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Paul Ryan is a hunter!


Regular Member
Mar 29, 2011
N.W. Pa.
I've always liked Paul Ryan. I heard that he is a hunter and comes from a hunting family. I also heard that he even cuts up ( processes, for the squeamish) his own deer. He's okay in my book. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Jack House

Regular Member
Jun 12, 2010
I80, USA
Just another cog in the machine dividing the country into bite sized pieces for the conquer.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
I've always liked Paul Ryan. I heard that he is a hunter and comes from a hunting family. I also heard that he even cuts up ( processes, for the squeamish) his own deer. He's okay in my book. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

BFD. He's a hunter. So is every Fudd country-club Republican voting for "reasonable restrictions" on gun rights.

Ron Paul doesn't hunt. He doesn't even own a gun. Which one would you trust more to support gun rights?


Regular Member
Mar 29, 2011
N.W. Pa.
Being a hunter just tells me a little more about the person. I don't know, I like some of Ron Paul's ideas, he just seems a little left of level to me. You know, like one of those old guys that wanders out of the yard and down the road in his underwear. Don't get me wrong, I think he's a good guy. I just have a feeling that he wouldn't make it four years without a balloon animal being able to occupy him for an hour or so. That being said, I'm ready for all of the RP people's arrows to start coming my way. I know he has a hard core following. That's a good thing too. I also think that there's been tons of arguments already posted about why RP is the man. We have what, seventy some days until the election. If you're gonna change people's minds, you're gonna need a way bigger stage than this to do it. Have a good day!


Campaign Veteran
Dec 21, 2009
Ron Paul doesn't hunt. He doesn't even own a gun. Which one would you trust more to support gun rights?

Are you implying that Ron Paul would be bad for gun rights because he doesn't own a gun or hunt?

like one of those old guys that wanders out of the yard and down the road in his underwear.

The man has spent 30 years as probably the only one in government standing up for personal liberties, freedom, and small government - this gets him compared to an old guy that wanders out of the yard and down the road in his underwear. FML it's a sad day in 2012.


Regular Member
Apr 12, 2012
Are you implying that Ron Paul would be bad for gun rights because he doesn't own a gun or hunt?

The man has spent 30 years as probably the only one in government standing up for personal liberties, freedom, and small government - this gets him compared to an old guy that wanders out of the yard and down the road in his underwear. FML it's a sad day in 2012.

Ron Paul is awesome. But he's not the only small government guy out there. Check out what Johnson did as governor of NM. Everything right basically.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
To All Readers:

Please let me give you a tiny piece of advice that has served me well for several years now.

If a politician is telling you something, he's lying. If he's not lying, he's spinning. If he's not spinning, he's leaving out something really, really important. Just sit tight for a little while and it will come to light somewhere. Or, even better, go looking for it yourself. Never accept any information from any politician at face value.

You can probably count on one hand the number of politicians to whom this does not apply.

In recent days, I have come across information that Paul Ryan voted for the NDAA (president can kill US citizens without trial) and the bank bailouts among other big-government items.
Last edited:

Ca Patriot

Regular Member
Feb 25, 2010
, ,
Romney - Ryan is better than Obama - Biden.

In life you rarely get opportunites to choose the PEFECT scenario.

Therefore, you choose the BETTER and work towards the PERFECT.

Vote for Romney - Ryan but work in your local districts to elect libertarians to congress and state assemblys.

Wisdom teaches us to take small steps forward instead of giant leaps backwards.


Regular Member
Dec 14, 2009
In My Coffee
Romney - Ryan is better than Obama - Biden.

In life you rarely get opportunites to choose the PEFECT scenario.

Therefore, you choose the BETTER and work towards the PERFECT.

Vote for Romney - Ryan but work in your local districts to elect libertarians to congress and state assemblys.

Wisdom teaches us to take small steps forward instead of giant leaps backwards.

I see where your thinking is flawed: Aspiring to Perfection. There is no Truth, and definitely no Perfection. Glad to have helped:banana:

Jack House

Regular Member
Jun 12, 2010
I80, USA
Are you implying that Ron Paul would be bad for gun rights because he doesn't own a gun or hunt?
He's implying that being a hunter means jack crap.

Romney - Ryan is better than Obama - Biden.

In life you rarely get opportunites to choose the PEFECT scenario.

Therefore, you choose the BETTER and work towards the PERFECT.

Vote for Romney - Ryan but work in your local districts to elect libertarians to congress and state assemblys.

Wisdom teaches us to take small steps forward instead of giant leaps backwards.
Oromney is no different, nor better, than Robama.


Regular Member
Mar 29, 2011
N.W. Pa.
The man has spent 30 years as probably the only one in government standing up for personal liberties, freedom, and small government - this gets him compared to an old guy that wanders out of the yard and down the road in his underwear. FML it's a sad day in 2012.

Not taking anything from the man. I actually have a lot of respect for him. As I said, I like a lot of his views. I think Ronald Reagan was among the greatest presidents we've ever had (if not THE greatest), but sadly there is a time when people are not able to perform as they once did. Sometimes, they should just bow out gracefully and let their accomplishments stand for themselves. Anyway, like it or not, November will be between two people. We may not like our choices, but that is the choice we have. Voting for somebody else is fine. Like I said, all the arguments have been made. In a short time, we will be saying President Romney or President, well, you know.


Regular Member
Nov 15, 2010
Seattle, WA; escaped from 18 years in TX
It is my opinion that hjmoosejaw doesn't actually give a crap about gun rights, per se. Rather, he likes guns and wants to be able to use and carry them, so anything that furthers his desires he "supports", and if that happens to be the second amendment, so be it. Similarly, a politician who shares hobbies with him he "supports", because that politician is more likely to protect the things he likes. There is no principle involved, merely surface self-interest. Don't expect him to defend any of his views with any justification more compelling than, "*shrug* That's just what I think."


Campaign Veteran
Dec 21, 2009
Therefore, you choose the BETTER and work towards the PERFECT.

AIDS or terminal cancer. YOU GOTTA PICK ONE LOL.

no. I'm not voting for either when I can throw my support behind a liberty minded candidate. You can vote for Romney or Obama, either way the country will go to **** and you can smile and say you supported it. I will vote for Ron Paul, he won't get elected, the country will STILL go to ****, and I can know at least I didn't support it.


Regular Member
Nov 15, 2010
Seattle, WA; escaped from 18 years in TX
Not taking anything from the man. I actually have a lot of respect for him.

No, you very clearly don't. You've dismissed him, at various times, as a kook, a fool, a nutcase, and now as a doddering, mindless old man. You have no respect for him. You simply feel compelled to claim that you do because you've been called on your puerile blathering and you feel the need to back-pedal amongst people who hold principles that you only pretend to share.


Regular Member
Mar 29, 2011
N.W. Pa.
He's implying that being a hunter means jack crap.

When I OPd about him being a hunter, I wasn't talking about his views on gun rights. I was merely pointing out a quality about the man that I like. While some people frown on hunting, it is a quality that helps me form an opinion about somebody else. A lot of people that don't hunt, don't understand, and I don't want to argue with all of the anti-hunters. IMO, people that hunt have a sense of responsibility, tradition, ethics, respect for others property, etc. that some other people might not have. ( not saying that others don't, just that hunters do. Of course there are the slobs in the midst just like there are in any other group ) As a whole, we respect others, our kids don't play with guns, they're taught to respect them, we hold dear, the tradition and values handed down by others. Hunters learn patience. It's not just going out and killing something. They wake up early, they endure the weather, they practice, commit themselves to something that is not always easy. They provide for their family. Animals aren't always at the disadvantage, they have skills that give them the upper hand more times than not. We respect the animal more than most. An animal in the slaughter house has no chance, an animal in the wild has many. Their senses are incredible. If my daughters are going to date a guy, being a hunter would just buy him some points with me. It's just one aspect of finding out about a person. There are other aspects also. Hunting is just one.

Ca Patriot

Regular Member
Feb 25, 2010
, ,
Just so you guys know, Ruth Ginsburg is almost 90 yrs old and she has had cancer twice. Do you think she will live for more than 4 years ?

Who would you rather have nominate the next supreme court justice, Romney or Obama ?


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
When I OPd about him being a hunter, I wasn't talking about his views on gun rights. I was merely pointing out a quality about the man that I like. While some people frown on hunting, it is a quality that helps me form an opinion about somebody else. A lot of people that don't hunt, don't understand, and I don't want to argue with all of the anti-hunters. IMO, people that hunt have a sense of responsibility, tradition, ethics, respect for others property, etc. that some other people might not have. ( not saying that others don't, just that hunters do. Of course there are the slobs in the midst just like there are in any other group ) As a whole, we respect others, our kids don't play with guns, they're taught to respect them, we hold dear, the tradition and values handed down by others. Hunters learn patience. It's not just going out and killing something. They wake up early, they endure the weather, they practice, commit themselves to something that is not always easy. They provide for their family. Animals aren't always at the disadvantage, they have skills that give them the upper hand more times than not. We respect the animal more than most. An animal in the slaughter house has no chance, an animal in the wild has many. Their senses are incredible. If my daughters are going to date a guy, being a hunter would just buy him some points with me. It's just one aspect of finding out about a person. There are other aspects also. Hunting is just one.

Do you also like his support for extra-judicial killings (support for the NDAA)?

How about his support for the biggest banks who cratered the economy (bailouts: Goldman Sachs, Citibank, Bank of America)?

How about (insert big-government item here)?

Ryan is an insider, more interested in power and his career. He'll sell a piece of your rights to the first rent-seeker* for a vote without blinking an eye. He'll only take just long enough to figure out a way to make it seem palatable to you, then he'll shake hands with the rent-seeker.

*A rent-seeker is someone who seeks advantage from government. For example, a group of bankers get together and lobby congress for a bill that takes coining money out of the hands of congress and into the hands of bankers. Or, when Kaiser-Permanente lobbied for certain self-serving provisions in Obama-care. Or, when the NRA wanted to exempt themselves, but not the rest of the gun world a few years ago. Rent-seekers = lobbyists.