• We are now running on a new, and hopefully much-improved, server. In addition we are also on new forum software. Any move entails a lot of technical details and I suspect we will encounter a few issues as the new server goes live. Please be patient with us. It will be worth it! :) Please help by posting all issues here.
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OT First new topic in new Michigan forum


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2009
Kent Co, Michigan, USA
I really like vBulletin on every other forum I'm on, but I don't like how white this is, hard to read, and figure out who is typing what. Eh, we'll see how it goes.

I do not enjoy the lack of dancing banana.


Regular Member
Mar 4, 2010
South Haven, Michigan, USA
Um, why I no have smileys? :mad:

It worked down here, but not up there^ ?

Go to "settings" click on "General settings" on the left side of the page and then scroll down to miscellaneous options, click the "Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing" button then scroll to the bottom of the page and click "save settings".

that should give you the full interface with all the emoticons and text options.

ETA. oops... didn't see fozzy71's post above.


Campaign Veteran
Apr 21, 2010
Taylor, Wayne County, Michigan, USA
QCB expert against a G17 loaded with corbons & 33 rd mag

Wait a sec, it's saying that hand to hand combat is better than a 9mm..?

Do we have a facepalm emoticon yet? :lol:

Uh ...I think as long as there is more than 6ft between us he's not gonna look too good with multiple holes in him?
Now inside 6ft things get much more difficult but I would still bet on the G17 fellow if he has 1/2 a brain.