When I OPd about him being a hunter, I wasn't talking about his views on gun rights. I was merely pointing out a quality about the man that I like. While some people frown on hunting, it is a quality that helps me form an opinion about somebody else. A lot of people that don't hunt, don't understand, and I don't want to argue with all of the anti-hunters. IMO, people that hunt have a sense of responsibility, tradition, ethics, respect for others property, etc. that some other people might not have. ( not saying that others don't, just that hunters do. Of course there are the slobs in the midst just like there are in any other group ) As a whole, we respect others, our kids don't play with guns, they're taught to respect them, we hold dear, the tradition and values handed down by others. Hunters learn patience. It's not just going out and killing something. They wake up early, they endure the weather, they practice, commit themselves to something that is not always easy. They provide for their family. Animals aren't always at the disadvantage, they have skills that give them the upper hand more times than not. We respect the animal more than most. An animal in the slaughter house has no chance, an animal in the wild has many. Their senses are incredible. If my daughters are going to date a guy, being a hunter would just buy him some points with me. It's just one aspect of finding out about a person. There are other aspects also. Hunting is just one.