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Out of The Mouths of Babes

John Pierce

Staff member
May 5, 2006
imported post

This is another article that I wrote a few years ago for the VCDL Defender newsletter. I just thought I would share it with the forum.


[align=center]I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. - J.R.R.Tolkien

[/align] On Monday, June 9[sup]th[/sup], in San Jose California, a 9-year-old girl was kidnapped and sexually assaulted. During the kidnapping, her mother and brother were severely beaten in an unsuccessful effort to protect her. Thankfully, she was eventually released and is now back with her family.

Even though CNN has been running the story non-stop for the last few days, by the time this is printed, the incident will, at best, be only a dim memory to most of you. However, you can rest assured that those affected by this horror will never forget it.

I bring this up because it was this incident that was the catalyst for this article. My wife and I had been watching CNN’s coverage without considering the young eyes and ears that were in the same room when suddenly we realized that our daughter was listening intently. At 7, my daughter doesn’t really understand what sexual assault means, but she does know what kidnapping means and she could tell that something really bad had happened to the little girl by my wife’s reaction.

When they showed the mother with a massively bruised and swollen face describing her attempt to stop the kidnapping, my daughter turned to me and asked “Daddy … why didn’t she just use her gun to stop the bad man?” Coming from a child who has, literally, never seen her parents without guns on, this is a perfectly understandable question.

She knows, of course, that not all the people she meets openly carry firearms, but I guess she had just assumed that they still had them close at hand. When I told her that some parents didn’t carry guns at all and that the mother had tried with all her strength to stop the attacker but couldn’t, she became absolutely terrified.

She had never considered the idea that a child could be with their parents and still be helpless. She was suddenly faced with the horrible thought that, even in her own home and surrounded by those she trusts to protect her, she might not be safe. It truly broke my heart to see her standing there with doubt and fear on her face and her small arms wrapped around herself protectively as a little bit of the innocence of childhood was stripped away.

The rest of that day, she questioned me and my wife over-and-over again about whether or not such a thing could ever happen to her. We explained to her that protecting her and our son was one of the most important reasons that we chose to carry self-defense firearms and that we would strive to always be able to defend and protect them.

Thankfully, in the way of children everywhere, her fears were largely forgotten by the next day. But I found myself thinking about what she had asked. What if the mother in this case had been armed? While a firearm is no absolute guarantee of safety, it would have given a tremendous advantage to a mother whose courage and willingness to fight for her children cannot be questioned. I cannot help but believe that if she had been properly armed, she would have prevailed instead of being forced to watch bleeding and helpless as her child was dragged away by a predator.

The more that I thought about this, the angrier I became. I cannot speak for this mother specifically, but I do know that there are literally thousands of families that have chosen not to have self-defense firearms in their homes because of the lies and deceptions of the gun control movement. This incident should serve as a grim reminder that you can count on no one but yourself to defend your family.

The oft-repeated motto of the police is “To Protect and Serve”, but this is misleading. I have immense respect for law enforcement and have no doubt that, if they could, they would stand between us and any danger. But, they cannot. They are not omniscient. They do not know where or when the predators will attack. They can only find and hopefully punish them after the fact.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I personally refuse to face one of my children who has been forced to endure such an ordeal and offer them this hollow consolation. “It’s ok honey. The police have caught the bad man. Now, we just have to go to court and see him again and then tell exactly what he did to you in great detail while the defense attorney twists your words and mocks your tears.

The anti-self-defense crowd are right about one thing though. Children’s lives are special and it is a parent’s responsibility to protect their children. Children depend upon their parents to be their guardians and protectors in an uncertain and often harsh world. After all, is this not the very essence of what it means to be a parent?

Sadly, those who oppose us have forgotten one simple fact. Those who are defenseless themselves can never hope to be the protector of their children.


Regular Member
May 20, 2006
Mesilla/Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA
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Great post jpierce!
Another obvious advantage of bring armed is that another person can defend another persons life as well. There are many instances where crimes of rape, armed robbery and kidnapping have been prevented by lawfully armed bystanders or neighbors comming to the aid of an intended victim of a felonious crime.
One thing you will never see on CNN or even FOX for that matter, is the news reporter interviewing people like Susanna Hupp or Clint Smith or Gila Hayes. People who can effectively communicate the need for an armed citizenery. These people have the power to share stories and the need to be armed and trained. This is when closed minds start to open.
Get them in the heat of the passion created by such an incident. The other side uses this method on us all the time to create laws that restrict our right to self defense.


Regular Member
May 26, 2006
, Tennessee, USA
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I second TaosGlock. That was en excellent post jpierce. This event shows children are more at risk when there are no guns, but the grabbers refuse to recognize this fact.


New member
Jun 14, 2006
, ,
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Great post...I'm going to frame it on my wall as a reminder of why I carry. You da man!

John Pierce

Staff member
May 5, 2006
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Thank you all for your kind words.

My greatest hope is that someone who otherwise would not have been carrying might see this and get the training and tools they need to defend themselves and their family. As the anti's often say, if it saves even one life ...


Regular Member
Jun 15, 2006
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
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I arrived home from work not too long ago when my 8-year Cub Scout son was playing at the top of the stairs with his buddy John, who visits from time to time.

As I walked by, John turned to my son and said matter-of-factly: "Your dad has a GUN". My boy just kept on playing without bothering to look up and said simply 'Yeah, he does that to keep us safe'. Without another word, both boys resumed playing and just went on having fun.

John Pierce

Staff member
May 5, 2006
imported post

EagleFiveZero wrote:
I arrived home from work not too long ago when my 8-year Cub Scout son was playing at the top of the stairs with his buddy John, who visits from time to time.

As I walked by, John turned to my son and said matter-of-factly: "Your dad has a GUN". My boy just kept on playing without bothering to look up and said simply 'Yeah, he does that to keep us safe'. Without another word, both boys resumed playing and just went on having fun.
You have made a positive permanent mark on how that young man perceives guns :exclaim:

That is exactly why I feel that open carry is so important. It returns huge dividends in positive public image and education of all generations.

Thanks for being part of the solution!


Regular Member
Jun 17, 2006
San Antonio, TX, ,
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Excellent post Mr. Pierce. I copied this to give to my wife. While not opposed to guns and shooting, she is still on the fence with regards to carrying a firearm. I have been working this since the birth of our first child back in January. It's post like these that, I feel, will help her understand why I am so adamant about carrying a firearm at ALL times.




Regular Member
Jun 12, 2006
Bristol, Virginia, USA
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I would also like to echo the appreciation for this posting!

Like panic 215, I am in the process of educating my wife andgetting her comfortable with guns in the hope that one day she will start to carry. My motivation is also protecting our family. I have to walk a thin line between providing evidence of the need for her to protect herself and focusing on a part of reality that she would prefer to ignore!

I discuss relevant news with her, and I have told her that I would like her to get her Concealed Weapons Permit. Even if she chooses to not carry, I would like her to have the training and have the permit already in case something happened and she wanted to start. I am optimistic that education and logic will prevail! -Opie


Regular Member
Jun 17, 2006
San Antonio, TX, ,
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To date.... I'm still working on my wife. I'm hoping to take her to the Gun Show, here in San Antonio, next week. Maybe she'll find something that she likes and wouldn't mind carrying. Cross your fingers guys.




Regular Member
Jun 17, 2006
Mechanicsville, Virginia, USA
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I cant wait until my wife gets her XD-9 out of lay-away so that I can shoot it, oops I meant to say, so we could carry together.:p

By the way great post jpierce!

Mentioning you child's reaction got me to thinking about my kids and their attitude towards guns. I am not sure if it is the times or if I have failed to properly instruct them, but their attitude is nothing like mine at their age. If my dad was going to shoot I couldn't get ready fast enough, I loved it. But my kids show no interest, I can kind of understand my oldest being that way after her Grand Father accidentally shot her in the toe with my pellet gun (that sucked, and a lesson for the whole family on safety). But even the other two have no desire to shoot at all. I have instructed them in safe handling and firing of weapons, and they see me armed all the time. I hope I have not raised future antis, and don't want to forceshooting down their throats.


State Researcher
Oct 20, 2006
Ocean Shores, WA
imported post

EagleFiveZero wrote:
I arrived home from work not too long ago when my 8-year Cub Scout son was playing at the top of the stairs with his buddy John, who visits from time to time.

As I walked by, John turned to my son and said matter-of-factly: "Your dad has a GUN". My boy just kept on playing without bothering to look up and said simply 'Yeah, he does that to keep us safe'. Without another word, both boys resumed playing and just went on having fun.

I was open carrying while visiting some friends. I heard after the fact that their 5 year old son asked my 5 year old daughter "why is you Dad wearing a gun?" Her response? "Because he can." :D

Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6
