leave as I can not have my gun with me he asked if I can finish my haircut the replied no that i must leave now this was my first time experiencing this.

Also went to Toy's R Us next to Meadows no problems there then off to CiCi's on Cheyenne no problems there also.

Any suggestions on how i should've handled that situation?

Really surprised it took them this long. That mall has long been anti carry. All you can do is leave. Getting in a discussion with a rent a cop is like explaining life to a three year old. They just don't get it.
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Regular Member
Aug 1, 2012
Pointy end and slightly to the left
Really surprised it took them this long. That mall has long been anti carry. All you can do is leave. Getting in a discussion with a rent a cop is like explaining life to a three year old. They just don't get it.

It has been a year or so ago however, I had been the Meadows Mall Ocing a few times, in Sears, Penny’s and several stores cannot remember which. Had lunch in the food court sitting with my strong side to the main walkway. Had a few Mall cops walk by and no problems.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
... security came into the shop and told the owner Chris that I must leave as I can not have my gun with me he asked if I can finish my haircut the replied no that i must leave now ...

If the owner likes you being armed, maybe he will help. A letter from him to the mall administration would be a lot more powerful than from a customer. He's losing business, and has been embarrassed by being forced to let you leave with a half-finished haircut, for which I hope you did NOT pay, except for maybe a tip.


Regular Member
Apr 15, 2008
Las Vegas NV, ,
It has been a year or so ago however, I had been the Meadows Mall Ocing a few times, in Sears, Penny’s and several stores cannot remember which. Had lunch in the food court sitting with my strong side to the main walkway. Had a few Mall cops walk by and no problems.

Yep I recall you saying that you go there as well. Someplace on here we have a thread with a letter from the mall saying no carry. Someone else here was tossed.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2012
Las Vegas,Nv
I had just sat down after my son had his hair cut, the owner likes and welcomes us to carry into his shop I've been into meadows many times with no issue. Also I am just getting home from Chuck E Cheese on Stewart and Nellis and was asked to put gun in car by the new security guard they have. He said " your license says you can not bring a gun in chuck e cheese, it is also state law" :confused: that's when i asked to please state the nrs on that. So he decided to get on the radio and call for a manager a little to loud in front of multiple families asking the manager (who is a friend of mine) to come to the front because there is a man with a weapon after that i no longer talked to him and talked to a manager who told me that "i don't need my gun in here to protect my family, that's what he is for (pointing to security guard)" so not to disappoint my son i put my gun in the car safe and enjoyed the rest of my evening. The most eventful day for ever since i been open carry.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
...so not to disappoint my son i put my gun in the car safe and enjoyed the rest of my evening. The most eventful day for ever since i been open carry.

Sorry to hear this. I understand familial pressure and other circumstances sometimes dictate what a parent can do, but what a missed opportunity to teach your son how important it really is. I can't armchair quarterback or second guess. I'm sure you'd have rather been able to do that, too. What does your son like even better than Chuck E Cheese?

I get annoyed when people think that if someone making barely more than minimum wage slaps on a uniform, it's okay to carry a gun. Yet the most uneventful and trustworthy gun carriers ever are those of us who just do so as part of our daily routine.

I'm also offended at those who think they are good enough to be responsible for my safety. That's MY responsibility and I will determine who's good enough to do it.

Again, please don't think I'm being critical. I'm just lamenting WITH you; not at you... :)


Regular Member
Mar 21, 2012
United States
Where did you carry today and how did it go?

OC'd at the Reno DMV. They had the proper signage up on the entryways. The Reno PD officer and the armed security guard who happened to be there, kept close watch on me the whole time, but nothing was said.

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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
OC'd at the Reno DMV. They had the proper signage up on the entryways. The Reno PD officer and the armed security guard who happened to be there, kept close watch on me the whole time, but nothing was said.

Love it - no mention of open carry! Silence gives consent.

The Big Guy

Regular Member
Oct 20, 2009
Waco, TX
I had just sat down after my son had his hair cut, the owner likes and welcomes us to carry into his shop I've been into meadows many times with no issue. Also I am just getting home from Chuck E Cheese on Stewart and Nellis and was asked to put gun in car by the new security guard they have. He said " your license says you can not bring a gun in chuck e cheese, it is also state law" :confused: that's when i asked to please state the nrs on that. So he decided to get on the radio and call for a manager a little to loud in front of multiple families asking the manager (who is a friend of mine) to come to the front because there is a man with a weapon after that i no longer talked to him and talked to a manager who told me that "i don't need my gun in here to protect my family, that's what he is for (pointing to security guard)" so not to disappoint my son i put my gun in the car safe and enjoyed the rest of my evening. The most eventful day for ever since i been open carry.

Be sure to write them and tell them of your disappointment and that they have now lost a regular customer. That you will make it known in the firearms community that they do not want our business.

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Regular Member
Jan 27, 2011
Henderson, Nevada
Where did you carry today and how did it go?

I had just sat down after my son had his hair cut, the owner likes and welcomes us to carry into his shop I've been into meadows many times with no issue. Also I am just getting home from Chuck E Cheese on Stewart and Nellis and was asked to put gun in car by the new security guard they have. He said " your license says you can not bring a gun in chuck e cheese, it is also state law" :confused: that's when i asked to please state the nrs on that. So he decided to get on the radio and call for a manager a little to loud in front of multiple families asking the manager (who is a friend of mine) to come to the front because there is a man with a weapon after that i no longer talked to him and talked to a manager who told me that "i don't need my gun in here to protect my family, that's what he is for (pointing to security guard)" so not to disappoint my son i put my gun in the car safe and enjoyed the rest of my evening. The most eventful day for ever since i been open carry.

Can't be that good of a friend...and if he is you need to have a serious sit down talk with him.


Regular Member
Jul 11, 2012
Las Vegas
...He said " your license says you can not bring a gun in chuck e cheese, it is also state law..."i don't need my gun in here to protect my family, that's what he is for (pointing to security guard)"

Everyone owes it to the evolution of the human race to STOP this ignorance. When you hear something this completely ignorant...arrrg. :banghead:

I would have no problem with stupid people if they would just keep their mouths shut.

MrHarris, you sure handled it better (civilized) than I would have. I should probably start putting away for my legal fees. lol


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Originally Posted by Grapeshot

Love it - no mention of open carry! Silence gives consent.
No our laws do. Some of us here in NEVADA have fought for this change in signs. Silence in this case is following the law by having signs worded as the law is written.

I understand the difference and the basis in fact/law. My comment was too brief and did not give credit to that change.


Regular Member
Dec 27, 2011
Fallon, NV
I understand the difference and the basis in fact/law. My comment was too brief and did not give credit to that change.

Actually, there are 2 parts to this law.

Part one is the part that describes the law itself and that only concealed carry is prohibited.

"NRS 202.3673 Permittee authorized to carry concealed firearm while on premises of public building; exceptions; penalty.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsections 2 and 3, a permittee may carry a concealed firearm while the permittee is on the premises of any public building.

2. A permittee shall not carry a concealed firearm while the permittee is on the premises of a public building that is located on the property of a public airport.

3. A permittee shall not carry a concealed firearm while the permittee is on the premises of:

(a) A public building that is located on the property of a public school or a child care facility or the property of the Nevada System of Higher Education, unless the permittee has obtained written permission to carry a concealed firearm while he or she is on the premises of the public building pursuant to subparagraph "

Part two is what must be posted for the general public to know and obey. The problem is the phrase that they have in the NRS does not match the law. It doesn't say concealed it says firearms.

"(3) of paragraph (a) of subsection 3 of NRS 202.265.

(b) A public building that has a metal detector at each public entrance or a sign posted at each public entrance indicating that no firearms are allowed in the building, unless the permittee is not prohibited from carrying a concealed firearm while he or she is on the premises of the public building pursuant to subsection"

Fortunately the NV DMV's have taken such a beating over the past couple years that they don't post the signs with the exact words from the NRS in regards to posting. They go the extra mile and post the law as it was intended.


Regular Member
Jan 27, 2011
Henderson, Nevada
Where did you carry today and how did it go?

Walmart on Marks.

Pizza Hut on Warm Springs and Stephanie.

Just another day - glad to be residing in the US of A.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
...they don't post the signs with the exact words from the NRS in regards to posting. They go the extra mile and post the law as it was intended.

Even though that sentence does not say "concealed," the entire section of the law only applies to concealed firearms.

They had to change the signs because they were confusing their own management, their own security, and the police.

The people who misunderstood the sign were wrongly disarmed. Those who understood the law were wrongly harassed.


Regular Member
Dec 27, 2011
Fallon, NV
Even though that sentence does not say "concealed," the entire section of the law only applies to concealed firearms.

They had to change the signs because they were confusing their own management, their own security, and the police.

The people who misunderstood the sign were wrongly disarmed. Those who understood the law were wrongly harassed.

Agreed and it's still confusing people in public buildings where people are wrongly disarmed and or hasseled.

You just can't explain it well enough to some people. Even when they read the law.

It's a shame that there are people in positions that we pay their salaries that can't read/comprehend simple English.
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