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OCT Founder CJ Grisham Announces Candidacy for TX House District 55 Seat


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
being the critically thinking individual i am, i must of course inquire:
1. what is a “conservative” republican?
2. how is this “conservative” republican different from the incumbent republican who was re-elected last year?
3. how is the E-8 Grisham’s use of combat military BS campaign rhetoric different from the O-6 incumbent’s using the same rhetoric, if they so chose?
4. finally, how can an individual found guilty, by a jury of their peers, of interfering w/a peace officer hold public office?

just sayin’


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
4. finally, how can an individual found guilty, by a jury of their peers, of interfering w/a peace officer hold public office?

Having committed a crime is not necessarily a restriction on running for or retaining public office.
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Regular Member
Sep 12, 2007
Newport News, Virginia, USA
Solis, stop raiding grandmas moonshine cabinet.

being the critically thinking individual i am, i must of course inquire:
1. what is a “conservative” republican?
2. how is this “conservative” republican different from the incumbent republican who was re-elected last year?
3. how is the E-8 Grisham’s use of combat military BS campaign rhetoric different from the O-6 incumbent’s using the same rhetoric, if they so chose?
4. finally, how can an individual found guilty, by a jury of their peers, of interfering w/a peace officer hold public office?

just sayin’

Do you think that a criminal conviction is a disqualifier?

Good luck CJ!



Regular Member
Feb 4, 2016
Not guilty as far as I am concerned!

Agreed, OC4me. And for anyone who possesses even a modicum of knowledge with regard to CJ's case, his so-called "crime" was quite obviously that of "contempt of cop," which is an "offense" that ranks at the very bottom of the list of violations for those of us who consider our U.S. Constitution the supreme law of the land---particularly those of us who still reside in Texas.

My suspicion is that those who so quickly and continually speak disparagingly of CJ and his actions with regard to his long-ago purported "crime" are completely lacking in the kind of fortitude it would take to resist such obvious tyranny today, and would most definitely not have made good partners during our own Revolutionary War (which we happened to win, "Mate").

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
Agreed, OC4me. And for anyone who possesses even a modicum of knowledge with regard to CJ's case, his so-called "crime" was quite obviously that of "contempt of cop," which is an "offense" that ranks at the very bottom of the list of violations for those of us who consider our U.S. Constitution the supreme law of the land---particularly those of us who still reside in Texas.

My suspicion is that those who so quickly and continually speak disparagingly of CJ and his actions with regard to his long-ago purported "crime" are completely lacking in the kind of fortitude it would take to resist such obvious tyranny today, and would most definitely not have made good partners during our own Revolutionary War (which we happened to win, "Mate").

Personally, I would consider being charged with "interfering" with a police officer a resume enhancement. Being convicted of such should make a candidate a certainty for getting my vote for almost any office.
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Regular Member
Feb 4, 2016
Personally, I would consider being charged with "interfering" with a police officer a resume enhancement. Being convicted of such should make a candidate a certainty for getting my vote for almost any office.

Agreed. Unfortunately, since CJ's not in my district, for now, he will have to settle for my well-deserved and well-earned financial and social-networking contributions.

We defeated the weak and limp-wristed tyrants during the Revolutionary War and we can defeat them again!
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
not to split hairs TXOC16, you are referring to the 8+ year American Revolution war where France and Spain forces played significant and quite singularly decisive roles in obtaining the American colonies independence?
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Personally, I would consider being charged with "interfering" with a police officer a resume enhancement. Being convicted of such should make a candidate a certainty for getting my vote for almost any office.

i file the offense right up there with womanizing groping and other sexual misconduct, oh kinda like Moore, franken, conyers, and the others who the congress has paid 17M out to silence their accusers!