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Open carry issues from Morehead City to Deals Gap


New member
Mar 9, 2009
, ,
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I am taking a motorcycle trip from Morehead City out on 40 to 74 into Bryson City. I will be staying there and then taking 74 down to 129 and riding Deals Gap into TN and the roads around there. I am confused about where I can and cant carry in that area. Am I restricted from carrying while on the main roads if they go through a national park? What about Concealed Carry? Any help would be appreciated.


Regular Member
Jan 29, 2009
Hickory, NC, ,
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Those roads do not go through any national parks. Be aware of the Blue Ridge Parkway and 441 from Cherokee to Gatlinburg, they are in National parks. The "road to nowhere" out of Bryson also goes into the park. If you go into the park, unload the firearm and lock it up, preferably out of reach. If you go into a part of the park there will be a large sign announcing you are entering the park. Enjoy the trip, It's a beautiful area to visit, I used to live in Sylva.

If you get into Nantahala Gorge stop and eat at Rivers End restaurant at the Nantahala Outdoor Center. Be warned they do serve alcohol and it is a hippie hang out. But great food.

Watch out for that dragon, I hear she bites occasionally! :lol:


Regular Member
Jan 29, 2009
Hickory, NC, ,
imported post

Myrighttocarry wrote:
Is that the food stand thats right off the river jason?

The food stand at NOC is on the far side of the river. I hear it's good too. Rivers End is the restaurant that is directly beside NOC next to the road. Between NOC and the big concrete commercial boat take-out. Love that place! Great cheeseburgers and their Sherpa Rice is awesome!