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OCing at the Capital


Regular Member
Dec 16, 2006
Richmond, Virginia, USA
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I had a great day around the Capital and the city of Richmond on Friday. I could put this in the Richmond OC thread, but I feel this relates more to the state as a whole. My wife and I went to the State Capital and took the tour while I was OCing. When I went through security I handed the officer my license and CHP. He took it, read it out loud, then looked at me somewhat inquisitively. First he asked if I was an officer. After I told him no he wasn't exactly sure of the proper procedure so he told me to wait just one moment while he called someone. He was on the phone for probably a grand total of 15 seconds then handed me back my ID and told me to have a great day. He was very friendly and professional.

We thoroughly enjoyed the tour. It was great to learn more about the history of our great commonwealth. I passed Senator McEachin in the hallway and said hello. I'm sure he didn't see my firearm because he smiled when he said hello back. One curious thing I saw was a lighted sign pointing towards an "Area of Refuge" in the new underground section of the capital (I wonder what that's for?)

We walked around Capital Square for a while afterwards and saw the governor's mansion (with Tim Kaine's SUV parked out front). We then went to Richmond city hall's observation deck to see some nice views of the city. It was good to see that the metal detectors that were once in the lobby were gone.

After city hall we went to the Virginia Historical Society. Unlike the VMFA this museum is privately owned. I was not sure how my OCing would go over as they would have been perfectly within their rights to ask me to leave. We were there for almost 2 hours without any problem. They have an exhibition through late September on moonshine in the Blue Ridge. There is a permanent exhibit on firearms produced in Virginia for use by the Virginia Militia. There is also a permanent exhibit on firearms used by the Confederacy.

We finished the day off with dinner at Bottom's Up Pizza. All in all it was a great day of learning about and exercising our rights as Virginians. I highly recommend the Capital tour to anyone. If you have a CHP I would also encourage you to OC while doing so (based on the reaction at security they don't get many people carrying a gun except for at the GA on lobby day). My favorite pic from the day was me standing next to the great Virginian Patrick Henry.


If you want to see some of the other pictures from the day including more of the capital and of the guns at the VHS check them out at this link:
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Regular Member
Feb 23, 2007
Virginia, USA
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Infidel wrote:
Nice pics VT 357, one question. If you were OC' ing legally, why did you show them your CHP?
I don't have a cite to back this up, but my understanding is that you may only carry there if you are a CHP holder.

Ric in Richmond

Regular Member
Dec 8, 2006
Richmond, Virginia, USA
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vrwmiller wrote:
Infidel wrote:
Nice pics VT 357, one question. If you were OC' ing legally, why did you show them your CHP?
I don't have a cite to back this up, but my understanding is that you may only carry there if you are a CHP holder.
I think that is correct as well.

The statue of GW is supposed to be one of the most accurate ever made of president Wasington. You can see the plaster mold that was used as the model at Mt. Vernon. It was taken while he was alive.

Of course the Governors mansion was designed by mr jefferson himself.

Great tour you took!!!


Regular Member
Dec 16, 2006
Richmond, Virginia, USA
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hlh wrote:
Super VT357! Did your better half also OC? I'm interested in the tour, do you have an informational link?
No she couldn't OC as she hasn't applied for her CHP yet. As far as the tour - it is free! There were only six of us in our group so it felt like a private tour. I'd imagine the weekend tours might have a few more people though. There was a tour group from the Boys and Girls Club that probably had 30 people in it. But on the whole the entire grounds was quite empty. I guess that's because school is out, the GA isn't in session, and we went when most people were at work.


ETA: We ate at Meriwether's Capitol Cafe (right next to the "area of refuge") for lunch after the tour. The food was awesome!


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
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Great report and appreciated mini pictorial tour.

Apparently you had a great time.

I remember from lobby day info that a special rule was instituted governing weapons in the capitol building - CHP being required for OC or CC but do not think that there is a statutory site available.

Yata hey


Regular Member
Mar 2, 2007
Richmond, Virginia, USA
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Ric in Richmond wrote:
vrwmiller wrote:
Infidel wrote:
Nice pics VT 357, one question. If you were OC' ing legally, why did you show them your CHP?
I don't have a cite to back this up, but my understanding is that you may only carry there if you are a CHP holder.
I think that is correct as well.

The statue of GW is supposed to be one of the most accurate ever made of president Wasington. You can see the plaster mold that was used as the model at Mt. Vernon. It was taken while he was alive.

Of course the Governors mansion was designed by mr jefferson himself.the architect in me is coming out with a small correction. Mr. Jefferson designed the Virginia Capital building not the govenors mansion.

Great tour you took!!!
chris great pics.


Regular Member
Dec 16, 2006
Richmond, Virginia, USA
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marine2000 wrote:
is that a Galco holster...?????
Actually it's a Gould & Goodrich. I got it from Town Police Supply in Chesterfield - having a Sig 229 makes it really easy to find a holster since it is the standard sidearm in lots of departments.


Regular Member
May 11, 2007
Virginia Beach, VA, , USA
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vt357 wrote:
marine2000 wrote:
is that a Galco holster...?????
Actually it's a Gould & Goodrich. I got it from Town Police Supply in Chesterfield - having a Sig 229 makes it really easy to find a holster since it is the standard sidearm in lots of departments.
You can also order from the company directly. Google them and you can download their catalog. I have several of their holsters and really like them.


Regular Member
May 10, 2008
Woodbridge, Virginia, USA
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vt357 wrote:
marine2000 wrote:
is that a Galco holster...?????
Actually it's a Gould & Goodrich. I got it from Town Police Supply in Chesterfield - having a Sig 229 makes it really easy to find a holster since it is the standard sidearm in lots of departments.

You can also order from the company directly. Google them and you can download their catalog. I have several of their holsters and really like them.

I carry one that is Glaco but it looks almost identical as the Gould & Goodrich.

(I own a S&W M&P40..it's really tough to find a hoslter that would properly snug my sidearm in )...