Originally Posted by jrob33
I recently posted in a thread where the OP was berated by multiple posters for not being confrontational enough with an officer, even though the officer made it clear that the poster was free to go from the very beginning...the argument that only police officers are confrontational is laughable.
You undoubted refer to this thread and misrepresent the context and conclusions there as well.
First let me say that I am not an enemy to OC, I have been waiting for OK to become an open carry state and fully intend to OC. And I realize that alot of police officers have an issue with citizens Open carrying even when it is leagal, and many seem to take it upon themselves to "stop" OC even after their state has deemed it legal. Those officers have to be dealt with strongly. But I dont feel that every single police officer should be treated as an enamy to "the cause" simply because he is a police officer. now genreally speaking i try to defer to the mods...BUT
to say I misrepresented the thread in question? how exactly did i misrepresent it? Are you trying to say the OP was not berated by other posters for his actions? here is a direct quote from the OP.
"Now I kinda feel stupid for bringing it up, people painting me as some benedict arnold for not fighting tooth and nail for my rights and telling this nice officer to eff off"
obviously the op felt "jumped on" as well, And this was only in the first page of the thread. The Op received advice ranging from just ignoring the officer completely to yelling at the officer to get the !*&$ off his property. So when I read a comment saying that its "always the officers here that are confrontational" is riddiculous. Or are you saying i misrepresented the officer? I counted at least 4 times in the first page where the OP emphasized that the officer was polite, friendly etc.
Appreciative of your support and interest in OCing. Would encourage you to get involved in the legislative process to help make it happen in OK.
Perhaps it is the tone and tenor of some of the choice of words and application in your posts that casts a certain aura. They contribute to making you appear openly contentious and that is truly not a good thing.
"that does not (in my book ) turn you into some kind of traitor to the OC cause." - No one ever said it did.
"some are only referring to the rights THEY like, and dont wnt you to exercise your other rights" - Not the case, presumptuous.
"we are the ones PROVOKING confontation" - Really? Most here would disagree.
"Im sure I will win no popularity contests.." - Perhaps a less critical approach would help.
"would by and large jump on the OP" - Definitely not the case, many were openly supportive.
"many here beleive others should only exercise the rights that THEY like" - Really hammering that false assumption.
"after screaming about your own rights" - Didn't see anyone screaming, I saw discussion.
"hypocritical to jump on someone for choosing to handle a situation differently" - No one was jumped on - again it's discussion.
"would seem that individual rights are the most important thing in the world around here until someone is seen as "hurting the cause" then his rights take a back seat." - OC is perceived as an individual right, but OCDO is not a general rights forum. Posting here is a privilege, not a right.
"Thats cute but you seem to be blatantly ignoring" - No one ignored anything.
Another poster said: "The op is not about the response citizen chose, you are correct there, the citizen can respond as they choose AFTER the illegal contact by LE. The OP is about the mind-set of LE that prompted the LEO to even stop and make contact that required/forced a citizen to choose any type of response."
Part of my last post on the previous thread bears repeating here:
"In consensual stops/conversations such as the OP's, it is not so much what either party said as the underlying message/opinion delivered by the LEO that such conduct is not acceptable/good et al - that in this writer's opinion is unnecessary harassment. It is that to which I object. It is impossible for the officer to completely divorce himself from his official capacity.
How the OP responded is a matter of personal choice and I will not criticize him for his decisions. What we do is to analyze and respond to the event from our own personal experiences and knowledge - that is also what the OP requested.
What the OP did was fine - his choice. What the officer did was to push his personal opinion and thereby intimidate while representing his department - that is totally unacceptable.
Suggest that you lighten up your remarks that do seem somewhat overly critical of other posters.
Hope you take the suggestion in the spirit intended, not as a personal affront.
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