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Peace Activist, who claims to be a gun owner, declares Open Carry is bad


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2007
Richmond, Virginia, USA
It seems a commentator at Style Weekly does not approve of Open Carry, because it makes others feel nervous and unsafe. And this is from a Peace Activist who claims to be a gun owner.

How Safe is a Public Space When Some of Us Feel Nervous Around Open-Carry Weapons?
Why allow people to carry deadly weapons at a politically-charged demonstration? For that matter, how wise is it to allow people to walk around town openly carrying weapons under any circumstances?

I'm a gun owner myself. But I don't want to shop in a mall, a supermarket or convenience store while other patrons are walking around armed.

[F]inally, local government leaders should have the right to protect their own safety, and the safety of their constituents. City councils and supervisors should debate and pass ordinances that prohibit residents from carrying weapons in public buildings, or at the very least in council chambers.

Would such legislation violate current state law? Does the state really require city council members to allow people into their meetings armed with lethal weapons? Let's find out. Pass the ordinance, and then let the Commonwealth or Second Amendment advocates take the city or county government to court.

Second Amendment advocates want to protect their families, their property and their communities. And they, too, want to be able to exercise their First Amendment freedom of expression. I want to be able to shop, participate in a demonstration or attend a city council meeting without worrying that a gunfight will break out.

This is Paul Fleisher:
Conflict is an unavoidable part of life. So it’s important for each of us to develop skills to help resolve disagreements nonviolently. Probably the most important thing we can do is to listen ..

He is director of the Richmond Peace Education Center - building just, inclusive and nonviolent communities through education and action

His "Let's find out" remark suggest the rule of law is too inconvenient when facts get in the way. And he's an ex-teacher.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Sounds like a OC peace walk is needed outside the Peace Education Center.

Local OC advocates need to ask this fella, face to face, how he plans to resolve the conflict that naturally comes with a thug committing a crime against him. Also, does he prefer a cell phone or a handgun when seconds matter.

Ask him if he knows what a FUDD is...and does he consider himself one.


Regular Member
Dec 21, 2010
I call them 'Butt gun owners'..... as in: 'I support the Second Amendment, BUT......' :banghead:

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
In Charlottesville, one person died and dozens were injured. But we were fortunate the event didn't end in a mass shooting. A firecracker or an automobile's backfiring could have been enough to set off a fusillade that might have left dozens dead or wounded. Especially after the recent horror in Las Vegas, it seems more important than ever to prevent future occurrences of this kind of armed rally.
The sky is falling.......Where did I hear that before??????


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
The sky is falling.......Where did I hear that before??????

OMG, does that mean no fireworks for Fete du Canada, or Fete nationale, or RSA's 27th of April festivities, or during sporting events, or horrors during Pride festival(s) across this great Union?