i can't speak for MN. ask in that state forum
i can tell you that in my state, it doesn't matter how many people call the police to report behavior X, if behavior X doesn't somehow rise to the level of reasonable suspicion, then the cops cannot lawfully make a subject stop
Statutory or case law prohibitions on making a Terry-type stop
do not stop illegal stops, detainments, or seizures from occurring, as is documented almost daily on this forum.
You know as well as anyone that an LEO can stop and detain you for "moping with intent to creep" if he wants to. He can write a citation for "transporting a regulated ham sandwich" if he wants to. He can arrest you for "public display of grumpiness" if he wants to.
Qualified immunity will shield him from immediate sanction, and there is NOTHING a citizen can do "in the field" to protect himself against renegade, rogue LEOs, short of having his own personal lawyer tag along every time he ventures into public.
Most "bad cops" will do whatever they want, and "the courts will sort it out". And you know that is the case, so stop spreading these feel-good, unicorns-and-glitter lies about how LEOs "cannot" make illegal stops, serches, and seizures.
Yes they can, and yes they do--EVERY DAY.
Depending on how corrupt the local DA/PA is , how corrupt the local courts are, and the political and legal "juice" that the citizen has to defend himself, the sad fact is that there is NOTHING to prevent bad LEOs from behaving in a criminal manner. There ware laws that can be used to punish them AFTER THE FACT, but the whole concept of criminals is that they DON'T FOLLOW THE LAW.
And in the mean time, while the "courts are sorting it out", the citizen--who has broken no laws--is subject to harassment, property seizure, denial of fundamental human rights, incarceration, and MASSIVE expense in the form of court fees, lawyer fees, and bail.
Meanwhile the individual rouge LEO pays NOTHING out of pocket, and in all probability is still on the beat, abusing and harassing other people, and collecting a paycheck for the privilege.
Saying that statutes, case law, and department policy somehow prevents bad LEOs from abusing the civil rights of citizens is like saying that the Drug Laws in the US prevent the illegal drug trade--it is absurd on it's face, and has no basis whatsoever on the reality of the criminal mindset, and the ABILITY of criminals to engage in criminal enterprises--whether those criminals are street-level crack dealers, the highest Don in La Cosa Nostra, or your local steroid-overloaded Barney Fife...
You say that in your state (which I assume is OH) that LEAs don't allow their officers to effect illegal stops, detainments, harassment, or illegal detainments of lawful carriers. I'm sure that William Bartlett will be glad to hear that...