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Open Carry in Topeka


New member
Oct 24, 2007
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I recently sent an email to the city attorney for Topeka, Ks Brenden Long asking if he could inform me of the laws/statutes regarding open carry within the city of Topeka. He told me that the laws within the city of Topeka essentially mirror those of the State, specifically referencing KSA 21-4201 which makes no mention of open carry, only concealed carry, and 75-7c10 through 75-7c12. Those all relate to conceal carry from prohibited places in 75-7c10, and 75-7c11 covers making an allowance for LEOs to carry their weapons there, and 75-7c12 is the section covering revokation of CCP.

He refenced that the city ordinances could be found in the 2006 Uniform Public Offense Code (UPOC) City Code Section 54-8 Sections 10.1 through 10.13 I have not yet had the opportunity to contact the City Clerk at 368-3940.

However, if as he says it mirrors state law then open carry would be perfectly legal within the city limits. Does anyone else have any clarification for me?


State Researcher
Jan 8, 2007
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I did a brief search of the Topeka ordinances and could not find anything that restricted the carry of firearms. Goto www.municode.com, and in the online library select your state and city. There you can use the search function to look for any references to firearms, handguns, etc. IANAL, but it seems that there should be no problems in Topeka, KS.


New member
Oct 24, 2007
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Yea, I checked at municode.com before emailing the city attorney. In the next couple days I will speak with the city clerk to get copies of those ordinances which were mentioned. I only created the thread because I have seen a couple of other threads mentioning that open carry is restricted within Topeka. I was hoping that one of the people who had researched previously might be able to provide some insight


Regular Member
Jul 18, 2006
Northern VA
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I was born in Topeka, and still have family there. I'm VERY interested to hear your final results. I do not have a CHP that KS recognizes so I'd love to OC there while I'm home from time to time.

Edit: I noticed Topeka has repealed some of it's weapons codes to conform to state preepmtion law? The codes were repealed in Feb 2007. Perhaps Topeka is on the ball?


New member
Oct 24, 2007
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That's what I'm thinking, but by monday I should have more information. I am mostly interested because I'm tired of having to keep it under my seat.