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Open Carry Courage


Regular Member
Jun 17, 2006
Mechanicsville, Virginia, USA
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I have Concealed Carried for a while now, and would like to do more open carry (for political and personal reasons). The issue I have is that I still find myself being worried that everyone is looking at me even while concealed. Is it just a matter of time and it becoming second nature or is this something that is likely to just nag me? The funny thing is that while I am in uniform I don't even think twice about carrying anything, even the big guns they are just part of me. Go figure.

I really feel like a chicken sh%# for even admitting that, but I would love to know who those of you who have more experience feel.


Site Co-Founder
May 13, 2006
Fairfax County, Virginia, USA
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Well, first, only do it where you are comfortable and the facts/circumstances support.

In VA, it's required in restaurants due to the restaurant ban.

In OH, it's required due to the car ban.

In these two circumstances, you have no choice, and can modestly tell people who ask, "Hey, i'm just following the law, openc arry is required."

To get over nervousness, start off by open carrying where you are most comfortable - your neighborhood grocery store, 7-11, favorite restaurant, to from your house to your mailbox, etc. I usually carry an object in my carry hand - car keys, coffee cup, etc - just makes seem more normal to give that hand somthing to do, and in the back of my mind, I feel that if anyone ever lied and said I touched my grip in a threatening manner, I will be able to testify that this is not possible as I was holding a ___ in my carry hand the entire time as any surveillance tape or witness will attest to.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
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Y'know, I've been carrying openly for quite a while now - a year or so - mostly because concealed carry rigs for women are so limited. I always am self-conscious, but much less now than when I first started.

I've yet to be met with anything but support, with the limited exception of one of Fredericksburg's finest at the gun show last weekend. (He seemed to think women shouldn't have guns, but I laughed it off as his ignorance.)

You'd be surprised at how many people just flatly don't even notice!


Regular Member
May 10, 2006
Richmond, Kentucky, USA
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I am sure that Tess has it right here, and a great many people just do not notice that one is open carrying. They do not expect to see it, ergo they fail to see it! Longwatch opines on this phenomenon in another thread, in a more scholarly way.

Mike offers excellent advice, and I can only suggest that you start off with small steps, increasing the distance that you travel open carrying as you gradually gain in confidence. I gain much wicked amusement from the practice.

No problems to date, here in Central Kentucky, just the occasional horrified look from a soccer mommy now and then, who maybe thinks that I am about to slaughter her defenceless progeny!I merely raise my hat, and pleasantly wish her a good day!

BTW, may I extend a welcome to Tess, our lady packer, and may I commend her for doing what comparatively few ladies choose to do?

Welcome to OCDO, Madam!


Dutch Uncle

Campaign Veteran
May 11, 2006
Virginia, USA
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No need to feel like "chicken sh#%" for the way you feel. I think anyone raised in this society is likely to feel self-conscious at first. As others have said, it gets easier as time goes by. Don't expect to ever feel totally complacent about the practice, however. If you get to the point where you completely forget you are carrying (open or concealed), you have become too blase. I think the term "condition white" should apply to people who are not cognizant of their surroundings OR their self defense status.

In addition to the pointers offered above, I'd suggest making an effort to be well-dressed, pleasant in demeanor, and studiously polite. Also, consider the company you keep while OC'ing. The only time I ever got a comment was when I went to lunch with some of my shooting range buddies; never when I have been out with my wife or daughters.

Remember, if someone questions your behavior, it is perfectly acceptable to say something like "My reasons are very personal, and I'd rather not get into it now, but what I'm doing is perfectly legal". You aren't obligated to get more specific with anyone, except perhaps with an LEO. You can educate others if they seem to be receptive, but I'd avoid getting into any argument with people of the leftist persuasion; its a waste of time, and can lead to complications.

Welcome aboard!


Campaign Veteran
May 9, 2006
, Illinois, USA
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Dutch Uncle wrote:
Remember, if someone questions your behavior, it is perfectly acceptable to say something like "My reasons are very personal, and I'd rather not get into it now, but what I'm doing is perfectly legal". You aren't obligated to get more specific with anyone, except perhaps with an LEO. You can educate others if they seem to be receptive, but I'd avoid getting into any argument with people of the leftist persuasion; its a waste of time, and can lead to complications.

What makes you think a LEO has an special power to force you to tell him anything at all regarding a lawful act?

If you are not engaged in criminal activity or potential criminal activity, they should leave you alone if you do not wish to be bothered.

I am not advising deliberately antagonizing them, or anyone else for that matter, but IMO we have swung way too far toward the side of deference to LE as opposed to asserting our various civil rights.


Site Co-Founder
May 13, 2006
Fairfax County, Virginia, USA
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Hey guys - better to catch flies with honey than vineger - like it or not, the police leadership and unions are a big political force to recon with when you try to liberalize carry laws - be pleasant and cool without giving up your rights seems to be a good choice in my opinion.

A lot of LEOs are not knowledgeable about gun laws - that does not mean that they are our enemies - as John will tell you, he get's a lot of questions as he open carriees all over the country - he treats every LEO encounter as an educational &lobbying opportunity.

In PA like most states, you don't need a permit to open carry, but when asked for one - he says, well, I don't actually need one to open carry, but sure guys, here is my permit, I'm happy to show it to you, how are things today on patrol? etc.


Campaign Veteran
May 9, 2006
, Illinois, USA
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Mike wrote:
Hey guys - better to catch flies with honey than vineger - like it or not, the police leadership and unions are a big political force to recon with when you try to liberalize carry laws - be pleasant and cool without giving up your rights seems to be a good choice in my opinion.

A lot of LEOs are not knowledgeable about gun laws - that does not mean that they are our enemies - as John will tell you, he get's a lot of questions as he open carriees all over the country - he treats every LEO encounter as an educational &lobbying opportunity.

In PA like most states, you don't need a permit to open carry, but when asked for one - he says, well, I don't actually need one to open carry, but sure guys, here is my permit, I'm happy to show it to you, how are things today on patrol? etc.
I am not advising deliberately antagonizing them, or anyone else for that matter, but IMO we have swung way too far toward the side of deference to LE as opposed to asserting our various civil rights.
I concur that civility is a good idea, and an attempt to educate does not hurt. Your example is not too far off. Once you accept the idea that a permit to carry is an acceptable idea, than I think you have to also accept the idea that it is acceptable for an officer of the law to ask to see it and expect that you would produce it. After all, there is no other reason why thepermitwould be issued in the first place. Its not like it is going to be used to cash checks. It is used to identify people who are legally entitled to carry firearms. Unless you carry it around your neck, how can they see it unless you show it?

Granted, if in the case you stated there is no requirement to actually have a LTC, then I think your solution to politely first point out it is not required is a good idea.

I do not believe LEOs are the enemy either. For the most part they are the good guys. That does not mean we should automatically fail to assert our civil rights. i believe it is generally possible to make such assertions without being rude or antagonistic.

I also agree you have to take the officer'spotential lack of knowledge about what the law is into consideration. After all, you should be reasonable if you expecthim to be reasonable in return. If they reasonably believe a LTC is required and you have one, I'd be inclined to show it.

I think a lot of people believe LEOs have some vast knowledge of the law. the fact is that while they have some minimal schooling in it during the 3 months or so they are in training, it is typically not extensive. The fact is that in most cases they only have a vague idea about what the law really is. I doubt any cops carry a copy of the statutes of the state or the municipalities they police in. In many cases, copies of these actsmight weigh more than the cop. They learn the bare minimum and rely on the states attorney (prosecutors) for theserious legal work.

Thats why discussing the law with them isgenerally useless. You can talk till you are blue in the face but out in the field with no resources to look at, and maybe with only a vague idea how to research it anyway, they are going to take action based on what they think is the law, and not what the law actually is. That is certainly understandable. There is no other practical alternative. And no attempt to educate them will work after the cuffs are snapped on. At that point they have made a decision and they will not back down even if they were to realize they are completely wrong.


Regular Member
Jun 17, 2006
Mechanicsville, Virginia, USA
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Wow! Is there that much LEO interaction when OCing? It is starting to make me wonder how I will handle things. I don't go off the handle or anything (I couldn't have survived over 19 years in the military if I did) but I don't react well when pushed hard and I know I am in the right (which is why I am retiring):p. Do any of you carry anything that defines the law or do you think that would piss off the LEO, thinking that your belittling him or her? Thanks for all the response, this group is great so far.

John Pierce

Staff member
May 5, 2006
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cs9c1 wrote:
Wow! Is there that much LEO interaction when OCing? It is starting to make me wonder how I will handle things. I don't go off the handle or anything (I couldn't have survived over 19 years in the military if I did) but I don't react well when pushed hard and I know I am in the right (which is why I am retiring):p. Do any of you carry anything that defines the law or do you think that would piss off the LEO, thinking that your belittling him or her? Thanks for all the response, this group is great so far.
I have had virtually NO LEO interaction in all the time I have been open carrying in multiple states. Almost all of the experiences I have had were in TN where some LEOs were not aware that open carry was an option. In those cases, showing them the law always resulted in a quick resolution.

What state do you live in?


Regular Member
Jun 13, 2006
Woodbridge, Virginia, USA
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i have recently jumped on the oc bandwagon and have had no problems as of yet. as mike stated earlier in this thread, when i am in a store or something i will usually try to occupy my strong hand, more so than anything to appease the public. if someone looks at me, sees my steyr, then sees my shooting hand is preoccupied, i figure they'll know i'm not about to reach for it and be a little more at ease. i was very apprehensive about oc'ing at first too, especially after hearing some of the stories, but after you start doing it, itdefinitely becomes more comfortable. especially when you meet others on the street in support. don't get me wrong, i think you will always have some sense of apprehensiveness, but it's more being tuned to your surroundings than anything. and i definitely find myself being a lot nicer when i'm oc'ing than when i'm concealed or not carrying at all. so for me it's better i think a lot of the stories you will hear are from a little while back, before people really started coming out and oc'ing and before the policebecome educated on the legality of it. it does still happen,but i've always felt that if i am in the right, and i know i'm right, and i know thelaw, then there's nothing anyone can do. if someone does want to harass me, be it an leo or just a frightened person, then i can educate and make them awareof the great 2a laws of this state (virginia). and if by some stretch of the law they do decide to arrest me or what not, it's not going to go that far, until i throw a lawsuit at them for an unlawful arrest (which i probably wouldn't do anyways). but i agree with everyone else though in saying that you should just carry in the places you feel comfortable at first, and as you carry more and more, you'll see how well it is actually taken her in va. i'm going to williamsburg this weekend fora full day at the range and i'll be oc'ing the whole way down. alright brothers, that's enough rambling from me. god bless and keep 2a alive!


Regular Member
Jun 13, 2006
Woodbridge, Virginia, USA
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i believe it's in the state park, not sure exactly what it's called. it's definitely in bfe though. it's an outdoor rifle/pistol range. it's actually pretty nice. i'll be there with a couple of friends. if you would like more info and i can try to get some for you, but it's going to take a couple of emails so it might be a little bit.

Dutch Uncle

Campaign Veteran
May 11, 2006
Virginia, USA
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I'm pretty sure you're talking about the range in the Chickahominy Wildlife Mgmt. Area. It's a good range, especially considering its a state facility. I'll be at Lafayette Gun Club in Yorktown.


P.S. I've never carried in W'burg, but I've read threads either here or a Packing.org that indicate it's not a problem. I've also read news accounts of tourists being robbed there, so its certainly not a bad idea.


Regular Member
May 10, 2006
Richmond, Kentucky, USA
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Apropos the whole permit system: the Tennessean deal, where one needs a permit for concealed and open carry , sounds tempting. One produces ones magic talisman for the cop, and , in theory, problem solved!

Being a crazy Brit, however, I would much prefer the Vermont deal!

THEY dont need no steenkin' permits!

Kentucky has it halfway right, in that no permit is needed to open carry. I believe that our KC3 group is looking into concealed carry without permits, working on the presumption of innocence theory, lack of intent etc. How this will go, hard to say.

To be frank, the permit deal is just a money maker, really!

A pre existing RIGHT has surely been taken, tweaked and SOLD BACK TO US!

I could grudgingly accept that a permit is useful when out of state, but other than that ,it smacks of a hustle to me!

One longs for the day when we have open carry in all fifty states, and NO STEENKIN" PERMITS!

Sorry for the long winded rant,



Regular Member
Jun 15, 2006
Moscow, ID
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TrueBrit, you're absolutely right, as far as I'm concerned. It's just like we need permits to travel, buy smokes, whatever. We've come a long way in the wrong direction. I wonder if we'll ever be able to go back..


Regular Member
May 10, 2006
Houston, Texas, USA
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TrueBrit wrote:
Kentucky has it halfway right, in that no permit is needed to open carry. I believe that our KC3 group is looking into concealed carry without permits, working on the presumption of innocence theory, lack of intent etc. How this will go, hard to say.
If Kentucky got Alaska-style CC, it would definitely move up on my list of states where I could settle some day (not that it isn't already way up there).

Of course, you still have that socialist neighbor to the north (Illinois). You think we could give them (or at least just Chicago) to Canada?